Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Your Own Guided Meditation: Relax and Enjoy the Journey

A guided meditation awakens, transforms, heals.   It  creates a journey  so you can fulfill a purpose or reach a goal or answer a question of some kind.  In short, a guided meditation helps you solve a problem you may be experiencing.

Many guided meditations use quiet, calming music to support your journey.  I like  music which doesn’t have abrupt changes.  Whatever music you use, you need something which will not  interfere with your visualization.

Guided meditations work well in groups with one person reading or speaking the meditation aloud.  They also work well for a person alone who reads the meditation or who is listening to it on an audio device.

The best time for a guided meditation is whenever or wherever it works best for you.

Don’t worry if you feel you have fallen asleep during your meditation.  Usually, you have not.

Pauses guide and pace the journey.  They can occur throughout a meditation.  How many, and how long each one is depends on the meditation and the group.  I like to schedule the pauses in the meditation when I  design it.  .

Breathing tempo is established at the beginning of each meditation.  Many people do not breathe deeply enough.  Although shallow breathing is common, meditations call for deeper, slower breathing.  Belly breathing is part of the event.  I set the breathing tempo early in the meditation.

A first step in a guided meditation is to spend a few moments encouraging your recipients to get comfortable.  Try not to rush this part.  Many people are not comfortable in their bodies and may not recognize when they are comfortable – not for a few moments anyway.

Then, the scene emerges.  This can be in a secret room, in a meadow, on the edge of a lake, an the foot of a mountain.  The scene is described.  Meditation recipients are often invited to add their own details mentally as they listen to the unfolding  journey.

After the introduction which sets the scene, the meditation generally involves a journey…walking down a path, riding a canoe on a lake, taking a trip on a balloon.  Again, a few moments are taken to include details.  Descriptive paragraphs tell the story as it unfolds.  And, again, your meditation recipients are often invited to add their own details through their thoughts.

Sometimes, a guided meditation may introduce a character – an angel, a wise elder, one’s inner child.  This character’s job is to listen to any questions a person may have and offer an answer or response which may be received during the meditation or at some time later in the day or even the next day.

With a guided meditation, you and your recipient’s  job is to relax and enjoy the journey.  You reach your destination when you receive an answer or solution.

The final step allows a recipient to slowly return to the present moment knowing that she can return to the meditation at any time.  There is no rush.

Assure your recipients that they can return to this meditation whenever they desire.  It is time to stretch, yawn, open eyes, and return to the present moment.

heart with wings

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Thurman Greco


Your Sleep Sanctuary

heart with wings

Better sleep includes getting enough sleep at night and  waking  gently in the morning.  That’s what alarm clocks and cell phone alarms are for.  Use them to remind you to begin to calm down in the evening and to gently wake you in the morning.

Sleep Encouraging  Techniques for you

As you journey down the path toward a better night’s sleep, don’t think of your bedroom as just a bedroom.  Think of it as your sleep sanctuary.

Some people report they get to sleep easier if they use a diffuser   with a lavender essential oil.  You may want to try this.  Lavender is one of the most popular and calming essential oils out there but not everyone likes it.

If you like lavender, you can use it knowing that studies find lavender essential oil improves your mood, decreases the heart rate, lowers the skin temperature and   blood pressure a bit.

A bonus here is that lavender is not one of the most expensive essential oils.  So, this may be an economical solution for you.

Do you have any plants in your bedroom?  If not, you may want to add one or two.  They purify the air as  they reduce mold,  filter toxins, release oxygen at night.  And, plants are fun to look at.

Lower Lighting is Important for a Good Night’s Rest.

As you prepare for sleep each night, lower the lights in your sleep sanctuary.  Bright lights  just before getting into bed can trick you into wakefulness.  You need light as you get ready for bed, but you just don’t need so much.

When You are Ready to go to Sleep, Turn out the Lights.

Then, when you get into your bed, set your intention.  My intention is always for a deep, healing, relaxing sleep so that I will wake up refreshed in the morning when it is time to get up.

Follow your intention with a short breathing exercise .

Begin this sleep breathing by getting comfortable in your bed.  Take a deep breath and hold it for an extra moment.  When you release this breath, focus on releasing  all tension and worries.  Blow them far away.  With the next breath, let go of any discomfort your body is holding.  With every exhale, focus on the word “relax”.

Breathe in peace…breathe out relax.

Hold your breath for a moment and then repeat:  Breathe in peace…breathe out relax.

Now, breathe in peace…breathe out relax.

Finally, enjoy your final peace breath and then breathe out relax.

Thank you for reading this article.  Please refer it to your favorite social media network.

Thurman Greco