Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

4 Ways the Prostate Reflex is Enhanced in a Reflexology Session


Brain Physical systemThe prostate is located at the bottom of the bladder in males.  It  partially encircles the urethra and is both  muscular and partly glandular.  It is a little larger than a chestnut.  This is an endocrine gland and takes its direction from the pituitary gland.

When you work the prostate reflex points, several things happen:

The gland begins to  relieve  pressure on the bladder or urethra.

Blood circulation increases.

It is stimulated to fight infections.

The alkaline fluid which transports and protects the sperm is stimulated.

The reflex points for the prostate are found on both feet.  The points are found in the indented places right under the inner ankle bones.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco