Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Leaving Baggage Behind – No Regrets

Have you ever thought about spiritually cleaning out your closet? cleaning your house?

I got up early this morning because I wanted a few minutes to clean out a closet.  Yesterday I promised a friend that I would share some gently used items for her fund raiser.

When I make a promise like that, it’s best that I set a few minutes aside and then work like crazy to get rid of things as quickly as possible.

Working in a fury, I stuffed items in a bag so quickly that I couldn’t overthink the situation.  I also knew that I didn’t have time to put things back.

I just grabbed:  a white blouse I hadn’t worn in years, a pair of slacks that were never comfortable, 3 T-shirts I was never going to wear again.  A new winter coat.

On and on it went.  I didn’t give myself time to think I just might, in a pinch, wear one of these items again.  I even threw in a pot plant that was still pretty but quickly growing beyond my skill level.

As I stuffed these things in the car, with the plant perched on top of the clothes, I thought about maybe I should have done something like this with some of my other spiritual baggage.

Specifically, I thought of off those regrets I’ve been reliving lately.

We all carry it.  Baggage.

Sometimes I feel like I would like to just leave it all behind me as I go through life:  Grudges, resentments, painful memories, regrets.

I’ve been carrying all this baggage around with me for decades and decades.  Then, a young woman reminded me that we all have baggage.

Sometimes, I just want to leave it all behind.

Other times, getting to a place where I can let go is difficult.

One thing she taught me:  forgiveness is a large part of the journey.  Leaving all these parcels and bags and boxes of regret is hard.

But, so was gathering all the experiences that became painful memories.

I’m hanging onto all this negativity.  It’s making extra weight which I carry around all day, every day,   I tried to think of what might be a good way to do this so I went to my roots.

What is going to work?

Eureka!  Forgiveness will be important here.

I went to my roots for success!  I got out my asphidity bag!

When I’m working on healing an issue, I write a description on a small paper and put it in my asphidity bag.  I wear it around my neck to remind me that I’m healing.

Freedom is a goal!

When I have my healing goals in my asphidity bag, I know it’s time to schedule extra weekly Reiki therapy and Reflexology sessions.

If you have friends who might enjoy this post, please forward it to your favorite social media network and to your friends.

For more information, check out my books at

Most of my books are available in ebook  form as well as paperbook.  “But for Gabriel” should be available in December.

Renee posts new segments to “Let’s Live with Thurman Greco” on Tuesdays.  are posted.  Let me know how you like them!

Thanks again!

Thurman Greco

What to do When it all Gets to be Too Much: Switch Off The Day

The times are overwhelming.  It’s as if everyone is “always on”.  I find that when I’m always connected, things can quit working.  When I’m always connected, I find myself staring at screens, answering every door bell and phone ring.

When things quit working, one of the most effective  things I do is switch everything off.  This includes me.  I switch off – both physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

I turn off electronic devices.  The phone goes off.  The computer shuts down.  The TV is off.  I turn off all the lights.

And, you know what?  almost everything works better after I’ve unplugged it for a few minutes.  And, that includes me.

And, then, I get in my most comfortable chair and  give myself a Reiki therapy session.

I begin the session with the symbols and three hand positions to my head.  My intention is to relax so that I won’t be so fatigued and overwhelmed.

Now…I know that switching everything off can be difficult.  In some cases, it’s impossible. I also know that there comes a time when saying “no” is not selfish.

An important lesson I had to learn as an adult is that when everybody is getting oxygen masks, we sometimes each need to get our own oxygen mask first so we can make sure everyone else is being properly cared for.

So, becoming comfortable with “no” and “off” is something that I had to learn in life.

A life lesson I had to learn was that some people stress me out.  Learning to recognize  stressor people and situations was (is) important.  Once stressors are are recognized, it is easy to avoid them.

Life is more pleasant, less complicated,  and easier when stressors are recognized and minimized.

Reiki sessions help.  Both Reiki and reflexology promote relaxation and a more positive outlook.

Emergency Reiki sessions are a dramatic improvement.  They work even better when they are a supplement to regularly scheduled Reiki therapy sessions.

