Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Reflexology for the Spirit and Heart Disease

WITH HEART DISEASE, THE BOTTOM LINE IS TAKING CARE OF THE ARTERIES.   It’s believed by many that heart disease begins in childhood.

All of us can do things to help prevent heart disease:

Proper diet and exercise lowers cholesterol.

Getting the weight off gets harder with every birthday.  After 60, it’s a real challenge.  But, don’t give up.  If you carry your weight on your waist as opposed to your hips, your body is in line for a heart attack.

Get regular exercise.  Walking costs nothing and is one of the best exercises around.  Fat yoga teachers are very rare.  So, take a regular class.  The important thing is to do something 3 times a week.  The diet part can be tricky.  Almost everyone thinks their diet is a good one.  To lower cholesterol, emphasize healthy oils, vegetables, and fruits.

A high fiber diet is important for a healthy heart.

KEEPING YOUR BLOOD PRESSURE IN THE SAFE ZONE IS IMPORTANT.    Think 120/80.  Nobody wants to start medication but the number really needs to be in the safe zone.  New guidelines are a little generous with numbers but if your pressure is 140/90, you need to see a physician.

Get a blood pressure cuff and take your pressure every morning:  first thing.  Know your pressure.  There is a real correlation between hypertension, heart attacks, stroke, diabetes, etc.

In addition to taking blood pressure medication, I use a Resperate  biofeedback device daily.  The Resperate works to relax the muscles surrounding my small blood vessels, allowing blood to flow easier.  I feel that regular use offers sustained blood pressure reduction in conjunction with the medication.

My Resperatae adapts to my breathing rate and guides me to reduce my breathing rate easily.

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Peace and food for all.


Reflexology for the Spirit and the Big Five

SEVERAL DISEASES STALK US ALL.   Although it’s difficult to know exactly what causes them, markers exist letting us know where they fit in the overall scheme of things.  Some  things are certain.

Reflexology for the Spirit plays a significant part in promoting overall wellness, disease prevention, and disease management.  These diseases can be prevented and/or managed with some healthy lifestyle habits.  Emphasizing disease prevention and health promotion with Reflexology for the Spirit is important.

Focusing on prevention can decrease disabilities, increase the quality of life for your client partners, and reduce their health care costs.

Changing health damaging habits such as smoking, sedentary lifestyle, and poor diet can have a dramatic effect on your client partners.  These changes can have a ripple effect in their communities.  When you encourage your clients partners to practice disease prevention, you offer them an opportunity for a healthier future.

THESE DISEASES CHALLENGE US IN DIFFERENT WAYS BASED ON OUR AGE.    Being knowledgeable of these challenges and how they present themselves to us offers  valuable tools to prevent the diseases themselves.  The five biggest threats to our health are:

Heart Disease,



Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease,


Interestingly enough, the risk factors and markers for these diseases are similar (with only a few exceptions).


In the next six posts, I will explore each of these diseases and, finally, offer a summary.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco


Guided Meditation – An Angel with a Heart Message



Page0002 (2)Begin this meditation as you find a safe, quiet place for yourself.

Make yourself comfortable by either sitting in a chair or lying face up on a sofa or other flat surface.  Turn on some soft, soothing music.

Take a few  breaths as you prepare to focus on your breathing.

Focus on your breathing now.  As you inhale, breathe relaxation in through your nose. Visualize a happy and expanded heart center.

Exhale now as you breathe out stress and anxiety through your mouth.

Breathe in relaxation through your nose as you visualize your heart’s unconditional love.

As you exhale, breathe out disappointment through your mouth.

As you breathe in relaxation through your nose, focus on joy and happiness.

Breathe out heaviness and stagnation through your mouth.

As you breathe in relaxation through your nose, listen to your heart.

Breathe out anger and bitterness through your mouth.

You are calm and centered now.  You look around and notice your surroundings have changed.  You see two beautiful chairs in a quiet meadow.

Notice how the chairs appear.  Are they wood?  Upholstered?  Notice the details so you can remember them for the future.

You realize this whole area has a comforting  beautiful rose colored glow.  You see  an angel  dressed in rose colored garments.  You know immediately that this angel is with you to help you listen to your heart’s wisdom and guidance.

As the angel sits down in the chair next to you, notice the details of how this angel looks.  How is the angel dressed?

As you sit by the angel for a few moments, you ask the angel to help you heal your heart and open it for love and wisdom to come your way.

You also ask the angel for healing wisdom appropriate to your situation.

You sit for a few moments absorbing this wisdom.  You know that you may receive this wisdom now but you may also receive this wisdom at some point in the next few days.

You sit quietly next to this angel knowing that wisdom will be revealed to you in the coming days.  You feel that you might receive this wisdom through an event or a dream or through words read.  You know that you will receive this wisdom when the time is appropriate.

It is time for you to go now.

You know from deep within yourself that you can return to this beautiful chair in this meadow any time you want or need to visit with this angel again.

You close your eyes for a few moments and pause a final time.

Then, you begin to stretch a bit and return to the room as you left it a few minutes ago.

Thank you for reading this guided meditation.

Peace and food for all.

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Thurman Greco