Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Trouble Sleeping?

More and more people seem to be suffering from lack of sleep.  Stress is   overtaking our lives, it seems.  About a third of the people I encounter are battling insomnia.  But, stress isn’t the only cause of insomnia.  Low levels of estrogen and thyroid can rob you of your sleep.  Adrenal imbalances prevent sleep.  Nutritional deficiencies contribute to insomnia.  And on and on and on…

With this article, I offer  the first in a series of posts dedicated to suggestions you can use to assure you a better night’s sleep.  You may have some client partners  to share this information with also.

Some suggestions may be things you already know about.  That’s okay, it’s always nice to review and update information you may have forgotten  you know.

Other  suggestions will be new.  That’s good, too.  It’s always nice to add new skills to your tool box.

But, whether they’re tried and true, or brand new, give them a try.

  1.  Simplify your bedroom.  By that, I mean:  Move all your electronic devices out of your sleep space.   Computers, phones, TV’s, etc., emit signals as well as lights which can disturb a good night’s sleep.
  2. Hide your alarm clock  under your bed or in your closet.  The last thing you need on a sleepless night is to be continually reminded of how quickly or slowly time is passing.
  3. Regular Exercise  is important.  Try to get at least twenty minutes of exercise daily.  This habit will not only  help you sleep better,  but it  will help you feel better during the day, too.
  4. Avoid caffeine, alcohol, and tobacco in the evenings.   I know this sounds super boring, but this suggestion is both real and completely spot on.   As evening approaches, drop the coffee, and go for other foods and beverages which are relaxing.  One of my favorite bedtime snacks is a small container of plain Greek yogurt topped with whipped cream.   It’s nutritious, delicious, and it never keeps me awake.  If I wake up in the middle of the night, I eat this as a snack to help me go back to sleep.
  5. Then, there’s the old tried and true Usui Reiki Therapy.  When a client complains of insomnia, offer to teach him/her Reiki.  I find Reiki to be one of the best sleep aids out there.  When I use Reiki as as way of going to sleep, I never make it through a session.  I’m always asleep in less than 20 minutes.
  6. Develop winding down habits to help you prepare to be sleepy as you go to bed. This may mean a guided meditation, calming music, warm bath.
  7.   SKIP THE SLEEPING PILLS.   There are many herbal and nutritional preparations that may work for you.  Try them out until you find one you like best.  For your first selection, you may want to try melatonin, a product which should be taken about an hour before going to bed.  Melatonin is not a sleeping pill.  It will only work if you have  a low melatonin level.  
  8. Start paying attention to your sleep habits by learning when you go to bed in the evenings.  Your goal is to be able to allow yourself about eight or so hours to sleep each night.

Finally, I don’t know about you, but I hate the way I feel when I don’t get enough sleep.

Thanks for reading the first in this series of sleep promoting posts.  Insomnia is so prevalent these days.  It’s accompanied by depression and anxiety.

Please share this article with your favorite social media network.

Check in regularly to learn more things you can do to get a good night’s sleep.


Thurman Greco

PS:  I have more information about insomnia in my book.


Sleep for a Healthy Lifestyle

Bully 6

As a reflexology practitioner, it’s important that you stay as healthy as possible.    When you  take care of your body, you  inspire your client partners to take care of theirs.

Many conditions  lurk unnoticed for years to develop in the body before they are recognized for what they are:  diseases that, in the early stages, are seen as fatigue, headaches, insomnia.

But, whatever these conditions are called, they are actually ongoing health issues that no one has solved.  Often, we just ignore these problems.

“I just need to learn to live with this……” is a remark I hear often.  The problem is common, persistent, chronic.

Now is the  time to see these issues for what they are and take steps to deal with them before they become full blown, serious,  illnesses.  Look at yourself:

Do you look healthy?

Do you feel healthy?

Do you have enough energy for all the things you want to do each day?

Do you sleep well?

Do you have digestive issues?

Do you feel toxic?

Make 2017 the year you turn your life around.

Begin  by learning to get enough sleep.

The first step in a healthy sleep is having a healthy sleeping environment.

Do you or your sleep partner snore?  This can rob you of hours and hours of sleep, necessary to good health.  People don’t realize it but snoring can be a symptom of sleep apnea, a serious medical condition which contributes to Alzheimer’s.  So, today, begin to address the snoring.

Snoring is not always  expensive to treat.  So, make your first step to a healthy year, a trip to a physician to address any and all snoring and sleep issues.

The second thing to do is declutter  the sleep space.  Move the home office into another room.  Move the TV out.  The bedroom is for sleeping and sex.  Everything else goes in another part of your home or apartment.

About an hour before you are ready to go to bed, begin to calm yourself down.   Prepare your body to sleep.

Taking sleeping pills is not the answer.

Instead, don’t watch television or play video games immediately before sleep.  Attend fewer evening meetings.

Is your bed comfortable?  Do you have enough blankets?  How about the pillows?

What is your most comfortable sleep position?  Do you sleep better on your stomach or are you a sleeper who prefers to be face up?  Do your bed, bedding, and pillows encourage a healthy sleep every night?

Finally, schedule sufficient hours to sleep.  You need at least eight hours of sleep in order to get the optimum energy and rejuvenation out of your body the next day.

One thing you can do to improve your sleep situation is to receive a reflexology session weekly.  People universally claim that regular reflexology encourages better sleep.  So, while you are offering reflexology sessions to your client partners to encourage their improved sleep, schedule  reflexology sessions for yourself.  At least, that way, you’ll know exactly how wonderful a reflexology encouraged sleep really feels.

Make it a habit to offer self-reiki therapy to encourage sleep.  Teach reiki therapy to your client partners so they can give themselves sessions as they go to bed at night.

One of the secrets to a healthy body is sufficient sleep on a continued basis.  Share this secret with your client partners!

Thanks for reading this article!

Share this post with your favorite social media network.

Get your copy of “A Healer’s Handbook” today!


Thurman Greco