Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Incontinence – a common spiritual affliction suffered by many, many people

Incontinence, the inability to control  bladder functions, can be caused by injury, weak sphincter muscles, pressure on the bladder, and emotional stress.  Incontinence accompanies diabetes, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease.  Incontinence is also common in people over 50.

Spiritually, incontinence is a sense of being out of control.  Sufferers are anxious, overwhelmed, stressed,

There are several types of incontinence:  stress incontinence, urge incontinence, overflow incontinence, functional incontinence, and total incontinence.

Things can be done to prevent incontinence.  Performing Kegel exercises to keep the pelvic floor muscles toned is helpful.  Regular bowel movements help.  It’s important to drink adequate but not extremely large amounts of water.  Cut back on caffeine, and alcohol.  Find out if any of the other medications you take can cause incontinence.  If so, try to switch to a different drug.

Nutrition is a factor in incontinence.  Take a good quality magnesium tablet daily.  When you add magnesium to your vitamin regime, expect to take it for up to four months before you notice a difference.

Reflexology sessions definitely help.  However, the incontinence sufferer needs to visit a physician to get a diagnosis.   Treatments include exercise, reflexology, acupuncture, medication, surgery.

A reflexology for the spirit session for an incontinence sufferer includes:

Work the solar plexus and diaphragm reflexes.

Work the urinary system with emphasis on the bladder reflexes.

And, for men, work the prostate reflexes.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco



Simplify Your Life – And, That Includes Your Medicine Cabinet

Page0004 (1)“Every morning, after we do our yoga, we each take a clove of garlic, chop it up and swallow it whole.” – Sara L. and A. Elizabeth Delaney

Americans spend billions of dollars yearly on heartburn relievers, stomach coaters, hemorrhoidal preparations, eye drops, tranquilizers, sleeping pills. nose drops, decongestants.  The pharmacy shelves are lined  with totally worthless items, many of which are expensive.  Many of these over-the-counter products may also be health risks for the users.

Whenever I feel that I need something to ease some type of distress, I get a reflexology session or Reiki therapy session and then, if I still feel like I need something, I take one of two  products:  aspirin or garlic.

For me, aspirin is a true miracle drug.  I doubt seriously if it would pass FDA testing and even get on the market if it were introduced today.  It’s my drug of choice on most everything.  For me, if aspirin and/or reflexology doesn’t help…it’s time to call the physician.   I usually give the aspirin and reflexology  1 day’s  chance before I call her.  (And, I rarely call her.)

Aspirin is a respected pain reliever.

Aspirin is thought by many to prevent heart attacks and strokes.

Aspirin is used as a fever reducer.

Aspirin is used to stop aches and inflammation.

Garlic is the other  indispensable item in my arsenal.  Garlic is a true wonder drug which can be eaten raw, cooked, crushed, or chopped.  It can also be taken as a supplement.

Like aspirin, scientists aren’t sure what makes it the miracle worker it is.  What many professionals  agree on, however, is that garlic is the best tonic out there.

Tests have shown that garlic eaters have less stomach and colon cancer.

Tests have shown that garlic lowers cholesterol

Tests have shown that garlic lowers blood pressure.

Tests have shown that garlic helps prevent heart attacks.

Tests have shown that garlic improves brain function.

Tests have shown that garlic acts as an antianxiety drug.

Tests have shown that garlic has antiaging properties.

So…if garlic does all these things, how should it be taken?  Garlic can be taken fresh, powdered, or dried.  Books and magazine articles claim  garlic supplements have the same chemicals as fresh garlic and don’t cause bad breath.  My experience with several different kinds of garlic pills is not that positive.  I get garlic breath from the pills as well as from eating fresh garlic.

Cooked garlic is milder than raw and also is probably not as effective as the raw. (That’s my opinion, anyway.)

