April 1, 2023 at 12:57 pm
Let me start this article this way: Self-forgiveness is never easy.
I’ve written about self-forgiveness before. It’s a theme for me – even though I didn’t realize it when I began writing. It’s definitely a part of my books and essays on wellness and hunger.
I have forgiveness chapters in all of my books. My two favorite chapters are in “The Ketchup Sandwiches Chronicles” beginning on page 103 and 145.
These two chapters focus on two real people and the voyages they traveled while seeking self-forgiveness.
Begin self-care with a few questions:
Who am I in this community? In this country? On this planet?
Remember: My community, my country, and my planet have value. I believe the value is greater than the sum of all of us combined.
Self-care means joining the community of the planet. Everyone, without exception, has value and a role to play.
No one, not even the least of us, is irrelevant. No one, not even the greatest of us, is above it all. Being rich or poor simply isn’t part of the equation.
Self-forgiveness in the context of self-care is a journey where we become a part of something greater. We don’t write off people and situations. We challenge, encourage, love.
Self-forgiveness allows us to not always be at our best.
Self-forgiveness includes renewal and support.
Self-forgiveness can be a calling.
When you sign onto the journey of self-forgiveness, you’ll travel to places you’ve never been before. You may find yourself involved in activities and events for which you may not be quite prepared.
You can’t complete a self-forgiveness journey with an isolated incident like you would complete a puzzle or word game. It is a part of a process.
Forgiveness is always a challenge. Everyone seeks forgiveness and self-forgiveness is the hardest part.
How does it work? Well, do what you can with what you have. Work where you are. A good starting point is to sketch your community.
Really, what you’re doing is muddling through. Frankly, I think that’s how self-forgiveness works. This journey is not going to be perfect. At times, it may seem overwhelming. Other times, it may seem simply like a blank page. Self-forgiveness comes with very few maps. Certainly, there is no GPS.
Forgiveness is a journey with its own timetable. There may be surprise stops along the way. That’s because forgiveness has its own messages and meaning.
A bottom line is this: Forgiveness is for you and you alone. When you forgive someone, you are not forgiving them for them. You are forgiving them for you.
And, that’s what self-care is all about: YOU.
Self-forgiveness happens when you move beyond your thoughts and memories to a new place. At that moment, you see things differently. Sometimes this new place can be a sort of miracle.
This happens when you see your open heart and embrace new hopes and blessings. After a few moments, you may also hear things in a new way.
This is true change. True change, and self-forgiveness, happens when you face the same condition that caused you to behave in a way unacceptable to yourself and now you see things differently.
You break out of your past.
You’ve changed. You are a different person.
You wake up and claim your self-forgiven reality.
Thank you for reading this blog post. Please forward it to your preferred social media network. Share it with your friends and family.
To hear stories of healing and of hunger, tune into YouTube. There are several segments where I read the stories. It is one thing to read the stories and another thing entirely to hear them. ENJOY
When traveling on your self-forgiveness journey, I recommend you include regular reflexology and Reiki sessions. Spiritual journeys include physical, mental, and emotional changes as well. Your feet are a command center of your body. They need consideration and attention during this time.
If you have questions, contact me at thurmangreco@gmail.com
December 5, 2021 at 3:12 pm
The solar plexus chakra gets its power from its location. It is the third chakra in a line just above the first and second chakras and is located about 2 inches above your navel.
The location of this chakra is important because this is where the abdominal brain is located. Your abdominal brain is a communication hub.
If you are dealing with fear, anxiety, or other negativity, take comfort in the knowledge that your solar plexus chakra releases a yellow-gold light. This power comes to your aid when you feel insulted, cheated, or criticized.
Speak to your solar plexus chakra when you are threaghtened and give it support as it does its work filling you with confidence and respect.
For me, the solar plexus chakra is not quite as heavy as the first chakra but certainly heavier than the heart or throat chakra.
Its distinctive yellow-orange color gives it strength and power. To become closer to your solar plexus chakra, select a stone and carry it with you for several days.
The choices are many but yellow citrine, yellow amber, yellow jade will get you started. There are many stones to choose from – just stick with the yellows. One that attracts me (which is not yellow) is orange tourmaline.
When I was a young woman, I was attracted to a golden topaz. I know now that it offered me strength which I needed.
Your solar plexus chakra will help you achieve your goals when it aligns with your other chakras. An aligned solar plexus chakra radiates empowerment, confidence, and ability.
For many people, the solar plexus chakra is the easiest one to connect because it reveals itself to you more easily than the others. We can all feel the “butterflies” in our solar plexus chakra.
If you are working on your solar plexus chakra, good times for meditation or essential oil blending include the full moon and the summer solstice. You can also work with your solar plexus on any sunny day between 12:00 noon and 1:00 pm.
To empower your soul, spend a 10-15 minutes soaking up the rays of the sun.
A fun exercise is to make an asfidity bag focusing on your solar plexus chakra.
The first step to make your bag is to select items to include in it: a favorite cloth which is about 4″ square, and a couple of stones which have meaning to you. You’ll need some thread to close the bag up.
Include some favorite herbs. Good choices for your solar plexus chakra include lemon, mint, turmeric, or any plant which has a special meaning for you.
You may want to include bits of sand, a seashell, a small photo or other drawing which has meaning for you. Add anything which you feel is appropriate. Include things which feel warm, comforting, beautiful. You may be seeking inspiration and the manifestation of strength and power.
After you make your asfidity bag, wear it around your neck or keep it close to your body for strength and intuition.
You can also keep it on your personal altar.
Moderation in all things is important for a healthy solar plexus chakra.
Are you interested in fitness? Two things that may appeal to you as you align your solar plexus chakra are yoga and a martial arts practice.
Diseases and health issues involving your solar plexus include diabetes, pancreatitis, ulcers, food disorders, reflux, hypoglycemia, hepatitus, chronic fatigue.
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Thanks for reading this article. You can find more information in prior blog posts and in “Healer’s Handbook” – in all three editions.
Books and ebooks can be purchased at www.thurmangreco.com.
If you have questions, you can reach me at
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