Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Even if You’re Not in Woodstock, Reflexology Works – Here’s How

Energy follows intent.  In order to use reflexology as a tool for spiritual work, you and your client partner need to agree on an intention.

Reflexology for the Spirit practitioners are trained that the entire body is reflected on the foot with the left foot reflecting the left side of the body and the right foot reflecting the right side of the body.  The head is reflected on the large toes.  The body is then reflected down to the base of the spine which is reflected at the bottom of the heel.  Practitioners work with maps of the feet showing the different body parts and their locations on the feet.

These locations on the feet are called points.  When a Reflexology for the Spirit practitioner works a client’s feet, using  thumbs and fingers to stimulate these points, tension and congestion are released, blockages are cleared, and homeostasis results.

As a practitioner works the client partner’s feet, several things are noticed.  The practitioner may feel crystals under the skin.  Hollows, mushiness, swelling, also resistance are also noted.  The location of these observations tells the practitioner

what body part is affected and also provides information about what spiritual sensitivities the person is experiencing.  The client may experience sensitivity, itching, pain, the feeling of sensations moving up a leg, etc., as feet are reflexed.

As the practitioner works to dissolve the crystals, reduce swelling, calm resistance, etc., homeostasis occurs.

Reflexology for the Spirit is truly a holistic modality.  The client is seen as a whole being:  physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.

The path to wellness is a process, not a pill.   It’s offered through the encouragement of homeostasis.

Reflexology for the Spirit works best when applied at regular intervals over a period of time.  It, therefore, requires a commitment to the process of healing.  And, after a while, your client partner may own up to having some control over this process.

The Reflexology for the Spirit client partner needs to give his/her body an opportunity to allow homeostasis to occur.  This process can be felt on several levels.

General relaxation throughout the body is a common response.  This feeling is so rare in some people that it takes several sessions before they even realize what they’re feeling.

With time, they begin to feel their body healing itself.  This process of self healing is a new concept for many people.  They begin going to a Reflexology for the Spirit practitioner thinking they have no control over their health at all.  Then, as they realize their body is moving toward homeostasis, they feel empowered by what happens.  For many, this is a spiritual event.

Then, of course, they observe the condition of the feet themselves has improved as well as their overall health.  For some, specific parts of the body begin to improve as the body seeks balance.  Then, of course, an improved sense of emotional wellbeing begins to take place.

This brings about an increased awareness of one’s body and how it feels and works when healing on several levels.  WOW! 

Thank you for taking the time to read this very important post.  I hope you found it helpful.  Please contact me if you have questions, observations.

Our next post, coming to you from my Woodstock healing space, will discuss healing spaces in general:  how to set one, what’s important, what’s not, what I use in my healing space.

Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco