Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

At One With the Earth – a First Chakra Grounding Meditation

I was inspired to share this meditation after an experience when I deeply understood the interconnectedness of all beings.  My goal in this meditation is for us all to be closer to the oneness we have with this planet.

Sometimes we don’t feel the connection.  And, I realize that some people never experience this oneness.

Use this meditation to connect with your place of inner peace and grounding.


Get comfortable on the floor, healing table, or other flat space.  Position your body  face up.

Breathe slowly and deeply.  With each breath, your body  relaxes  more.

You feel a greater sense of awareness; experience a very peaceful feeling.

You are filling your body with a feeling of lightness.

When this happens,you know you can come out of this experience any time you want by simply opening your eyes.


Release  your conscious thoughts, letting go of  “mental activity.”  You are in this place at this moment.

You feel so light now that you can lift up off the floor.  You feel yourself  gently floating.

A carpet appears at your side.  It is just big enough to hold you.

When you climb on, this carpet gently lifts you up.  You gradually move up – up  through the ceiling.

Riding on your carpet, you move up,  above the trees and the skyline.

Glancing down,  you see the treetops appearing gradually smaller and smaller.

Stretching out on your carpet, you drift up – right through a cloud.

You feel warm sunshine on your entire body.   Your body absorbs a beautiful pale red light.

You look down at the earth now and see it as a ball of light.


Your carpet begins to slowly descend to the earth.  Passing  through a billowy cloud,  you see the skyline, now familiar from the trip up.  You see the tree tops.

You peacefully return to the place where you began your journey.

You are grounded, and calm.  You feel safe and secure.

Know that you can return to this space any time you desire.

Take a couple deep breaths and sit up.  Continue your day now – energized,

rejuvenated, and rested.  You feel more grounded and calm.

Go in peace!

Thank you for reading this meditation.


Please refer this article to your preferred social media network and share it with a friend.

Some information in this post was sourced from “Healer’s Handbook”.  Further information regarding chakras and meditations may be found in prior blog posts and on “Let’s Live with Thurman Greco” YOUTUBE presentations.

If you have further questions or remarks, I can be reached at


Now, Try a 1-Evening, Digital Detox


My last blog post focused on having a mild detox – actually, a limited detox.  It focused on receiving three extra reflexology sessions and cutting out the inevitable junk food which greets us every day.

Now, I’m inviting you to enjoy something you may not have even thought of – or even dreamed of – in a long, long time:

A digital detox event one evening every month.

Several years ago, I signed up for a detox vacation.  I enrolled in a 7-day, supervised, fast.  This vacation included drinking special juices during the day.

I also drank 2 broths each day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon.  This broth was a specially prepared soup of vegetables designed to rid my body of toxins.

Pure water was also part of the menu.  I drank glass after glass of glorious, pure water.

Between drinking juices, broths, and waters, we went on walks around the area.  Some of us practiced yoga daily.  Others of us received massages.  Yet others listened to live guitar concerts.

I don’t have to tell you that I loved this whole experience.  The juices, the waters, the walks…everything.

We did one thing that really wasn’t on the brochure.  Nobody even whispered about it.  WE SLOWED DOWN.

Stress simply was not part of the reality.

As I recall this experience, I feel the absence of stress was probably the single most important positive portion of this whole event.

As the toxins left our bodies, they took the stress with them.  When our bodies realized that they were on vacation too, other things  happened:

We laughed more.

Our kidneys relaxed.

Blood pressure began to slowly, gradually, lower for some of us.

Intestinal problems took short holidays.

People commented about brain responses becoming a bit faster.

Most of us lost a few pounds.

Since that fasting vacation years ago, I’ve sought ways to replicate this experience in smaller, more intimate events when the seasons change.

I felt then, have felt since, and still feel now, that it is easier to do a good thing for my body more often.  An ongoing detox can pamper my body in ways that an occasional week-long fast cannot.

So, now, one evening a month, I go all out for a digital detox.

