Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

But first, do the spiritual work.

You need spiritual work because  your weight loss diet brings change – physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual change.

Success is easier when you speak to your inner self and ground your core in  the new goals you’ve set for your spiritual work.

Now is a good time to embark on this spiritual journey.  Choices, problems, challenges overwhelm us daily with information and current events.  Everywhere we turn, people,  animals, plants, air,  water, and the earth even,  cry out for help. We are drowning in all the needs for healing.

Spiritual work looms large.

To understand what is swirling around you, go to your spiritual center.  This is the source of your strength, grounding, and peace.  Here is where you’ll find your truth, your love and the core of your focus.   This is where you’ll find  weight loss success in your spiritual work.

This is where you’ll realize how much easier your life will be when your physical  body is no longer weighted down with extra pounds.  For some of us, there are pounds and pounds of protection to release.

Guided meditations can be a positive experience for you now.  I’ve relied on guided meditations for years.  My three favorite guided meditation books were edited several years ago by Larry Moen.  Entitled “Meditations for Awakening”,  “Meditations for Transformation”, and “Meditations for Healing”,  these books are  available on Amazon.

For me, these guided meditations offer a link between  feelings,  weight loss, and  wellbeing.

Forgiveness is helpful.   As forgiveness heals your soul, dieting will be easier  because  you won’t need to hoard  pounds.

When forgiveness happens, some of your protection pounds will evaporate into the ethers.

That doesn’t mean  you don’t need to change your eating habits and exercise  more.  But it does mean that  it’s easier  to accomplish a weight-loss  goal.

Forgiveness can be a path all its own.  Begin by forgiving  everything past, everything present, and everything future.

Forgive everything and everybody – including people and events you’ve forgotten.  Simply forgive everyone.  Forgive everyone who even possibly needs forgiveness.

The idea is to clear everything up between you and everyone, now and forever.

Release people to their own lives  – now and in peace.

And, last but not least, forgive yourself!

Write a daily forgiveness mantra.

You may find inspiration in some forgiveness prayers by Dr. Catherine Ponder.  I didn’t copy them here because I couldn’t find out for sure whether they are copyrighted.

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  • Please join me for future weight loss posts.

When you read them, some things  will resonate with you.  Others will not.  But, whether you  use some of the guidelines or none, one thing is for sure.  You will, day by day, leave the past behind.

Diets are not always easy.     But anything worthwhile can have its challenges.

Each of us, on  a diet or not, is on a spiritual journey.  Each of us is travelling separately.  But, we are all together.

It’s time to change old patterns,  seek  freedoms found in forgiveness, and  see beyond the past into an expanded  now.

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Thurman Greco


Self-Care for You, Reflexologist

When you look at your calendar for the coming week…where are YOU on the schedule?  If you are not on the schedule, you are not doing the basic self-care things things to protect your career.  Self-care is the difference between a two-year career as a healer and a twenty-year career as a healer.

You are the healer.  You join the professional organizations.  You pay your taxes.  You make sure your office is “just right”.  You take  continuing education classes.  In short, you do the things necessary to protect your business.

But, what about you:   your body, your spirit, your emotional strength, your thoughts?  Where are they lined up here with the bills and the available appointments, and the marketing activities?

For many healers, body workers this is the most difficult thing to do on the entire list.  As reflexologists, we’re accustomed to give, give, give.  And, we enjoy giving.  Obviously we enjoy giving or we would never have taken even the first class.

The bottom line here is that you commit to your own private, inner, personal wellness when you receive a weekly session.  You also set an example for your client partners.

Things you can do!:

Begin by filling your spiritual tank.  Schedule a session for yourself each week.  Every week.  Do something.  Get a massage.  Get a Reiki session.  Schedule a session with a shamanic healer.  Try out that new chiropractor who just moved into your neighborhood.

Do something!  The important thing is to get on someone else’s table at least once a week.

Personally, I receive an hour-long  Reiki therapy session every week…no matter what.  I also receive a reflexology session every week.  The work I do the rest of the week is much better for this hour which I invest in myself.

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Thurman Greco




In 1513 Juan Ponce de Leon went exploring for the fountain of youth in what is now Florida.  He found it and it exists.  A branch of it is probably at a fitness center in your community.  I found one in my community.  It’s called the Fitness Connection and is on Albany Avenue in Kingston, New York.