So, how much garlic is too much?   Any product or food which claims to be therapeutic can be overdosed.  Eating more than three raw garlic cloves daily has been  known to cause gastric distress.  If you’re taking the supplements, limit your intake to what the manufacturers recommend.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco


Books tell us that

Sense of Sight – Eyestrain

Physical causes of eyestrain include excessive eye fatigue which can result in headache. Other causes include stress, overuse of eyes at work or at video or computer monitors. Poor lighting, incorrect eyeglass/contact lens prescriptions.
Spiritually and emotionally, vision problems go hand-in-hand with emotional traumas, fear, and rejection of the outside world. It has been said that our eyes are the mirrors of our soul.
Relief is available for people suffering with eyestrain. Better lighting, better eyeglasses, Reflexology for the Spirit sessions. But also, the client partner needs to look at lifestyle issues and work to relieve stress, overuse of eyes.
As you offer reflexology sessions, be aware of the need for homeostasis. Deep relaxation is important.
Work the urinary system with a focus on the kidneys, work the sense organs with a focus on the eye reflexes, work the arm and shoulder reflexes, work the spine reflexes, work the lymphatic system and finally focus on the solar plexus and diaphragm reflexes.
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Peace and food for all.
Thank you.
Thurman Greco

Tinnitus is a Spiritual Event

One way we perceive our world is through sound. This perception is influenced by our emotions and spiritual reactions to life events. We hear things and we also listen to what we’re hearing. We interpret the things we hear and listen to. We not only hear and listen to events happening around us but we also hear and listen to our inner voice.
My conclusion here is that hearing and listening is both highly emotional and spiritual. Reduced to it’s lowest common denominator, the concepts we hear can touch our core beliefs in ways that go straight to the heart and soul. Our attitudes, opinions, and feelings about what we hear may or may not be based on facts, or statistics, or even what’s real. Often, our attitudes cannot be changed by facts, statistics, or information.
Our feelings, beliefs, educational background and training, life experiences, all influence what we feel, see, and hear. Our responses include these influences.
Tinnitus is a ringing, hissing, or buzzing in the ears which has no external origin.
In my opinion, Tinnitus occurs when a person no longer trusts his/her own voice. Tinnitus occurs when your body tells you it’s time to pay more attention to your inner voice, to your feelings, to your inner self.
Reflexology for the Spirit sessions are important in the life of a Tinnitus sufferer.
Work the respiratory system with emphasis on the sinuses, work the sense organs with emphasis on the ears, work the entire endocrine system and finish up the session with working the liver and the solar plexus. Homeostasis is very important here and that is exactly what your sessions will offer.
Peace and food for all.
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Thurman Greco

Reflexology blog: Fatigue is a Symptom Not to be Ignored.

Fatigue is one of the most important symptoms a human can have. Whenever your client partner complains of fatigue, please don’t ignore the remark. Try to get him/her to visit a health care professional who is not going to blow this symptom off. A good healthcare professional will take this seriously.
Feelings of chronic tiredness may be due to such things as overwork, poor nutrition, stress, and illness. There are many diseases for which fatigue is the first thing felt.
Fatigue is a normal response to physical overexertion, long term emotional stress, sleep deprivation, viral or bacterial infection, endocrine disease, cardiovascular disease, or neurological disease.
Fatigue is also a spiritual response. People respond, on a spiritual level, to boredom, resistance and lack of love. One thing that can help…whatever the cause of fatigue…is to learn to become enthusiastic about something.
Homeostasis is a good goal when working with fatigue sufferers.
nervous system focusing on the brain reflexes, respiratory system focusing on the lung reflexes, circulatory system focusing on the heart reflex, work the liver and the solar plexus, and, finally, finish the session by working the adrenal gland reflexes.
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Thurman Greco

Introducing the Immune System


We’re beginning a new section with this post.  For the next few posts, we’ll be discussing the different body systems.  The first system to be explored is the immune system.

The immune system is the group of organs and glands working together to protect you from colds, flu, infections, slow-healing wounds, as well as more serious diseases.

The major parts of the immune system include the lymphatics, thymus, tonsils, appendix and spleen.  The thymus is actually an endocrine gland but works with the immune system.

Think of the  lymphatics as the sewer system of the body.  If you are to stay healthy and not have colds, flu, infections, etc., it’s important to keep the lymphatic system clean and functioning properly.  The lymphatics are a system of vessels located throughout the body running parallel to the circulatory system.  They collect toxic waste that seeps out of the blood vessels, control the fluid levels in body tissue, and absorb fats from the digestive system.

They drain the toxins into the lymph nodes which are located throughout the body.  If you look at a map of the lymphatic system, you’ll see that there are more nodes located closer to the head and heart than lower down on the body.  This leads many professionals to believe that one of the jobs of the lymphatic system is to protect the brain.

The lymph glands don’t have a pump.  (The circulatory system has a pump:  the heart.)  As we move our bodies, we move the lymph.

