Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Cleanse Your Way to Health

Improving your health means doing lots of different things over time to  feel, think, look, and act better.  Cleanses are popular change-of-season  ways to offload toxins collected in the body over the past weeks and months.  They work well in conjunction with reflexology sessions which offer a mild cleanse as well.

Water is one of the best cleanses out there.  A one-day water cleanse is easy, fast, cheap, and  effective.

Begin your cleanse day with a large glass of water.  Add a slice of lemon if you want.  Then, throughout the day, drink a glass of water.  You want to drink at least one  large glass of clean water every half hour.

But, of course, the cleanse doesn’t have to be water.  Raw, organic, juices of all kinds make good cleanses.  A juice cleanse is best if the foods used are organic, fresh, cold pressed, and raw.  When the juice meets these qualifications, the most nutrition is  available.

Avoid  processed, pasteurized, juices if you possibly can and try not to use anything  with a  shelf life of over two days.

One of the easiest, fastest, cheapest, most effective ways to improve your general health is with cleanses.  In my book “A Healer’s Handbook” I write about intestinal, liver, and lymphatic cleanses.  But, there are other  cleanses out there.

A reflexology session offers a cleanse.  Your regular clients receive a mild cleanse regularly as part of their visit.

When you offer reflexology to client partners who are cleansing, please focus on the intestinal tract, the lymphatic system, and focus on the liver.

Remind them of this bonus as you offer them a drink of water at the end of the session.

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Thurman Greco

“A Healer’s Handbook” is available on Amazon, Nook, and


Sleep for a Healthy Lifestyle

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As a reflexology practitioner, it’s important that you stay as healthy as possible.    When you  take care of your body, you  inspire your client partners to take care of theirs.

Many conditions  lurk unnoticed for years to develop in the body before they are recognized for what they are:  diseases that, in the early stages, are seen as fatigue, headaches, insomnia.

But, whatever these conditions are called, they are actually ongoing health issues that no one has solved.  Often, we just ignore these problems.

“I just need to learn to live with this……” is a remark I hear often.  The problem is common, persistent, chronic.

Now is the  time to see these issues for what they are and take steps to deal with them before they become full blown, serious,  illnesses.  Look at yourself:

Do you look healthy?

Do you feel healthy?

Do you have enough energy for all the things you want to do each day?

Do you sleep well?

Do you have digestive issues?

Do you feel toxic?

Make 2017 the year you turn your life around.

Begin  by learning to get enough sleep.

The first step in a healthy sleep is having a healthy sleeping environment.

Do you or your sleep partner snore?  This can rob you of hours and hours of sleep, necessary to good health.  People don’t realize it but snoring can be a symptom of sleep apnea, a serious medical condition which contributes to Alzheimer’s.  So, today, begin to address the snoring.

Snoring is not always  expensive to treat.  So, make your first step to a healthy year, a trip to a physician to address any and all snoring and sleep issues.

The second thing to do is declutter  the sleep space.  Move the home office into another room.  Move the TV out.  The bedroom is for sleeping and sex.  Everything else goes in another part of your home or apartment.

About an hour before you are ready to go to bed, begin to calm yourself down.   Prepare your body to sleep.

Taking sleeping pills is not the answer.

Instead, don’t watch television or play video games immediately before sleep.  Attend fewer evening meetings.

Is your bed comfortable?  Do you have enough blankets?  How about the pillows?

What is your most comfortable sleep position?  Do you sleep better on your stomach or are you a sleeper who prefers to be face up?  Do your bed, bedding, and pillows encourage a healthy sleep every night?

Finally, schedule sufficient hours to sleep.  You need at least eight hours of sleep in order to get the optimum energy and rejuvenation out of your body the next day.

One thing you can do to improve your sleep situation is to receive a reflexology session weekly.  People universally claim that regular reflexology encourages better sleep.  So, while you are offering reflexology sessions to your client partners to encourage their improved sleep, schedule  reflexology sessions for yourself.  At least, that way, you’ll know exactly how wonderful a reflexology encouraged sleep really feels.

Make it a habit to offer self-reiki therapy to encourage sleep.  Teach reiki therapy to your client partners so they can give themselves sessions as they go to bed at night.

One of the secrets to a healthy body is sufficient sleep on a continued basis.  Share this secret with your client partners!

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Thurman Greco


Reflexology Blog – Dizziness

Dizziness is a sensation of whirling or light-headedness which can cause a loss of balance. Physically, dizziness has several causes: inner ear infections, sudden movements, drug reactions, and nervous disorders affecting the motions of the liquid in the inner ear. These motions of the liquids control the body’s equilibrium.
Spiritually and emotionally, a person suffering with dizziness is going through a period in life where s/he is feeling overloaded, and off balance. There is a sense of vulnerability caused when the person feels unsafe and scattered at the same time. Dizziness sufferers want to be somewhere other than where they are. The person feels as if s/he is living a life going around in circles. Often, the necessary changes needed to straighten out the situation are totally unknown to the dizziness sufferer.
When offering a Reflexology for the Spirit session to a person suffering with dizziness, focus on the following reflexes:
Begin by working the brain reflexes, then move on to the sinus reflexes. The third step is to work the sense organs with emphasis on the eye and ear reflexes. Finally, work the liver and solar plexus.
Be sensitive to the realization that your client partner is feeling very vulnerable when having a dizzy spell. Know that your sessions will offer centering and peace.
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Peace and food for all.
Thurman Greco