Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Reflexology for the Spirit and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Respiratory SystemtreeThe best thing a person can do to prevent COPD is stop smoking and avoid environmental contaminants.

COPD is a chronic condition composed, basically, of two diseases:  emphysema and chronic bronchitis.  Like heart disease, COPD is slow to manifest itself.  As the disease progresses, breathing becomes more difficult.

There are several things a COPD sufferer can do to make life easier.  The first is to seek good quality air.  Stay away from smoke-filled rooms and smoggy cities.  Extreme temperatures and high altitudes should also be avoided.

Drinking plenty of fluids helps dilute the mucus.  Adding a humidifier to moisten the indoor air can improve air quality as well.

COPD sufferers should protect themselves against infections.  This involves avoiding people with colds and flu, frequent hand washing, getting annual flu shots, and getting a pneumonia vaccine.

COPD sufferers will benefit from exercise training which includes good breathing techniques, yoga, and regular visits to the Reflexogy for the Spirit practitioner.

When a COPD sufferer comes to your table, encourage regular visits that are within 48 hours of a yoga session.  Work the respiratory system, urinary system, lymphatics, immune system, and cardiovascular system.  Include the liver, solar plexus, and thymus in every session.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco