The Spirituality of Blood
Blood is very exciting stuff.
For one thing, we can’t live without it. If we’re in an accident, and lose too much blood, we will die.
Blood tells the whole story. Often, when we visit the physician, a blood test is ordered. The story is here: our past, our present, our future.
In the womb, we shared our mother’s blood, who shared her mother’s blood, who shared her mother’s blood, and on and on and on to the beginning of time.
That being said, each person’s blood is unique. Like fingerprints, no 2 blood profiles are the same. And, blood changes with life events, nutrition, age. Because of this, there are many issues with blood:
high or low pressure,
varicose vein,
If you find yourself dealing with one of the above diseases, you are dealing with a spiritual disease. That doesn’t mean you forget the professional medical practitioner. It does mean that you do what that practitioner tells you to do and you deal with the spirituality issues in other ways.
When I think of the spirituality of blood, questions come to mind:
Have you recently found or lost a loved one?
Are you depressed?
Where are the conflicts in your life?
Are you nourishing yourself sufficiently?
Are you under a lot of pressure?
Are you angry?
Is someone or something threatening you?
Are you rigid with yourself and others?
Do you need to become gentler with yourself and others?
Are you afraid?
Are your life patterns stuck?
Does your lifestyle go against your beliefs?
Is too much going on in your life?
Are there too many people in your life?
What, if anything, is draining your energy?
Now might be a good time to try to deal with these questions one-by-one.
In order to develop the spirituality of your blood, proper diet is extremely important. Don’t just go to the grocery or the pharmacy and buy vitamins and minerals haphazardly. Find a nutritional consultant and get what you need.
No one diet fits all. Find the diet best for you…makes you feel better, helps maintain your weight, results in better blood test results. Your goal is to live a life bringing strength, vitality, purity to your blood.
Guided meditations can be instrumental for spiritual healing.
If you are a Reiki practitioner, give yourself sessions in which you offer an intent to heal and regenerate your blood to its optimum state. If you are not a Reiki practitioner, now is a good time to find one. This might even be a good time to learn Reiki therapy for yourself.
As your blood begins to experience this optimum state, you’ll invite joy, free expression, creativity, balance in your life.
Reflexology for the Spirit sessions are appropriate here. Homeostasis is necessary for the blood and for life in general. Reiki and reflexology work hand-in-hand here to help achieve the spiritual health our bodies need….no, crave.
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Peace and food for all.
Thurman Greco
Renee Ruwe offered the photograph for today’s article.
The Spirituality of the Bladder
The bladder is an emotional/spiritual part of your body which constantly expands or shrinks, based on how much urine is passing through your body.
As you adapt to changing life situations, it is sometimes difficult to respond to needs of the present. It’s hard to leave attachments to the past for unknown future conditions.
Incontinence often occurs if:
you are unable to adapt to new circumstances,
you find yourself in a hopeless situation,
you experience grief.
Bladder infections often occur in times of strong emotional change:
moving to a new community,
changing jobs.
Bladder infections are often the body expressing questions you cannot ask in any other way.
That is not to say that these issues don’t need medical attention…because they do. Bladder problems always need attention from a professional healthcare provider. When you have bladder issues, you are on some level asking yourself some serious questions.
Offer yourself Reiki therapy weekly for several sessions.
If you don’t know Reiki therapy, get a practitioner and make 6-8 regular appointments spanning about 2 months. Good forms of Reiki therapy for spiritual bladder issues include Usui, Jin Kei Do, or Lightarian. Set your intention when you receive these sessions to heal the spiritual issues in your life which are being expressed through your bladder problems.
Get regular reflexology sessions. Weekly sessions encourage homeostasis which bring calmness and grounding to both your physical/spiritual situation and emotions. They also work to boost allopathic medications. These 2 things are very important to your overall healing.
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Peace and food for all.
Thurman Greco
Photograph donated by Renee Ruwe.
The Spirituality of the Adrenal Glands
People sometimes have issues with the adrenal glands and are unable to identify them as needing balance.
A few tip offs include:
Having experienced so much stress and trauma that you are stuck in the fight-or-flight response.
Panic attacks.
We each have 2 adrenal glands. One is perched atop each kidney. Because there are 2, they come under the category of body parts needing balance. Other body parts needing balance include lungs, and kidneys.
Adrenals are very spiritual third chakra glands which we feel when we experience butterflies in our stomach. Adrenals are part of the endocrine system which also emphasizes their spiritual qualities. The adrenals process fear, anger, excitement and stress overload.,
If your your adrenals need to be balanced, go to a quiet, safe space where you will not be interrupted and get comfortable. Turn on some relaxing music if you like.
Breathe in deeply as you inhale calm. Breathe slowly – deeply – consciously.
As you exhale, breathe out anxiety.
Breathe in positive energy.
Exhale as you release fatigue.
Inhale peace.
As you exhale, let go of all your fears.
Inhale nurturing energy.
Release any panic you may feel as you exhale.
When you feel grounded, place your hands 1″ to 3″ above your body over the area of your adrenals. Hold your hands here for a couple of minutes as you give them a chance to communicate with your body in general and your adrenal glands in particular.
What information are you receiving? Do you feel tingling, heat, cold, nothing? Whatever you feel is good and appropriate for this time and place. Continue this communication for a few minutes until you feel it’s time to finish the session. Now, breathe deeply as you inhale and exhale several times.
The information you receive may not be apparent immediately. It may be several minutes, hours or days before you receive a message. You may receive the communication in a dream.
The important thing is to be open to receiving the information you need whenever and however it comes.
If possible, arrange to receive some Reiki therapy sessions focused on your adrenal health. In addition to Usui Reiki, 2 forms of Reiki appropriate for the adrenals are Lightarian and Gendai.
Essential Oils which work well for adrenal gland function include clove, frankincense, German chamomile, nutmeg, and spikenard.
Weekly Reflexology for the Spirit sessions will encourage homeostasis.
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Michele Garner created the Zentangle art.
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Peace and food for all.
Thurman Greco