I invite you to connect with me on Facebook

If you who have friends and relatives who might enjoy this post, please share  it to your  favorite social media network and to your friends and relatives.

For more info, check out my books at  every title is available in hard copy and ebook with the exception of the first edition of “But for Gabriel”   This book is available as an ebook only until December.

PLEASE don’t forget to schedule regular Reiki therapy and reflexology sessions.

Please check out the YOUTUBE channel show.  New episodes are released on Tuesdays.  “Let’s Live with Thurman Greco” is a positive, entertaining series of interviews which I’ve conducted throughout the last 15 or so years.  There have been a few intermissions along the way, but not many.

My guests enjoy being on the show and many ask to return.  One thing they all have in common:  we’ve all met each other somehow in Woodstock, NY

Join us soon!

And, let us know how you like the shows.

An Asphidity Bag is a Self-Care Health Boost we all Need


When I’m at the weekend Mower’s Meadow Flea Market in Woodstock, I always take a short walk around the grounds to see what treasures and goodies are available.  Last weekend, I found several handmade asphidity bags in the back corner booth.

They were just sitting there on a table among the Western Boots, Turquoise jewelry,  pre-owned furs, and pillbox hats.

WOW! – I haven’t seen one of these in years.  No, I correct myself.  It’s been decades. I immediately bought three.  I’ll fill them with herbs and spices and give them to my daughters this coming December.

Actually, I shouldn’t wait until December.  Summers are really hard on everyone.  Maybe I should give these bags to them now.  After all, today’s challenges are very real and December’s worries aren’t yet on the horizon.

When I was growing up – a long, long time ago – my grandmother had an asphidity bag.  She filled it with herbs and spices which she changed to meet the needs of the season, or the situation.  She kept her bag tied to her underclothes.

Fasting forward to today, my daughters are having trouble sleeping this year.    An asphidity bag can be created just for this situation.

Do you have trouble sleeping?  Well, make an asphidity bag just for yourself and your situation.  Here’s how:

Begin by describing exactly what a perfect night’s sleep means to you.  How long do you want to sleep?  How deeply do you want your sleep night to be?  What do you want to dream about?  How do you want to feel when you wake up?

In Step 2, you select the herbs which smell fragrant and calming.  For me, these herbs include lavender, chamomile, rose petals.  I also include  peppermint and lemon in this list. Your list may be different.  (That’s the beauty of the asphidity bag).

Now, make a cloth square measuring about 5 inches.

When your square is cut, place your herbs in the center of the square.  Using a ribbon, tie the herbs as well as your good intentions in this bag.  Visualize all the good things you need for a successful night’s sleep.  Draw these elements toward your sleep as you tie them in your asfidity bag along with your herbs.

Place your asfidity bag inside your pillowcase.  Or keep it in a pocket in your clothes.  Wherever you keep your bag, when you go to bed at night, close your eyes and visualize the details you’ve gathered for your best sleep.  Focus on your breath and the scent of your asfidity bag to launch you into your intentional sleep.

Finally, embrace your sleep!

Thank you for participating in this article.  Please share it with friends and family.  Forward it to your preferred social media network.


If you enjoy the blog, you’ll enjoy my weekly shows on YOUTUBE.  This program has been running, with a few time-outs now and then, for over 15 years.  My program is aired weekly on Woodstock’s own TV channel 23 and on YOUTUBE.  This show is an entertaining and informative hour with no rehearsals.

My guests are various people whose lives have brought them to Woodstock for a day, a week, an hour, a decade or more.

I can truthfully boast that my guests report they enjoyed the experience and will be happy to return.

Both the blog and the show are a means to healing for viewers and healers.

Thanks for joining in!

P.S.  Whenever I use an aspifidity bag, whether it’s for sleep or combating an infection or offering solace to my intestinal system, I schedule reflexology and reiki sessions.

Find out more at




Use a Little Self-Care to Live Mindfully & Look After Yourself.

I don’t know about you, but I have days that get away from me.  Sometimes, the idea that I can take a few minutes out for exercise, or meditation, or whatever, is just flirting with non-reality.

So, what do I do to assure that I have given myself some much-needed self-care even in times of chaos and stress?

