Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Sense of Sight – Eyestrain

Physical causes of eyestrain include excessive eye fatigue which can result in headache. Other causes include stress, overuse of eyes at work or at video or computer monitors. Poor lighting, incorrect eyeglass/contact lens prescriptions.
Spiritually and emotionally, vision problems go hand-in-hand with emotional traumas, fear, and rejection of the outside world. It has been said that our eyes are the mirrors of our soul.
Relief is available for people suffering with eyestrain. Better lighting, better eyeglasses, Reflexology for the Spirit sessions. But also, the client partner needs to look at lifestyle issues and work to relieve stress, overuse of eyes.
As you offer reflexology sessions, be aware of the need for homeostasis. Deep relaxation is important.
Work the urinary system with a focus on the kidneys, work the sense organs with a focus on the eye reflexes, work the arm and shoulder reflexes, work the spine reflexes, work the lymphatic system and finally focus on the solar plexus and diaphragm reflexes.
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Peace and food for all.
Thank you.
Thurman Greco