Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Getting to the Heart of the Matter.


Seriously, are you getting enough rest?  Sometimes, getting to the heart of the matter needs rest.

Frankly, I don’t know anybody who will admit to getting enough rest.  Actually, that’s okay.  At least, they aren’t lying.

The thing is…when we rest, we recuperate, recover, and heal.  Right now, we’re coming off of a three-year stress-a-thon.  For some of us, this was a nightmare that didn’t end.

A story in the local newspaper tells me that Biden is about to declare the end of the Pandemic.  HURRAH!  That’s wonderful.  But what about the fallout?

Millions died of Covid-19.

School closings, masks, and vaccines upended and disturbed our children’s education, possibly permanently.

Careers and employment situations changed.  Work will never be the same again.  For some of us, employment was then, and is now, a horror and nightmare we may never recuperate from.

We watched a black man die as an officer kept a knee on his neck for nine minutes while he cried out he could not breathe.

Social isolation changed our culture, maybe long term or forever. Some of us are unable to leave their homes yet.  Others of us experienced loneliness, distance, and abandonment.

For many, this pandemic brought heartbreak, pain, sorrow, and loss.  Truths we held strong were changed or lost.  Our emotions are raw and we need healing.

The pandemic turned our emotional world upside down and inside out.

During this time, political division drove apart families, religious communities, and committees.

School shootings and mass shootings occurred seemingly every week.  They continue.

Finally, we watched tanks and planes attacking Ukraine.

Has the time come for you to rest up and recuperate after the past few years?

Are you ready?  Frankly, several people I know aren’t.  They are not yet prepared to leave the safe space they created during the ordeal.

Your soul will tell you whether you are ready, not ready, or whether you are somewhere else in between.

If you are not yet ready to move forward, you have received a sign that you still need to recuperate and contemplate.  A message for you may be to examine your options further.  Meditating on your situation a bit longer may be a good path for you right now.

Now is not a good time for you to rush to a decision.

Now is a good time to schedule some regular reflexology and Reiki sessions.  When you make your appointments for these sessions, think clearly about your intentions.

You may want to select a special intention for each session.  Or, you may want to set one intention for all the sessions.  Either way, use these sessions as a platform to quiet your mind and give yourself permission to explore your possibilities.

Ultimately, you will explore peace and healing.

You may also want to choose a day in which you do nothing at all.  Sit around.  Catch up on your sleep.  Drink some calming tea or water. This can be a day of spiritual convalescence.

.Do you feel that the storm is over and the air is clear for you?  Do you feel your wounds are beginning to heal?

This is a good time to assess the damage and move on.

Do you feel you are not ready to move on.  Was the experience too painful?  Are you afraid that moving on will hurt even more?

Take some deep, cleansing breaths and send yourself love – as much love as possible.

If if seems comfortable for you, visualize yourself back in action.  See your life getting busy again.  You’ll know you are ready to move forward when You’re ready to get back into the world.


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Longevity and the Fountain of Youth

In 1513, Ponce de Leon discovered the fountain of youth in what is now St. Augustine, Florida.  Fortunately for us all, the fountain of youth still exists and there is a branch of it in your neighborhood.  It is the sidewalk where you can walk daily as you exercise.  It can also be found at your nearest fitness class.

The truth is that the best thing you can do to assure that you live a long and healthy life is move, move, move.  Exercise is where it’s at!

A good exercise class or activity is one that you enjoy, can practice at least three times a week, and is one which strikes the right balance between enthusiasm and safety.  You are doing yourself no favors if you experience sports injuries.  The fountain of youth is one where you move, move, and move.

Everybody has excuses to not be physically fit through regular exercise.

Teens are distracted from exercise by schoolwork and the powerful pull of a social life.

Young adults in their 20’s seem to be physically fit more by accident than anything else.  After all, young people are busy with careers and social activities.

Careers and family relationships are the major pulls of adults in their 30’s  and 40’s.  People exercising in this age group are often motivated by vanity.  For some, health and longevity concerns become important as  muscle strength declines.  Issues surface such as slower reaction time,  shortening ligaments,  loss of elasticity.  People in their 30’s and 40’s need to use warm ups, stretching more often.

If a person in the 50-to-60 age category continues to ignore the fountain of youth, daily life becomes more difficult  when the time comes to get out of a chair, lift and carry objects.  The quality of life improves when people rely on  regular exercise  routines.  Regular exercise improves the life of a retiree!  Go Fountain of Youth!

Exercise which supports physical fitness makes the difference between independent living and an assisted living facility for a person in the   70-to-80 age group.

The good news is that we are never too old to  enjoy the benefits of the fountain of youth.  Exercise is always there for us – no matter what our age!  It ‘s never too late to discover the fountain of youth for yourself.

Whatever your age category, get off the sofa and move for just 30 minutes a day.

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Thurman Greco

Woodstock, New York