There is a branch of the Fountain of Youth within reach of you.  Can you name one?  Do you use one?  Regularly?

Being tuned into the Fountain of Youth is important.  Don’t ever mistake this.  But, it’s also important to be healed.  The quality of your life will be much better when you can forgive those who injured you in some way.  Forgiveness opens the door to healing.

Without forgiveness, we go through our daily life carrying  anger, blame, fear, guilt, hurt, regret, resentment, revenge, sadness.

Getting rid of  negative baggage can change your life for the better.

Begin to release this negative baggage by listing the people in your life who you need to forgive.  Include yourself in this list if you blame your self for things as well. (Don’t we all?)

Now, spend some time each day  forgiving those who need forgiveness.  You are forgiving people for yourself…nothing more.  You know that when you offer forgiveness, miracles can occur.

Don’t worry about the person anymore.  You are releasing this person’s energy into the universe.  You are releasing this person’s karmic connection to yourself.  You are cutting the cords which have been binding you together.

Healing you never expected will  take place.

How does forgiveness  happen?  How can you make this work for you?

Sit for a few minutes  in a quiet place and offer forgiveness to each person individually:

“I offer forgiveness to …………………………..  I forgive you for …………………………………..

Now, I  am free and you are free, too.  I release you to your divine plan of life.  Everything between us is cleared up, now and forever.”

When you have forgiven everyone you can remember, go into your past lives and offer forgiveness to those  who need it:

“I offer forgiveness to everyone in my past life who has damaged me in some way.  I forgive everyone for whatever he/she did.  Now, I am free and you are free, too.  I release you now.  Everything between us is cleared up, now and forever.”

These forgiveness meditations may take more than a day.  Actually, they may take several weeks or even months.  Don’t worry about this.  Take whatever time is necessary.  Forgive a  person or few persons each day when you have a few moments.

As you do this, notice how you feel when this happens.  Notice how much better you feel with each meditation.  Notice how much better you look.  Notice how much younger you act.  Notice how much excess weight you are losing.

You may not observe any changes immediately.  However, you will begin to see yourself, your environment, and your world improved, healed, more beautiful.

As you forgive people and release them to their divine plans…

You will feel better.

Your vocabulary will change.

Your thoughts will be positive.

You will feel free.

You will feel light.

Replace the negativity with love.

Bring love alive in your life.

Eat, sleep, and breathe love.


Thank you for reading this article.  Please share this blog post with your favorite social media network.

Spread the word about “A Healer’s Handbook”!  Thank you to everyone who has purchased this book.  Thank you to everyone who will purchase this book in the future.

Thank you to Michele Garner for contributing her heart art at the top of this blog.

Thank you to Sangi van den Nouweland for contributing the cover art on “A Healer’s Handbook.”

The information about the Fountain of Youth came from the Fountain of Youth Archeological Park in Saint Augustine, Florida.

Thurman Greco



Arthritis in the Feet


Page0001THE ISSUE – Arthritis in the feet definitely addresses  problems we experience as we move forward in life.  Arthritis also focuses on a personality living with judgmental attitudes.  Control is  an issue.

PHYSICAL CAUSES – There are many, many different types of arthritis.  Common risk factors include:

old age


ill-fitting shoes

traumatic injury

If your client partner wants to deal with this affliction  and to know his/her specific causes, s/he needs to see a rheumatologist for a diagnosis.  This is important.  A diagnosis always gives the client partner more power over the health issue.  Until a person has a name for the disease, it is more difficult to overcome the problems.

You also need a diagnosis because there are many different kinds of arthritis and you will treat the issue differently based on which type  your client partner suffers with.

SPIRITUAL ASPECTS – Where the arthritis attacks the foot reveals much about the involved Chakras.  For example, the first chakra would be affected with arthritis in the heel.

If it is in the right foot – your client partner is dealing with past issues.  The left foot focuses on the present.

HEALING – The reflexology your regular sessions offer cannot be overestimated.  Combine them with Reiki therapy and encourage your client partner to add a few extra reflexology  spa sessions.

A person suffering with arthritis needs nurturing so that releasing  the past becomes easier.  Forgiving is essential with arthritis, especially arthritis in the feet.

Nurturing offered by your reflexology sessions allows your client partner to appreciate the positive things which life offers.   Nurturing reflexology sessions will also help your client partner worry less about perceived limitations.  This will definitely lighten the load.

