Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

What Needs to Go?

A woman called me yesterday. “My life is overtaking my life” she confided.  She spoke about things tying her down:  Her life is jumbled up. This includes her work schedule, her personal appointments, her home, her closets, her kitchen, her friends, her goals, her feelings, and her ambitions.  Her spiritual practice is caught up in the confusion.

Sometimes, in order to move forward, it’s important to offload excesses.  You know something significant is about happen, but it isn’t.  You’re doing everything you can think of, but things just aren’t going there.

A transformation will clear the way for the new beginning you’ve been working for.  Those things coming to an end can be reborn in the new beginning you need.

You know that it’s not good to just pile your future onto the detritus of the past.

When you walk away from your past and toward your future, leave your baggage behind.  This includes old thinking and old habits.

What should you do?

Set up an altar honoring your past.  Accept your past for what  it was and who it included.  Put some items from your past on the altar.  Include photos, or some flowers, for example, and some old thinking and old habits. Burn a candle.  Smudge the memories.  Release your past into the universe.

Be grateful for the past you had.  Honor it and put it to rest as you leave it behind.

Embrace the change.  Move on.  Words like old, outgrown, elimination, unknown, stale, conclusion, and simplify are important now.

Schedule some Reiki therapy or Reflexology sessions and embrace your new possibilities.

Make room for guided meditations.

And, finally, don’t look back!

Make a list of all the things you need to do to encourage your new life.  What’s on this list:

Make room for something new in your life

A new job

A new educational direction

A better diet

Getting more sleep

Spiritual growth and awakening

It’s time for you to do everything you can to open the door to your future.  When this happens, destiny has a chance to move in!

Thanks for reading this article.

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If you are interested in learning more, you may find information in previous articles at

There is also more information on “Let’s Live with Thurman Greco – YOUTUBE”

You can purchase my new book:  “Ketchup Sandwich Chronicles” at

There is another surprise!  I have another short book coming soon:

This is a short book about the birth of Jesus.

Thank you.

Thurman Greco

Your Crown Chakra Meditation

A crown chakra meditation is a good place for physical and spiritual healing.  This is where you encounter unconditional love.  You also channel wisdom and inspirational gifts of spirit guides and angelic beings.

Find a quiet, safe space for this meditation.

Begin by getting comfortable.  Sit, or lie down as you breathe slowly, evenly, and deeply to energize your crown chakra.

When you exhale, you release anger, fear, loss, negativity, and any other toxins.

Beginning with your first chakra, check in with each one as you greet it.

Now move up to your other chakras.  Touch or tap each chakra gently with your fingertips and note what sound or image you experience at each one.

You may or may not experience sounds, touch, smells.

You may want to record a word or two in a journal as you journey up your chakra path.

Arriving at your crown chakra, focus on where you are for a few minutes. Touch or tap your crown chakra as you focus on the center of your head.   What sensations do you feel?   Do you find a message here today?

You don’t have to feel, see, hear, or smell anything.  This is especially true if this is your first crown chakra meditation.  Whatever you experience, don’t worry.

Breathe into your crown chakra now.  Your mind is quiet.  Accept this moment as the blessing it is.   Take a few more crown chakra breaths to receive any feedback which may come to you as word, sound, song, image, color, feeling, intuitive message, awareness.

Your feedback may come to you at the moment, or later in the day or even a few days later.  Don’t try to rush things.

As your crown chakra meditation comes to an end, slowly move your body.  Bring yourself to your space gently and calmly.

Return to this meditation any time you want to communicate with your chakras.

Thank your chakras for this experience.


Thank you for reading this meditation today.  Please share it with your favorite social media network.  Please forward it to your friends and family.

More chakra information is available in “A Healer’s Handbook.”

There is also more chakra information available at “Let’s Live with Thurman Greco – YOUTUBE”

You can find out more at