In the next post, we’ll continue with the lymphatics as well as the other parts of the immune system.

As always, thanks for reading this blog/book.  Please contact me if you have any questions or comments.

This post is coming to you from my healing space in Woodstock, NY.

Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco

What Goes Into Your Reflexology Healing Space?

Page0007One nice thing about Reflexology for the Spirit is that you can practice is without a lot of expensive or complicated equipment or props.  Your healing space doesn’t have to be the Taj Mahal.

Reflexology for the Spirit works best if the recipient has a body length surface to lie on, face up, or a chair to sit in comfortably.  This can be a massage table, sofa, recliner, or zero gravity recliner.

Often, a recliner is the practitioner’s first choice.  If you have one at home, try setting up a special space in the corner of your living room, or other spare room for your healing work.  Arrange it so the space is comfy and cozy.  The standard reflexology furniture is a zero gravity recliner which can be purchased anywhere  selling lawn furniture.

It’s fine to use your sofa, as well.  When your client partner lies on the sofa face up, their feet hang over the arm.

Some practitioners use massage tables which can be folded up out of the way when not in use.  The height is adjustable.

With a recliner or sofa, you’ll need a stool or small chair that can go low to the floor.  (The zero gravity chair and recliner don’t fold out too high.)  Massage tables are adjustable to you can use whatever chair you’re comfortable with.  (It’s important for you to be comfortable, too.)

Create a sense of place that is peaceful and inviting – a ‘safe’ environment that invites the person to return, a reminder of a sense of peace.  Your environment needs to say “this is your special time”.  Silence the phone – no one making noise, opening doors, etc.  Any other people in your home should be instructed to keep noise levels low.  Purchase a white noise machine.

A massage table with several heating pads lined up under the bedding will ensure the table is warm.  Turn them on a few minutes before the client partner arrives so the space is warm and friendly upon entering.  Table warmers for massage tables can be expensive, and for the beginning practitioner, heating pads will do just as well.

Pillows are important.  They go under the knees as well as under the head.   You need towels to use under the feet as a cushion and also to protect your linens from oils and creams which you’ll be applying.  Wrap a towel around each of your  client partner’s feet after you work on them.

If you’re happy working in the space you create and feel it is a sacred space – so will your client.

Many practitioners play low volume music.  Choose something you think will be appealing or offer a selection to choose from before beginning the session.  Find your music from classical, spiritual chants, Reiki therapy music, yoga music, meditation music.

Make the décor simple and peaceful.  Keep the lighting subdued.

Be certain that everything is tidy and orderly, the area clean.  No one wants to receive a session in a chaotic atmosphere.

Things need to be kept clean also.  People are coming and going; they could come with a few germs,  pick up a few when with you (hopefully not), or leave a few.  After each session, change the linens.  Wash everything with a disinfectant or 1% bleach solution.  Whatever you choose, its gotta be clean.

I hope you found this post helpful.  Please leave your comments below and check out other posts.

The next post will focus on the first step in a reflexology session.  This focus will cover two posts.

Thanks again.

Thurman Greco

Woodtock, NY

Even if You’re Not in Woodstock, Reflexology Works – Here’s How

Energy follows intent.  In order to use reflexology as a tool for spiritual work, you and your client partner need to agree on an intention.

Reflexology for the Spirit practitioners are trained that the entire body is reflected on the foot with the left foot reflecting the left side of the body and the right foot reflecting the right side of the body.  The head is reflected on the large toes.  The body is then reflected down to the base of the spine which is reflected at the bottom of the heel.  Practitioners work with maps of the feet showing the different body parts and their locations on the feet.

These locations on the feet are called points.  When a Reflexology for the Spirit practitioner works a client’s feet, using  thumbs and fingers to stimulate these points, tension and congestion are released, blockages are cleared, and homeostasis results.

As a practitioner works the client partner’s feet, several things are noticed.  The practitioner may feel crystals under the skin.  Hollows, mushiness, swelling, also resistance are also noted.  The location of these observations tells the practitioner

what body part is affected and also provides information about what spiritual sensitivities the person is experiencing.  The client may experience sensitivity, itching, pain, the feeling of sensations moving up a leg, etc., as feet are reflexed.

As the practitioner works to dissolve the crystals, reduce swelling, calm resistance, etc., homeostasis occurs.

Reflexology for the Spirit is truly a holistic modality.  The client is seen as a whole being:  physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.

