Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Reflexology for the Spirit and Heart Disease

WITH HEART DISEASE, THE BOTTOM LINE IS TAKING CARE OF THE ARTERIES.   It’s believed by many that heart disease begins in childhood.

All of us can do things to help prevent heart disease:

Proper diet and exercise lowers cholesterol.

Getting the weight off gets harder with every birthday.  After 60, it’s a real challenge.  But, don’t give up.  If you carry your weight on your waist as opposed to your hips, your body is in line for a heart attack.

Get regular exercise.  Walking costs nothing and is one of the best exercises around.  Fat yoga teachers are very rare.  So, take a regular class.  The important thing is to do something 3 times a week.  The diet part can be tricky.  Almost everyone thinks their diet is a good one.  To lower cholesterol, emphasize healthy oils, vegetables, and fruits.

A high fiber diet is important for a healthy heart.

KEEPING YOUR BLOOD PRESSURE IN THE SAFE ZONE IS IMPORTANT.    Think 120/80.  Nobody wants to start medication but the number really needs to be in the safe zone.  New guidelines are a little generous with numbers but if your pressure is 140/90, you need to see a physician.

Get a blood pressure cuff and take your pressure every morning:  first thing.  Know your pressure.  There is a real correlation between hypertension, heart attacks, stroke, diabetes, etc.

In addition to taking blood pressure medication, I use a Resperate  biofeedback device daily.  The Resperate works to relax the muscles surrounding my small blood vessels, allowing blood to flow easier.  I feel that regular use offers sustained blood pressure reduction in conjunction with the medication.

My Resperatae adapts to my breathing rate and guides me to reduce my breathing rate easily.

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Peace and food for all.