In addition to your reflexology and Reiki sessions, you may want to include an occasional guided meditation  focusing on changing direction in life with ease.

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Thurman Greco

Thank you Sangi for the beautiful art work.


The Fourth Chakra and Reflexology


The fourth Chakra reflex point is found on the ball of the foot.  This is where we find the  heart, lungs, breasts, thymus gland, shoulders.  

Fourth Chakra issues include:

self esteem

personal power




Are you able to express your emotions?

Do you need to protect yourself?

Do you have problems giving and receiving love?

Are you living a divided life?

 Have you created a protective barrier around your heart?

Do you have trouble forgiving people?

Do you fear rejection?

Do you feel vulnerable?

Is it physically/emotionally painful to move forward in life?

Are you hiding your true self from others?

Grief is a fourth Chakra issue.  We know as Reflexology for the Spirit practitioners that grief is housed in the ball of the foot – the heart – the lungs.

The fourth Chakra builds on the lower three Chakras  as our thoughts and dreams take on language, expression.  The fourth Chakra is where the moment of inspiration which took place in the first Chakra, now becomes entire paragraphs, both spoken and written.

The fourth Chakra links the spiritual and physical bodies as well as their issues.  This is because the fourth Chakra is the our energetic center,  working to fuse the physical and spiritual bodies.

When this happens, we are able to touch others as well as allowing them  to touch our lives.  The goal is unconditional love.  A good way to get insight about unconditional love is to pay attention to cats and dogs, 2 creatures which practice unconditional love routinely.

Our heart Chakra  pulls us into relationships involving







Grief is an important fourth Chakra issue.  Grief blocks fourth Chakra energy.   Letting go of grief and wounding opens our hearts.

The state of the fourth Chakra is easily seen in one’s posture.  People suffering with heart Chakra issues may be





Unbalanced fourth Chakras can also been seen in people with heart and respiratory problems.  Heart surgery can have a direct impact on the heart Chakra.

Meditations can be important.  Meditations focusing on:


heart opening


can help balance the fourth Chakra.

When you work with your client partner’s fourth Chakra, you offer the opportunity to help him/her release grief.  It’s in the fourth Chakra that we find

an open heart,

the energy to give,

and a straighter body.

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Thurman Greco

Photo donated by Jennette Nearhood.

Forgiveness Meditation with Mary, Queen of Angels

Virgin Mary

Find a quiet place:

A room, or a corner of a room.

A garden.

A place in a park.

Any place where you can be quiet and relax.

Sit quietly as you feel  tension leave your body.  Feel it drain out of your fingertips and toes.

Take a few breaths.  Breathe deeply as you inhale and then exhale.

Now, in your mind, take yourself to a meadow.  Sit quietly on a rock located in this meadow.  Look around you and notice all you see.

You have come to this meadow to learn to offer forgiveness.  You’ve tried throughout your life to offer forgiveness at times when you feel you’ve been wronged.  You’ve never felt truly successful in your efforts to forgive someone.

So, you are here today, sitting quietly on a rock located in a meadow.

A person comes to join you.  You see Mother Mary, the Queen of Angels.

As she  comes to join you, take note of how she looks.  What color are her robes?  What is her hair like?  What does her face look like?  Try to notice every detail.

She joins you to help you learn to forgive.  Mary will remain with you as long as you need while she assists you in your efforts to forgive.

Mary is here to teach you…

without words,

without pictures…

how to be silent and learn to forgive.

Spend time with her in deep silence, meditating on  teachings she offers you now. You know that, as the mother of Jesus, she experienced life events requiring serious forgiveness.  Mary persevered.  You feel now the experiences Mary had in her life which caused her to learn to live the act of forgiveness.

It’s not necessary to know anything about Mary in order to understand what she’s teaching you.  It’s not necessary to be a Catholic, or a Christian even.  Mary is recognized not only in Christian theology, but also in Orthodox and Muslim teachings.  Mary’s story is universal, touching us all.  Her life motivates us to all learn to forgive.  Mary belongs to all of us…no matter what our religious beliefs.

When you feel that you have absorbed all you can at this time,  you know  it is best to go.  You thank Mary, Queen of Angels for visiting with you and for teaching you to forgive.

You know  Mary is here for you.  Feeling gratitude, love, light, you know you can return to this meadow  any time you need to visit with Mary again.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco

Michele Garner created  the artwork for today’s article.