Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Bunions are Definitely Spiritual Afflictions

They’ve been around for generations and generations.  Because of their location on the foot, bunions are a way of dealing with love (the loss thereof).  People suffering with bunions lack a sense of carefree acceptance of anything.

Professionals don’t totally agree on what causes them:  flat feet, ill fitting shoes, congenital disposition toward bunions, etc.  This much is certain:  getting surgery to repair bunions is becoming more popular.  Having bunions recur after surgery is also a reality.  Reflexology for the Spirit practitioners can help both before and after surgery.

Wearing proper footwear is important.  You can be a real help to your client if you notice what kind of shoes s/he is wearing and either approve or suggest shoes that you think might be more appropriate.  The wrong kind of footwear can be very destructive to your client partner’s foot health as well as his/her overall spinal alignment.  Bunion sufferers should wear shoes that are well-fitting, non-binding, and have a generous toe box.  They shouldn’t have a heel  higher than 2 inches.  Sandals can offer relief.

If the bunion sufferer also has arch problems, a trip to a professional who can properly fit an arch support is also important.

AREAS TO WORK:  Apply rotations to the solar plexus.  Work the skeletal system, muscular system, nervous system, neck area (with neck rotations on the toes), and the circulatory system.  And, always work the bunion area and all the toes.

ESSENTIAL OILS:  angelica, bergamot, geranium, lavender, ylang ylang, frankincense, lemon, palmarosa, rosewood, jasmine, helichrysum, sandalwood, Roman chamomile.

The next post will focus on Callouses and Corns

Thank you for reading this post.  Please comment with any questions you may have.

Peace and food for all

Thurman Greco