I keep a gratitude journal.

This little book takes almost no space on my desk or in my purse.  It attracts little attention.  But, this little book is powerful!

My gratitude journal:

makes sure that I don’t take blessings for granted.

prevents me from getting so caught up in my daily life that I forget to appreciate what I have.

encourages me to become aware of all the ways I am fortunate.

I may not write paragraphs or essays in this journal.  Some days I write down just a few words.  These words may include hugging a loved one, seeing the little bunny chew a flower in my garden, or eating a delicious red grape.

Words are not always necessary.  Sometimes my gratitude journal is a page with colors:

It’s the little things that change my thoughts and bring peace to my world.  While relaxation is not the end goal, it’s a common side effect of a gratitude moment.  This quiet, sometimes secret, moment changes how my body is feeling.

This moment helps understand the experience.

This is gratitude.

“A Healer’s Handbook” is available at  This book is in it’s third edition and has gone out to three dozen countries.

Thank you for reading this article. My intention is that each blog post you read can be a conduit for your spiritual growth and healing.

Please share it with friends and family.  Forward it to your preferred social media network.

If you enjoy these blog posts, please subscribe.

Find out more about Thurman Greco at  Books are available in both ebook and paperbook form.  ENJOY!

I hope you’ve had a chance to visit the YOUTUBE channel, “Let’s Live with Thurman Greco”.  It is a positive, entertaining series conducted throughout the last 15 or so years.  There have been a few intermissions, but not many.

Guests on this show enjoy the experience and many ask to return.  One thing they all have in common:  Woodstock.

We add new shows weekly.



Be Careful What You Wish For: Goal-Setting is Self-Care

We set goals daily.  

We set goals when we decide when and where we’ll buy groceries.

We set goals when we schedule our days and weeks.

For some reason, I sometimes wonder why we leave the big things to themselves.  It makes no sense.  When we postpone goal setting, we run a real chance of experiencing something that makes us deeply unhappy.

I know many people working in dream jobs that are really working in nightmare jobs.

So, whether you are seeking a new job, more money, a successful diet, or that perfect home, be as clear about what you want as you can.  Clarity and detail count for a lot when you communicate with the universe.

Use a Goal-Setting Journal

In the first chapter of your Goal-Setting Journal, describe whatever you are willing to do to achieve your goal.  Are you looking for a new house or a job or a new friend?

Describe your goal with as much detail as you can.  You are not just looking for your dream job.  You are looking for a job that will allow you to perform specific tasks which you want to participate in.

Explain your job description.  Where is your dream job going to be located?  What are the hours?  What kind of person will you work for?  What will your co-workers be like?  What will your space look like?  How much will it pay?

Write down your intentions with as much detail as you can.  This is how you will  bring your goal to life.  Be as long and as specific as you can.

Describe what you’re willing to do to get this dream job.  Do you have the proper training?  Do you need to update your resume?

Focus in and get detail-oriented.  The more narrowly you focus, the more powerful your intention will be.

Finally, embrace that dream!  Think about all the things you can achieve.  Be as clear as possible.

While you are on your path, keep yourself grounded and focused.  Include regular healing sessions such as reflexology and Reiki therapy.  Throughout my life, I’ve proven to myself that regular sessions help – a lot.

Thank you for reading this blog post.  My intention is that each blog post you read can be a conduit for your spiritual growth and healing.

Please forward this article to your preferred social media network and share it with your friends and relatives.

I also hope you’ve had a chance to visit this YOUTUBE channel.  “Let’s Live with Thurman Greco” is a positive, entertaining series of interviews which I’ve conducted throughout the last 15 or so years.  There have been a few intermissions, but not many.

My guests enjoy being on the show and many ask to return.  One thing they all have in common:  we’ve all met each other somehow in Woodstock, NY.

Join us soon!

And, let us know how you like the shows.

Thanks again!

Thurman Greco

Meditation is Self-Care: 3 Ways to Improve Your Meditation Practice

Meditation is one of the best ways I know to deepen your intuition, reduce medical and psychiatric symptoms, and quiet your anxieties,

Three props to improve your meditation practice:

Create a quiet, soothing meditation area.  This is, for me, basic.

A bell or chime to open your meditation session is important.

Take a few deep breaths and clear your mind.

Using a timer to let you know that your session is coming to an end is helpful.  This timer can a quiet tone or beads which you hold in your hands.

Through the years, I’ve posted meditation articles on this blog. (Find them in the search section).

I’ve also recommended several books:

My favorites are three meditation books written by Larry Moen.  They are:

Meditations for Awakening

Meditations for Transformation

Meditations for Healing

Today, in this article, I share a new meditation which I’m calling “A Perfect Place”.  In this meditation, you create your own perfect place.

Begin with a few deep breaths to clear your mind.

Wait a moment and then imagine yourself in a perfect place, designed just for you.  Look around and ask yourself:

What is around you?  Are you inside or outside?

Do you see buildings, mountains, roadways, lakes, streams?

Or, do you see a room with a chair waiting for you?  Do you see a meeting hall?

What is the weather like outside?  Is it snowing, raining,  Or is the sun shining?

Do you see people?  Are they beside you?  Are they smiling or looking away?

Who are these people?  How many are they?  What are they doing?  Is someone coming over to join you?

Are there any animals?  Are they pets?  Are they wild animals?  How are you connected to them?

What are you doing now?  Are you walking along a path?  Are you sitting on a bench?  Are you in a seat in a theater?  Are you alone or with others – humans or animals?

Is this place familiar to you?  Do you feel you have ever been here before?  Is this space somewhere you have visited in the past?  Have you dreamed about it?

How do you feel in this space?

What are you wearing?

Sit for a few moments and let yourself become adjusted to your surroundings.  Breathe in the perfect air.  Enjoy this perfect place.

You may want to make some notes – or draw a quick sketch even.

Now, check in with yourself – your thoughts, your feelings.  What is happening with your inner self?

Now, take one long, last look around.  This is your place.  It will always be yours.  You know that you may return here any time you want.

After a short time, you know it is time to return to your space before your meditation.

You can return to this meditation whenever you want.

Now, take another deep breath and return.  Open your eyes gently and slowly and gently move and stretch.

Thank you for participating in this meditation.  If it is appropriate, please share it with friends and family.  Forward it to your preferred social media network.

If you enjoy these blog posts, please subscribe.

This book is available at

Thank you for reading this article.  Thanks for sharing this article.

Thurman Greco



Learning as Self-Care With 3 Stories Featuring Maria Talamantez and Sister Athenasius

As we grow up and experience adolescence, or adulthood, many of us leave our religious beliefs behind. Or maybe we never had a childhood religion to leave behind.  This can create the experience of having no beliefs at all.

Mother sent me as a young child to local Vacation Bible Schools every summer.  That meant I spent a week each with Episcopalians, Presbyterians, Baptists, and the Church of Christers when I was quite young.  The Catholics didn’t have Vacation Bible School and I never quite understood why.

I absorbed different things taught by different Christian Sunday School teachers in an unsophisticated format intended for preschool and elementary school children.

Elementary school influenced my religious beliefs, but not how you might think.  This was the American Bible Belt in the early 1950’s.  In the classroom each morning, right after reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, a student recited a prayer.

For some of my classmates, this experience may not have been so bad.  For others, it was excruciating.

Standing in front of the class is hard on a lot of little kids.  Standing in front of the class and reciting a prayer can be excruciating, especially if they don’t really know a prayer.  It was hardest on the Catholics because they began and ended each session with the sign of the cross.

My memory always brings up Maria Talamantez when I recall the morning prayer.  Standing at the head of the class, Maria appeared embarrassed, flustered, frightened.  And, while she struggled with the Sign of the Cross and the Our Father, I was over at my desk praying quietly and fervently to God and Jesus and anyone else I could think of just thanking them that my name hadn’t been called that morning.

Meanwhile, Maria prayed as fast as she could and so quietly that she couldn’t be heard by most of us in the room.  I don’t think the teacher cared, really.  She was simply filling a slot required every morning and looked forward to escaping into a math exercise or reading a story.