I give my ears, my eyes, my brain, and my hands a break from phone calls, emails, social media pages.

heart with wings

At first, it felt a little weird.  But, now I know that a technical vacation is less a luxury than a necessity.

One evening a month I turn everything off:  TV, phone, tablet, laptop, and everything else eletronic in my home.  I close these things up and put them away.

Imagine:  no little blue light!

I sit down in a comfortable chair and enjoy the evening.  This is my time to meditate for a few extra moments, read a book, have a conversation with a loved one.

When this break is over, I’m refreshed, grounded, and feeling positive.

Guess what.  I know something that a lot of people don’t yet know.  There is more to my life than the small screen and the little blue light.

Now, I’m inviting you to do something you may not even have thought of – or even dreamed of – in a long, long time.

Turn off everything that has a little blue light.  Everything.  Just for one short evening.  Silence your phone, computer, tablet, TV, and every other distracting electronic thing in your space.

A short break from technology can refresh you, ground you, and remind you there is more to life than a message from a small screen.

Thanks for reading this article.  Please refer it to your preferred social media network.

Share it with your friends and relatives.


4 Times to Rely on Your Abdominal Brain: Know When to Go With Your Gut


Hello there, cerebral brain!  It’s me, your abdominal brain.  There are some important situations in life when we can work together.   Actually, we work together daily.

I send you information all the time.  I want you to know what happens in the abdomen where I live and work.

When I send red flags bubbling up, I hope you listen.

Example 1:

You are looking for a new job and may have an offer.

In this process, you sometimes when you need need more information.

You don’t have a job offer until you know the day you are expected to report to work, where you are expected to be on the start of your first work day, the name of the person you are to report to, and the amount of money you will be paid.

Can’t decide whether the job offer is for you?  List all the positives about the job.  Next, follow that list with a list of all the negatives.  If the positives outweigh the negatives, you can begin to feel good about your offer.

If you don’t…think about what your abdominal brain is trying to tell you.  Maybe, for the moment, you need to override your abdominal brain and use your head for a while.  Or, maybe you need to listen to your abdominal brain and learn from its wisdom.

Example 2:

When you can’t eat or sleep, your abdominal brain is talking to you.   Something isn’t sitting right for you.

You may have a stomach bug.

Or, you may also be hearing from your  abdominal brain.  What situation is causing physical stress?  Is your abdominal brain working with your intuition to tell you  it’s time to   deal with it.

What decision-making skills do you need to reduce this stress and  live a more comfortable life?  Your pros-and-cons list can help here.  You can also listen to your inner self which tells you what you need to know.

While you decide what to do, spend some time reducing your stress.  As you  lower your stress level, you may find yourself in a place where it’s easier to  listen to your inner voice and your abdominal brain wisdom.

When this happens, you make way for a path to appear for you.

Example 3:

You encounter a situation or someone who is suffering.

Your abdominal brain appeals to you to help others.  But, then, your cerebral brain or your friends and coworkers try to talk you out of it.

You experience objections:  “I’m in a rush.” “This may be a scam.” “If I give this person money for food, she may just buy drugs with it.”

Think, for a moment, about a time when you were in need.  How lonely was your situation?  If someone stepped in to help, did your view of the world change?

This might be a time to pay your gratitude forward.

Example 4:

You are in a situation where a person is talking to you and suddenly your gut does flip flops or you get negative chills or you feel trapped.

This is not a time to dismiss your abdominal brain message.  You are in a situation which is not good for you and your body knows it.   This is a time to follow your gut.

Physically, remove yourself from the premises.

At a party or other group gathering?   Leave.  Now.

Getting ready to get on an elevator?  Back off.  Don’t get on the elevator.  Go somewhere else instead.

Walking down a hallway and suddenly realize you are alone in a dark, public place?  Get out of there immediately.  Find people.  Find lights.

In all of the above situations, you must make a stand for what your gut  knows.  It’s okay.  This is one of the things your body is built to do.

Thanks for reading this blog post.  You can connect with me on Facebook.  If you have friends or know someone who might enjoy this post, please forward it.

If you are looking for more, please check out my books.

Thurman Greco

Endometriosis: a Spiritual Disease Focusing on Insecurity

Spiritually, endometriosis is insecurity, disappointment, and frustration.  You are physically rejecting your feminine aspects.  You experience rejection from men when you devalue and deny yourself.

Endometriosis can cause a lot of trouble in your life.  Endometriosis happens when the tissue that normally lines the uterus grows outside your uterine cavity.  On occasion, it may spread throughout your pelvis.  Endometriosis can be tremendously painful and lead to heavy bleeding.

Endometriosis feels a little like heavy menstrual bleeding, menstrual cramps, and it goes along with irritable bowel syndrome.

I believe that endometriosis hides other conditions that have not been noticed.  I feel it covers for hernias, chronic bladder issues, cystitis.  Because of this, I urge you, if you have been diagnosed with endometriosis, to seek out and treat other conditions which contribute to your pelvic discomfort.  Include allergies in this search for hidden causes of abdominal pain.


Endometriosis is a second chakra imbalance


reproductive system, endocrine system, liver, solar plexus, immune system, nervous system, muscular system,


clary sage, fennel, sage


Conventional medicine, Traditional Chinese medicine, Naturopathy, Homeopathy, Herbalism.  Begin your treatment with conventional medicine and supplement allopathic medicine with complementary and alternative medicine techniques where practical.  Integrative medicine is appropriate here.

Visit a physician specialist first.


Increase your consumption of Omega-3 fatty acids.  Adopt a low-glycemic diet.  Eat fiber-rich food to include bran, dry beans, whole grains, fresh vegetables, fresh fruit, berries.  Include soy foods in your diet.  Learn Biofeedback techniques.  Get surgery.  Exercise regularly.  Avoid obesity.

Thank you for reading this article.  Please refer it to your favorite social media network.

Be well!

Thurman Greco

Longevity Breathing – an Easy Step to Better Health

I often go through a good bit of my day without even thinking about how I’m breathing, forgetting completely that the easiest and most powerful way to stay healthy and promote good longevity is breathing right.

When we’re faced with traffic snarls, an unhappy coworker, a missed deadline at work, lack of exercise, or children with stuffy noses, automatic stress responses are all too common.  Our breathing becomes shallow, rapid.

Heart rates speed up, neck muscles tighten, teeth grind, and on and on.

There is something you can do.

You can learn – and practice –  proper longevity breathing techniques.

There are many different  breathing techniques.  I use one, in particular, a the moment I realize that stress is staring me in the face.

I always use it when I’m in a doctor’s office and I know I’m going to get my blood pressure checked.  I don’t have White Coat Syndrome, but my blood pressure definitely rises when the cuff is  put on my arm.  Sometimes, my blood pressure even rises when I walk into the doctor’s office.

So, I just cut this increase off at the pass.  I use this longevity breathing technique anytime I need to calm myself and control my emotions.  Here is what I do.  And, you can do it too.

I breathe in deeply through my  nose while mentally telling myself it’s time to be calm and lower my blood pressure.

When you breathe in deeply through your nose, focus the origin of this inhale  deep in your abdomen.  Hold this deep breath for a few seconds.

Then, exhale slowly as you breathe out.  Remind yourself that you are breathing out stress.  Let your inner self know that you are  lowering your blood pressure when you exhale this deep breath.

This deep inhale and exhale pattern works in traffic, in the doctor’s office, at work.  It works anywhere you see stress running straight toward you.

Take about four inhale-exhales and mentally check in with your body.  Observe how your body is calming itself.

Take about four  more inhale-exhales if you need.  The goal here is to be calm, grounded, solid, alert.

You  can train these inhale-exhales to work for you.  Practice them when you aren’t super stressed.  Practice them several times daily at randomly selected moments.  The goal is to become comfortable with the results of this breathing pattern.

Thank you for reading this article.  Please share it with your preferred social media network.

Thurman Greco

Woodstock, New York