The path to wellness is a process, not a pill.   It’s offered through the encouragement of homeostasis.

Reflexology for the Spirit works best when applied at regular intervals over a period of time.  It, therefore, requires a commitment to the process of healing.  And, after a while, your client partner may own up to having some control over this process.

The Reflexology for the Spirit client partner needs to give his/her body an opportunity to allow homeostasis to occur.  This process can be felt on several levels.

General relaxation throughout the body is a common response.  This feeling is so rare in some people that it takes several sessions before they even realize what they’re feeling.

With time, they begin to feel their body healing itself.  This process of self healing is a new concept for many people.  They begin going to a Reflexology for the Spirit practitioner thinking they have no control over their health at all.  Then, as they realize their body is moving toward homeostasis, they feel empowered by what happens.  For many, this is a spiritual event.

Then, of course, they observe the condition of the feet themselves has improved as well as their overall health.  For some, specific parts of the body begin to improve as the body seeks balance.  Then, of course, an improved sense of emotional wellbeing begins to take place.

This brings about an increased awareness of one’s body and how it feels and works when healing on several levels.  WOW! 

Thank you for taking the time to read this very important post.  I hope you found it helpful.  Please contact me if you have questions, observations.

Our next post, coming to you from my Woodstock healing space, will discuss healing spaces in general:  how to set one, what’s important, what’s not, what I use in my healing space.

Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco

Calluses and Corns Can Be Troublesome and Represent Spiritual Challenges

The impact  calluses and corns have on your client partner depends on where they’re located on the foot or toes.

For many, they’re protective armor and a defense mechanism representing the soul crying out for protection from unbearable outside events.  For example, a callus in the heart area of the foot deals with protection from problems of the heart that have become difficult.  Calluses and/or corns on the throat area of the foot represent problems relating to communication.  And, calluses on the heel area connect with core beliefs.

There’s a relevant place for Reflexology for the Spirit when dealing with these spiritual issues.  If you have a client partner coming to you regularly with calluses and/or corns, please refer him/her to a podiatrist to treat the medical aspects.  People shouldn’t self treat these conditions because they can end up with worse problems than they began with.  And, if your client partner is diabetic, it’s even more important to seek medical help.

Several trips to the chiropractor are in order here if your client partner’s gait is being impacted upon.  A properly aligned spinal column helps overall health.

After that, it’s up to you, the practitioner to facilitate the spiritual and emotional healing which accompanies regular sessions.

Your client partner should be able to move forward as issues resolve.


ESSENTIAL OILS:  tea tree, lavender, Roman or German chamomile.

Thank you for reading this post.  Please contact me with whatever questions you may have.

Our next post addresses  an issue experienced by many people:  Constipation.

Peace and food for all

Thurman Greco


Bunions are Definitely Spiritual Afflictions

They’ve been around for generations and generations.  Because of their location on the foot, bunions are a way of dealing with love (the loss thereof).  People suffering with bunions lack a sense of carefree acceptance of anything.

Professionals don’t totally agree on what causes them:  flat feet, ill fitting shoes, congenital disposition toward bunions, etc.  This much is certain:  getting surgery to repair bunions is becoming more popular.  Having bunions recur after surgery is also a reality.  Reflexology for the Spirit practitioners can help both before and after surgery.

Wearing proper footwear is important.  You can be a real help to your client if you notice what kind of shoes s/he is wearing and either approve or suggest shoes that you think might be more appropriate.  The wrong kind of footwear can be very destructive to your client partner’s foot health as well as his/her overall spinal alignment.  Bunion sufferers should wear shoes that are well-fitting, non-binding, and have a generous toe box.  They shouldn’t have a heel  higher than 2 inches.  Sandals can offer relief.

If the bunion sufferer also has arch problems, a trip to a professional who can properly fit an arch support is also important.

AREAS TO WORK:  Apply rotations to the solar plexus.  Work the skeletal system, muscular system, nervous system, neck area (with neck rotations on the toes), and the circulatory system.  And, always work the bunion area and all the toes.

ESSENTIAL OILS:  angelica, bergamot, geranium, lavender, ylang ylang, frankincense, lemon, palmarosa, rosewood, jasmine, helichrysum, sandalwood, Roman chamomile.

The next post will focus on Callouses and Corns

Thank you for reading this post.  Please comment with any questions you may have.

Peace and food for all

Thurman Greco