Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

2023 – Appreciate the Good!


We’re entering another new year!  2023 is an opportunity to create a better world.  Let us all join together energetically as we focus in the coming weeks on ways we can expand and grow this opportunity.

Begin by sending Reiki into your future.

If you don’t know Reiki, send a meditation message to 2023.


Take this spot on the calendar to celebrate the new year by sending blessings to friends, family, and coworkers.  Send love and kindness to everyone.  Send blessings to the world!


Begin your transition into 2023 with a gratitude list.  This list offers endless benefits. When you work on a gratitude list, you’re not going to have room in your heart and mind for things like fear and worry.  Instead, you’ll find yourself surrounded with abundance, love, grace, awe, and appreciation.


Dwell for a few moments on things you are not happy about and then – release them to the universe.  Spiritual housecleaning is a good new year activity.  Let go of thoughts, dreams, beliefs, or habits which you know are not positive and do not fit in with your goals for success.

Make a list.  Write it out.  If you need help, ask the universe for guidance and support.

When you release negativity into the universe, you make space for goodness and love and all things positive.


With this question, you bring positivity into your life.  Write down:  What do you need?  What do you really want?  What does your soul need?  What positive situations and resources do you need to attract?  Why do you want these things?

Now, write out your answers.  Write out the things with the most meaning for you.  Use as much detail as you want.  There are no wrong answers when you write what feels good to you and is practical. You are attracting things in your life which will bring about the greatest good for the universe.


Using all of your senses, envision your dreams coming to life.  Spend a few (3-5) minutes meditating on them.  Begin your visualization with cleansing breaths.  You may even want to include some calming meditation music.

This step may not come easy to you at first.  Don’t worry.  You’ll get better at your visualizations as time passes.  Practice will improve your sessions.


Take an action each week that moves you toward your goal.  This can be something either big or small.  The important thing is that it is moving you on your path toward achievement.


Compose a power statement which is going to keep you focused on your goal.  You want an affirmation to keep you pointed in the right direction and moving along.

Examples include:

I trust my inner guidance.

I rely on my inner wisdom.

I have abundant health.

I speak my truth.

When you have chosen an appropriate affirmation, you can rely on it daily.  Reciting your affirmation regularly will keep you focused while it quiets negative thoughts.

Thanks for reading this blog post.  Please share it with your friends and relatives.

Forward it to your preferred social media network.

Connect with me on facebook:  Thurman Greco

If you are interested in more information about this article, check out my book “Healer’s Handbook”.  You can find it at

You can also find more information in older blog posts.

Two related books which include manifesting, goal setting, and focused action are:

“I Don’t Hang Out in Churches Anymore” and

“Ketchup Sandwich Chronicles”.

These two books are about the spiritual journey of hunger as illustrated by the shoppers in the food pantry line.

Find out more about me at

But first, do the spiritual work.

You need spiritual work because  your weight loss diet brings change – physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual change.

Success is easier when you speak to your inner self and ground your core in  the new goals you’ve set for your spiritual work.

Now is a good time to embark on this spiritual journey.  Choices, problems, challenges overwhelm us daily with information and current events.  Everywhere we turn, people,  animals, plants, air,  water, and the earth even,  cry out for help. We are drowning in all the needs for healing.

Spiritual work looms large.

To understand what is swirling around you, go to your spiritual center.  This is the source of your strength, grounding, and peace.  Here is where you’ll find your truth, your love and the core of your focus.   This is where you’ll find  weight loss success in your spiritual work.

This is where you’ll realize how much easier your life will be when your physical  body is no longer weighted down with extra pounds.  For some of us, there are pounds and pounds of protection to release.

Guided meditations can be a positive experience for you now.  I’ve relied on guided meditations for years.  My three favorite guided meditation books were edited several years ago by Larry Moen.  Entitled “Meditations for Awakening”,  “Meditations for Transformation”, and “Meditations for Healing”,  these books are  available on Amazon.

For me, these guided meditations offer a link between  feelings,  weight loss, and  wellbeing.

Forgiveness is helpful.   As forgiveness heals your soul, dieting will be easier  because  you won’t need to hoard  pounds.

When forgiveness happens, some of your protection pounds will evaporate into the ethers.

That doesn’t mean  you don’t need to change your eating habits and exercise  more.  But it does mean that  it’s easier  to accomplish a weight-loss  goal.

Forgiveness can be a path all its own.  Begin by forgiving  everything past, everything present, and everything future.

Forgive everything and everybody – including people and events you’ve forgotten.  Simply forgive everyone.  Forgive everyone who even possibly needs forgiveness.

The idea is to clear everything up between you and everyone, now and forever.

Release people to their own lives  – now and in peace.

And, last but not least, forgive yourself!

Write a daily forgiveness mantra.

You may find inspiration in some forgiveness prayers by Dr. Catherine Ponder.  I didn’t copy them here because I couldn’t find out for sure whether they are copyrighted.

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  • Please join me for future weight loss posts.

When you read them, some things  will resonate with you.  Others will not.  But, whether you  use some of the guidelines or none, one thing is for sure.  You will, day by day, leave the past behind.

Diets are not always easy.     But anything worthwhile can have its challenges.

Each of us, on  a diet or not, is on a spiritual journey.  Each of us is travelling separately.  But, we are all together.

It’s time to change old patterns,  seek  freedoms found in forgiveness, and  see beyond the past into an expanded  now.

Thank you for reading this blog post.  Please share it on your preferred social media network.

Thurman Greco


A Healthy Heart

Be Free Heart wings

A healthy heart and circulatory system are necessary to feel and express emotions positively.  When you work the circulatory system, you  distribute love and healing.  This improves your client’s sense of self worth and balances blood flow.  When your client’s sense of self worth improves and when the emotions are expressed positively, life improves physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

When I begin to address my client partner’s heart health, the first place I go is to the fourth chakra.  This means that I work the heart chakra on the reflex points on my client partner’s feet.

I also include an essential oil in the reflexology session when I work the heart and circulatory system.  I may choose lavender.  If my client partner needs grounding, I’ll reach for geranium.   You may have other oils in your tool box which will attract you.

If my client is overweight or underweight or if the skin color is not too good, I’ll offer a list of healing foods that are important for heart/circulatory issues.  If I think it’s a good idea, I’ll recommend a visit to a nutritionist.

Heart health issues  often take years to show themselves in the body.  Lifestyle habits contribute.  Heart health issues involve the whole body – the physical, mental, spiritual, emotional layers.  Spiritually, heart issues reflect long standing  wounds, rejection, and self-criticism.

If I have time, I’ll include a guided meditation in the session.  Guided meditations are always good for fourth chakra issues.  My favorite fourth chakra guided meditation invites my client partner to go beyond the curtain to a past life  because heart health baggage is often past life.

This can be a little challenging if your client partner doesn’t believe in past life issues.  When that happens, go to the time right after birth. Some past life issues are still open for you and your client partner in infancy.

Thank you for reading this article.

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“A Healers Handbook” is now available as an ebook on Amazon and on Nook.  The


Paper version is on the way!

In the near future I’ll share a guided heart healthy meditation with you and I’ll discuss lifestyle issues  affecting heart health.

Thurman Greco