For me, this was a time of pure torture.  And I was so grateful that I was an Episcopalian because I didn’t use the Sign of the Cross.  And the Episcopalian Lord’s Prayer seemed shorter and faster than Maria’s Roman Catholic version.

This is part of my journey into adulthood.

Both adolescents and adults spend time thinking and rethinking things they read, heard, and believed as children.

To dismiss these experiences as part of the move into adulthood is a gross oversimplification.

Abandoning our childhood beliefs can be difficult.  It’s challenging to move beyond the childhood religious stories we either grew up with or didn’t experience at all.

As a pre-adolescent, I attended a Catholic School in my middle-school years.  (The Sisters didn’t call it middle school.)  Sister Athanasius had a whole list of books we weren’t supposed to read.  And, since I wasn’t from a Catholic family, Sister suspected every book she saw me carry.

Several years later, as a student at St. Mary’s University, I found all of those books she was looking for in my book bag.  They were in the university library, sitting on those shelves for the students.  Amazing!  Forbidden fruit in middle school became the main course in college.

Later in life, my best Reiki therapy and Reflexology students admitted to me that they were struggling with their meaning-of-life path.

Now, as an octogenarian, I find myself smitten with Mother Mary and the birth of Jesus Christ.

If you find yourself at a moment in time where you are taking a look at your life, now can be a good opportunity to explore your childhood teachings.  They may be holding you back from focusing on things you otherwise might be interested in.

This place in time opens an opportunity for self-care.

As an adult, you can slow down, seek the solitude, and listen to the silence.  Allow your intuition and life experiences to guide you along your path.

The answers you seek may not come immediately but they are there.  As you journey on your path, you may encounter changes to your lifestyle which help you connect with your own truth.

You can develop an understanding of your own experience.

Thanks for reading this article.  Please share it with your friends and family and forward it to your preferred social media network.

You can find out more at

Want more information on self-care?  Check out some older articles on this blog.

You may also enjoy my YOUTUBE shows:  “Let’s Live with Thurman Greco”

Thanks again!

Thurman Greco

Subscribe today!

Visit the website and see what books might interest you.  The first edition of “But for Gabriel” is available as an eBook.

Finally, include a Reiki therapy or reflexology session this week.



13 Things I Learned from Animals about Self-Care


For me, animals are all about self-care.

1.   Since learning animal communication in the 1990s, animals of all shapes and sizes, both as pets or as creatures living in the wild, have taught me they choose to be a part of our lives.

Whether a dog, cat, or squirrel in a tree, they present themselves to us in ways that attract our attention.

2.  They are here to care for us.  When I experience periods of difficulty and challenge, they see themselves as a caregiver during that time.

3.  Pets in your life hear, see, and understand everything that happens.  Cats, in particular, are tuned into conversations and daily activities.

4.   Animals are not colorblind.  They see things in color.  They do see things in a different way from how we as humans see them.  That’s to be expected.  After all, their eyes are located in different parts of their faces.  Their eyes are different sizes depending on the animal.

That means they see more things in more ways than humans.  Several animals have discussed auras with me.  One, a llama, used aura recognition daily.  If he didn’t like a person’s aura, he didn’t like the person.  End of subject.

For some, the colors have meanings.  It all depends on the animal.  These colors  may have spiritual value.  Or, they may be perceived as protection.

5.   Your pets also see orbs and other things invisible to our human eyes.  They see spirits in and around the house.  Some dogs bark at them.  Others do not.

6.  When you bring home a new puppy, he quickly decides what he needs to do to be a successful member of the household.  One breed, a bichon, seems to do this a little better than other breeds.

7.  Horses are very wise and beautiful creatures.  Our communication experiences  revealed intelligent, spiritual, creative beings who are conscious of the current conditions of the health of our planet.

8.  Dogs can be very aware of the human’s situation.  I’ve met several poodles who were in a traumatic household situation.  As the human became more stressed, the dog became more grounded.  This grounding was important to the successful outcome of a situation.

9.  I like to attune the animals when I am attuning a person at a Reiki class.  This is especially helpful if there is an ill person in the household.

When I do an attunement, I give an attunement to each pet in the household.  I do not charge extra for this.  I simply offer the attunement to encourage the healing process.

