Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Introducing the Immune System


We’re beginning a new section with this post.  For the next few posts, we’ll be discussing the different body systems.  The first system to be explored is the immune system.

The immune system is the group of organs and glands working together to protect you from colds, flu, infections, slow-healing wounds, as well as more serious diseases.

The major parts of the immune system include the lymphatics, thymus, tonsils, appendix and spleen.  The thymus is actually an endocrine gland but works with the immune system.

Think of the  lymphatics as the sewer system of the body.  If you are to stay healthy and not have colds, flu, infections, etc., it’s important to keep the lymphatic system clean and functioning properly.  The lymphatics are a system of vessels located throughout the body running parallel to the circulatory system.  They collect toxic waste that seeps out of the blood vessels, control the fluid levels in body tissue, and absorb fats from the digestive system.

They drain the toxins into the lymph nodes which are located throughout the body.  If you look at a map of the lymphatic system, you’ll see that there are more nodes located closer to the head and heart than lower down on the body.  This leads many professionals to believe that one of the jobs of the lymphatic system is to protect the brain.

The lymph glands don’t have a pump.  (The circulatory system has a pump:  the heart.)  As we move our bodies, we move the lymph.

In the next post, we’ll continue with the lymphatics as well as the other parts of the immune system.

As always, thanks for reading this blog/book.  Please contact me if you have any questions or comments.

This post is coming to you from my healing space in Woodstock, NY.

Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco