Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

What to do When it all Gets to be Too Much: Switch Off The Day

The times are overwhelming.  It’s as if everyone is “always on”.  I find that when I’m always connected, things can quit working.  When I’m always connected, I find myself staring at screens, answering every door bell and phone ring.

When things quit working, one of the most effective  things I do is switch everything off.  This includes me.  I switch off – both physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

I turn off electronic devices.  The phone goes off.  The computer shuts down.  The TV is off.  I turn off all the lights.

And, you know what?  almost everything works better after I’ve unplugged it for a few minutes.  And, that includes me.

And, then, I get in my most comfortable chair and  give myself a Reiki therapy session.

I begin the session with the symbols and three hand positions to my head.  My intention is to relax so that I won’t be so fatigued and overwhelmed.

Now…I know that switching everything off can be difficult.  In some cases, it’s impossible. I also know that there comes a time when saying “no” is not selfish.

An important lesson I had to learn as an adult is that when everybody is getting oxygen masks, we sometimes each need to get our own oxygen mask first so we can make sure everyone else is being properly cared for.

So, becoming comfortable with “no” and “off” is something that I had to learn in life.

A life lesson I had to learn was that some people stress me out.  Learning to recognize  stressor people and situations was (is) important.  Once stressors are are recognized, it is easy to avoid them.

Life is more pleasant, less complicated,  and easier when stressors are recognized and minimized.

Reiki sessions help.  Both Reiki and reflexology promote relaxation and a more positive outlook.

Emergency Reiki sessions are a dramatic improvement.  They work even better when they are a supplement to regularly scheduled Reiki therapy sessions.

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If you who have friends and relatives who might enjoy this post, please share  it to your  favorite social media network and to your friends and relatives.

For more info, check out my books at  every title is available in hard copy and ebook with the exception of the first edition of “But for Gabriel”   This book is available as an ebook only until December.

PLEASE don’t forget to schedule regular Reiki therapy and reflexology sessions.

Please check out the YOUTUBE channel show.  New episodes are released on Tuesdays.  “Let’s Live with Thurman Greco” is a positive, entertaining series of interviews which I’ve conducted throughout the last 15 or so years.  There have been a few intermissions along the way, but not many.

My guests enjoy being on the show and many ask to return.  One thing they all have in common:  we’ve all met each other somehow in Woodstock, NY

Join us soon!

And, let us know how you like the shows.

What do You Want to Manifest? Five Tips for Success


Several days ago, I researched a special gift for a colleague.  What I was looking for was for the perfect gift.  I considered a Snowflake.  She would really enjoy a snowflake!  Where was I going to find a snowflake, of all things?

I put this thought aside.

Then, guess what.  Three days later, a snowflake catalogue landed in my mailbox!  The perfect gift appeared on page 3.  I had a choice of a charm, a pendant, an ornament, or a pin.  The prices were right.  Whichever one I chose, she was going to be delighted.

For me, this was not a coincidence.  Spiritually, I participated in this mailbox event.

We all have these experiences. The trick is to recognize them for what they are.  But, you can have these special coincidences and also have challenges with other manifestations.

There is a difference between manifesting a picture in a catalogue and manifesting a something else such as a new car, house, or a dream job.

MANIFESTING on all levels begins when you clarify what is important for you.  Once you define your values and what is precious to you, manifesting what you need is going to be easier.

The bottom line:  WHY DO YOU DO WHAT YOU DO?

What do YOU think is important?  Clearly know what is important to you – not what your mother or your friends or your boss or your social media friends think is important.

What do I want…really?  What do I yearn for spiritually?  Emotionally, what do I want to experience?

Dream about the world you want to create and live in.  This world that you are dreaming of:

Is it responsive –

Do positive relationships matter –

How does cooperation fit into your life –

Does support reach out in vulnerable situations and places –

Is there a reverence for the sacred –

Now, envision what this world is to you.  What are you going to do to create this world?

What are you passionate about?


Define the person or persons you are concerned about.  How will they fit in your manifested scenario?  How do they define the situation you are focusing on?

Focus on the situation.  Are you passionate about a physical space (a building perhaps) or an energetic situation (leadership or healing)?


Know your goals.  Do you need to sell your home?  Do you need a better job in a new city?  Do you need to retrain yourself for the future?


What is your manifesting outcome?  (A suggestion here – write this down.)

A journal is the perfect tool to bring with you on your manifestation journey.   As you write in your journal daily, you have the opportunity to unlock information and secrets to help guide you to your goals.  Your entries can give you information about possible challenges.  You may discover concerns hiding just beneath the secret of your consciousness.

Reviewing your journal in later readings, you may find that your future is not predetermined.  Over the months, what you find in your journal reveals things that can change your attitudes, behaviors, and how you respond to events.

Your future can improve your insights and options in ways that work best for you.


What is your promise?  (What do you have invested in your goal? What are you prepared to do to make your promise a reality? How do you visualize achieving your goals?)


How is your gratitude circle developing? Gratitude is more powerful than fear, worry, anger and anxiety.  Gratitude is where you tap into your abundance.  Developing your gratitude circle taps you into your unlimited options.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – — – – – – – – – – – – – – — – – – – – – – – – – – –

When you are in a manifesting mode, nurturing is helpful.  By that, I mean   nurture yourself, your goals, and your concerns.

Maybe things need a REBALANCE.  When it comes to money and finances, seek fair, sensible, and practical solutions focusing on comfort and confidence while caring for others and your surroundings. You want the money you distribute to produce tangible results.