10.  Animals are not afraid of death.  When I discuss death with animals, I learn that they remember past lives.  They remember why they are in embodiment at this time.            

11.   Animals, for whatever reason, prefer truth.  They believe it.  They share it.

12.  Animals know about forgiveness.  They practice forgiveness.  They live forgiveness.  This knowledge and practice of forgiveness allows them to love their humans unconditionally.

13.  Goats are good communicators.  My experience with them has been they like to tell the truth – no matter what that is.

A goat named Tyler Too taught me to communicate.  After a few conversations, he communicated with me honestly that animal communication would not be my primary career path.  He told me that I was a healer.

And, of course, Tyler turned out to be correct.



Thank you for reading this article.  Please share this blog post with your friends and family.  Forward it to your favorite social media network.

If you want to learn more, please explore both old blog posts and the YOUTUBE shows.


Self-care can be healing.  We are all healers.  I am here to be a conduit for your own healing.                 

Regular, or even occasional reflexology sessions help.




Do you practice Reiki therapy?  Share it with an animal.

Find out more at

Thanks, Thurman Greco




Interested in Self-Care? Try Self-Forgiveness

Let me start this article this way:  Self-forgiveness is never easy.

I’ve written about self-forgiveness before.  It’s a theme for me – even though I didn’t realize it when I began writing.  It’s definitely a part of my books and essays on wellness and hunger.

I have forgiveness chapters in all of my books.  My two favorite chapters are in “The Ketchup Sandwiches Chronicles” beginning on page 103 and 145.

These two chapters focus on two real people and the voyages they traveled while  seeking self-forgiveness.

Begin self-care with a few questions:

Who am I in this community?  In this country?  On this planet?

Remember:  My community, my country, and my planet have value.  I believe the value is greater than the sum of all of us combined.

Self-care means joining the community of the planet.  Everyone, without exception, has value and a role to play.

No one, not even the least of us, is irrelevant.  No one, not even the greatest of us, is above it all.  Being rich or poor simply isn’t part of the equation.

Self-forgiveness in the context of self-care is a journey where we become a part of something greater.  We don’t write off people and situations.  We challenge, encourage, love.

Self-forgiveness allows us to not always be at our best.

Self-forgiveness includes renewal and support.

Self-forgiveness can be a calling.

When you sign onto the journey of self-forgiveness, you’ll travel to places you’ve never been before.  You may find yourself involved in activities and events for which you may not be quite prepared.

You can’t complete a self-forgiveness journey with an isolated incident like you would complete a puzzle or word game.  It is a part of a process.

Forgiveness is always a challenge.  Everyone seeks forgiveness and self-forgiveness is the hardest part.

How does it work?  Well, do what you can with what you have.  Work where you are.  A good starting point is to sketch your community.

Really, what you’re doing is muddling through.  Frankly, I think that’s how self-forgiveness works.  This journey is not going to be perfect.  At times, it may seem overwhelming.  Other times, it may seem simply like a blank page.  Self-forgiveness comes with very few maps.  Certainly, there is no GPS.

Forgiveness is a journey with its own timetable.  There may be surprise stops along the way.  That’s because forgiveness has its own messages and meaning.

A bottom line is this:  Forgiveness is for you and you alone.  When you forgive someone, you are not forgiving them for them.  You are forgiving them for you.

And, that’s what self-care is all about:  YOU.

Self-forgiveness happens when you move beyond your  thoughts and memories  to a new place.  At that moment, you see things differently.  Sometimes this new place can be a sort of miracle.

This happens when you see your open heart and embrace new hopes and blessings.  After a few moments, you may also hear things in a new way.

This is true change.  True change, and self-forgiveness, happens when you face the same condition that caused you to behave in a way unacceptable to yourself and now you see things differently.

You break out of your past.

You’ve changed.  You are a different person.

You wake up and claim your self-forgiven reality.


Thank you for reading this blog post.  Please forward it to your preferred social media network.  Share it with your friends and family.

To hear stories of healing and of hunger, tune into YouTube.  There are several segments where I read the stories.  It is one thing to read the stories and another thing entirely to hear them.  ENJOY

When traveling on your self-forgiveness journey, I recommend you include regular reflexology and Reiki sessions.  Spiritual journeys include physical, mental, and emotional changes as well.  Your feet are a command center of your body.  They need consideration and attention during this time.