SELF-CARE is a deeply personal process you use to regain physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual balance.  Self-care facilitates rebalance.

MEDITATIONS can help you reach your goals.  Try an 8-week series of daily meditations for 10-15 minutes each.  You may want to read a guided meditation daily.  For years, I’ve relied on a set of three meditation books by Larry Moen.  They are still available on Amazon:  “Meditations for Awakening, Meditations for Transformation, Meditations for Healing”

Or you may want to create your own guided meditation.

Finally, you may prefer to focus a few minutes daily on your breath and breathing as you reach calm.

Whatever path you choose for your meditations, daily focus helps you.  Don’t get bogged down with rules.  Just remember:  minds like to wander.  It’s okay.  Also, trust your inner wisdom to get you there.

Use your senses to see your dreams and goals coming to life.  You’ll play a mental movie where you are the director.  As you mentally enact your dreams, you will make them a reality.

Finally, TAKE ACTION.  This is a weekly event where you do something each week to help you progress toward your goal.

Whenever you can, include reflexology or Reiki therapy sessions in your weekly progress.  Every session helps!

Please subscribe to “Let’s Live with Thurman Greco” on YOUTUBE.

This story is still a work in progress.  I hope you get a chance to share it with me

someday.  I plan to read it on “Let’s Live with Thurman Greco” in December.

This book is now available!  You can order it on

Thanks for reading this article!  Please forward it to your favorite friends and relatives.  Share it with your preferred social media network.

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Your Crown Chakra Meditation

A crown chakra meditation is a good place for physical and spiritual healing.  This is where you encounter unconditional love.  You also channel wisdom and inspirational gifts of spirit guides and angelic beings.

Find a quiet, safe space for this meditation.

Begin by getting comfortable.  Sit, or lie down as you breathe slowly, evenly, and deeply to energize your crown chakra.

When you exhale, you release anger, fear, loss, negativity, and any other toxins.

Beginning with your first chakra, check in with each one as you greet it.

Now move up to your other chakras.  Touch or tap each chakra gently with your fingertips and note what sound or image you experience at each one.

You may or may not experience sounds, touch, smells.

You may want to record a word or two in a journal as you journey up your chakra path.

Arriving at your crown chakra, focus on where you are for a few minutes. Touch or tap your crown chakra as you focus on the center of your head.   What sensations do you feel?   Do you find a message here today?

You don’t have to feel, see, hear, or smell anything.  This is especially true if this is your first crown chakra meditation.  Whatever you experience, don’t worry.

Breathe into your crown chakra now.  Your mind is quiet.  Accept this moment as the blessing it is.   Take a few more crown chakra breaths to receive any feedback which may come to you as word, sound, song, image, color, feeling, intuitive message, awareness.

Your feedback may come to you at the moment, or later in the day or even a few days later.  Don’t try to rush things.

As your crown chakra meditation comes to an end, slowly move your body.  Bring yourself to your space gently and calmly.

Return to this meditation any time you want to communicate with your chakras.

Thank your chakras for this experience.


Thank you for reading this meditation today.  Please share it with your favorite social media network.  Please forward it to your friends and family.

More chakra information is available in “A Healer’s Handbook.”

There is also more chakra information available at “Let’s Live with Thurman Greco – YOUTUBE”

You can find out more at


Your Crown Chakra


When you connect with your spiritual center – your Divinity – you activate your crown chakra.  Likewise, when you feel a connection to the Divine, your crown chakra is open.

That’s what it’s all about.

I believe we are spiritual beings having a physical experience.  As such, I feel we spend time and energy throughout our lives longing for a return to the Divine.

This is where we remember who we are.

The crown chakra is linked to your endocrine system, an important thing to know

because a balanced endocrine system supports your chakra system.

When you are connected with your crown chakra, you should experience an ease

and flow in your daily life.

Are you trying to deepen your connection to the divine through your crown chakra?

A good thing to do is to construct an altar.

Begin with a vessel of clear water to represent mercy and healing energy.

You may want to select a goddess to teach you.  When I first began my search,

Kwan Yin introduced herself to me.  Kwan Yin has served me well.  I love her

story.  I love her energy.

You may want to select herbs for your altar.  You may already have an

attachment to some specific herbs.  If not, try to find some herbs that will support

your capacity to grow, align you to the energies you seek.

When you feel motivated, add 1 or 2 crown chakra gemstones.  Again, you may

already be using amethyst or selenite or some other gemstone.  It’s nice to

already have items for your altar which you know and understand.  I found

Herkimer diamonds before I really understood their connection to any chakra.

As time passes, you’ll find essential oils, crystals, and yoga postures to help you

connect with your crown chakra.  They wait for you along your path.

Crown chakra meditations are important.  I’ll post one on my next blog post.

Meditation calms the chatter and allows your mind to stay focused.

For me, regular Reiki therapy, reflexology, or other healing sessions can be part

of your spiritual practice.  Different people are drawn to different healing

techniques.  The choice is large.  On your journey you may include yoga,

massage, dietary changes.

You may select a modality and then, after time, change to another one.  Time and

journey indicate different modalities.

Each chakra offers a different focus on our spiritual journey.  All of them work

together to enhance health, happiness, and harmony.

More information about chakras in general and your crown chakra in particular is available in “A Healer’s Handbook”.  You can order a copy of this book at

Thank you for reading this article.  Please forward it to your preferred social media network.  Share it with your friends and family.

More information about your crown chakra is located on early blog posts:

Discover more about Thurman at

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Thank you,

Thurman Greco