If you have questions, contact me at




My Daughter Needed a Time-Out. Here’s what happened.

I teach in my reflexology class about our need for a time-out and how our feet and hands work with the universe to provide it:

“Mom is on her way to the Albany Medical Center Emergency Room!  Can you meet us there?”  My youngest granddaughter was talking about her mother.

Dropping everything, I drove to Albany to the E.R.

After what seemed like an endless wait, we were able to see Jennette  for a few

minutes.  If you could call it that.  What we saw was a mound of bandages on a gurney headed for the ICU.

Our first report revealed broken legs, feet, arms, hands, hips, ribs, and pelvis.

We learned about damaged organs:  liver – spleen.

And – this was just the first report!

In my heart of hearts, I knew this was a long time coming.  For several years, Jennette had been working too much – several times over.  She taught school. In  in the evenings, she created a dramatic show about breast cancer which was showcased in various galleries in the area.

On weekends, Jennette painted plein air landscapes.  She also had these creations in several galleries in the area.

Frankly, Jennette was working about 80 hours a week.  And, how could any of us criticize her?  Her work was moving.  Audiences loved her message.  She was a successful art teacher and her gallery pieces were dramatic.

In her spare time, Jennette looked for a house.

Well, her body knew better.  Reflexology teaches that if a person continues to push the body beyond its abilities, the result is an injury to a foot or hand which insists on rest.

So, one day, Jennette was in the drop-off area at the Albany Airport when a man in a huge pickup truck behind her shifted into drive instead of park and flattened her against the rear of the SUV in front of where she stood.

After three weeks in the ICU and another two weeks adjusting bandages and casts, Jennette is headed to the 8th floor Rehab unit.

My younger daughter, Michele, took some days off from her job as a hospice nurse in Arizona, to come offer support.

Jennette’s two grown children extended their stays to offer support.  Michele taught Zoe how to care for Jennette.

About 10 days into the healing, I gathered us all together with some supportive friends.  We met in the large 2nd floor lobby area of the Albany Medical Center and I offered a prayer:

“Guide us, Archangel Michael, through our days.  Protect us all through the trials and tribulations of healing that away Jennette, and us all, today and into the future.

Archangel Michael, we thank you for the blanket of protection that you use to shield us as we remain in your protection on this healing journey.  We thank you and your bank of protection and healing angels who keep us all safe.

Keep us on the healing path.  Protect us from physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual harm and negativity.

Please protect and assist Jennette, Michele, Zoey, Sangi, Barry, and all of those who are not here with us physically today: Sophia, Michelle Aqualino, Raymond, Julie, and others.

We are bound together by relationships, events, employment, healthcare activities, and spiritual paths.  Assist us each in our personal healing journey as we travel together.

Archangel Michael, we trust in your capabilities, and your angelic experience.  We thank you for all that You have done and made possible for Jennette’s healing path and success.

Further, we thank you for calling on your band of protection and making this all possible through your Divinity.

We thank you for all you have done for us.


She is now catching up on some much-needed rest and recuperation. and well throughout our days.

We are Ecstatic!

So what is the message here?  Listen to your body and your soul.  Rest when you are tired.

Follow your bliss!

Get to know Jennette better at

I’ve written several books – some with international appeal.  One example is:

The third edition of “Healer’s Handbook” is illustrated here.  It’s gone out to more than 30 countries so far.

This is the second edition.  It has 6 fewer chapters than the third edition.

All of my books are available in paper as well as ebook editions.

An upcoming book is “But for Gabriel” which is only available in ebook in the first edition:

The 2nd edition will be available in paper as well as ebook.  This story has all the tickets: animals, angels, a young mother and her baby, and a magical moving star.  Finally, this story has a long journey.

What more could I ask for?  I had to write this story!  An installment of it is on “Let’s Live”.  I read a shortened version of it on my show “Let’s Live”.

Meanwhile, please share my blog posts with your friends and family.  Forward them on your favorite social media network.

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