Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

10 Steps to Inner Fitness and a Life That Unsticks Itself.

We’ve all got a lot on our plates these days.  All of us.

We’re at a point where it’s time to return to normal.

The question is this:  What is normal anyway?

Certainly it’s not what we had before.  It’s time to make way for a better life..

Whether we’re interested or not, our spiritual centers need encouragement, support, and protection.  Inner fitness smoothes out the bumps in our travels through life.

I don’t know if I speak for everyone, or even anyone, but I find myself embracing this new normal while experiencing grief.

With a grounded inner core,  a new normal is easier to find and recognize.  Essential requirements for inner fitness include encouragement, support, safety, and self-confidence.

There are things you can do:

Think Positively.  

Positive thoughts are essential – even before you get out of bed.  When you wake, ask yourself “How can I be happy today?”

Happiness is the great equalizer.  You are never too young or too old for happiness.  Happiness doesn’t need education.  Happiness doesn’t need good health.  Happiness is the only thing I know that is available to everyone.

All happiness needs is for you to “be happy.”

Listen to Your Body.  

When you listen, your body will talk to you.  It will never lie to you as healing  begins.  Inner fitness is real.

Are you trying to adjust to your new reality?  Do you want to change your life?  Is something wrong, and are you trying to find out what?

Tune in to your body several times a day.  Do you have pain anywhere?  Is your spine aligned?  What is your energy level?  Are you hungry?  Thirsty?  Tired?  Joyful?

Good Health is a Priority.

When you value your good health, you become a valuable person.  You love yourself.  When you expect excellent health, your thinking changes.  Life unsticks itself.

Claim your wellness!

Respect Your Emotional Self 

Your feelings are opportunities to grow.  Emotions are messages from your body which will help set you free.  Your emotions can help you understand pain, extra weight, sorrow, fear.

When you remove these feelings, you make way for joyful health, peace, grounding.

A better life emerges.

Connect with Your Community.

Get a part time job.

Or a full time job.

Read a newspaper.

Use your library.

Volunteer at a food pantry.

Join your local church or synagogue.

Teach someone to read.

Include Exercise Every Day

In 1513, Ponce de Leon discovered the Fountain of Youth in what is now St. Augustine, Florida.  The Fountain of Youth still exists and keeps people everywhere healthy.  There is at least one branch of it in your neighborhood, located on a sidewalk or roadside where you can walk every day.

If that’s not convenient for you, another nearby branch is in your local fitness center.  You’ll be healthier when you visit it regularly.

Take a Grounding Break

Try meditation, walking your dog, giving your cat a massage, or staring out the window into nothingness.

The activity isn’t so important.  What’s important is that, when you complete this small task, you’ll have given yourself a refreshing, grounding break.

You’ll continue with your day feeling more positive, relaxed.  Your fresh new take on the day will ripple out to those around you.

Review Your Situation

Now might be a good time to write about important moments in your life.  You don’t  have to focus on what happened in your life.  Focus, instead, on what you did about what happened to you.

Write short stories, essays, poems, or keep a journal.

Whatever you choose, if you need help, you may find it at your library.

Reflexology and Reiki

Do not overlook a weekly session.  Both these modalities bring homeostasis which is crucial these days.  Both these modalities are adaptable to many different situations.

Do you practice Reiki?  No?  Find a teacher.  If you do…have you thought about a Reiki circle for your area?

We all need more Reiki.  We all need more reflexology.

When I think about Reiki and reflexology, my heart sings!

Thank you for reading this article. Please share it on your favorite social media network.

Please send it to a friend.

Thurman Greco











A Crisis Toolkit for Your Mind, Body, and Spirit.

For years and years, I’ve carried around a crisis toolkit to use whenever a friend, family member, client, coworker, or complete stranger entered my life in a crisis situation.  Do you have a healing tool kit?

I’m betting  you do.  After all, we’re all healers.    We all carry one around, even if we don’t call it that.  So my question is this:  What’s in it?

My toolkit has things to help with  fear as well as death and with the dreaded coronavirus.  But it also has to help with all the other diseases and aches and pains  we encounter in addition:  colds, fever, rashes, asthma attacks, arthritis, heart attacks, cancer…

Maybe you  feel your toolkit is not ready for today’s situation. It’s probably filled with all sorts of things you can use.

Here are some things I’m sharing with you.  Maybe you have things in your toolkit you can share with me.

When it comes to supporting your mind, body, and spirit during these challenging times, I TURN FIRST TO YOGA.  I recommend restorative yoga.

When you are stressed, a weekly session is important.  I don’t know how it is in your area, but I’m in Upstate New York which is a new hot spot for Coronavirus.  I take a restorative yoga class via Zoom every week with Carolyn Abedor.

Carolyn is a physical therapist/yoga instructor.  I come away from her class restored, renewed, and recharged for the coming  week.  I would take her class twice a week but I work on the other day she teaches it.

Do you have a yoga teacher?  If not, make finding one a priority.  Today’s challenges call for restorative yoga.  But, if you find a different yoga that you prefer…go for it.  Use what works for you.

REIKI CANNOT BE OVERESTIMATED.   Do you practice Reiki therapy?  If so, don’t forget to use this tool every chance you get.

Use your Reiki when you walk into a building.  Use it when you walk down the street.  Use Reiki when you encounter other people.  Everyone is stressed out.  We can all use Reiki’s healing, calming energy.

If not, now is the best time I know of  to learn Reiki.  Reiki is essential in stressful times.  And, frankly, no time can be more stressful than now.

If you don’t practice Reiki and you can’t find a teacher, book some sessions with a practitioner.  Begin with 5 sessions.

Whether or not you practice Reiki,  or visit a Reiki practitioner regularly, now is a good time to organize a Reiki circle or  Reiki share.  Gather several  friends together and let the Reiki practitioners offer healing to everyone in the room.  Reiki is not one bit intimidated by the requirements of social distancing.

DON’T FORGET  REFLEXOLOGY.   Reflexology sessions are extremely grounding.  If you are stressed out or if you have health issues, Reflexology sessions  can help.  Gloves and face masks will not negatively impose on Reflexology.

HEALING MUSIC HAS BEEN AN IMPORTANT PART IN MY TOOL BOX FOR YEARS.  I use it during healing sessions, classes, or whenever I feel the need.

Through the years, I’ve learned that healing music can be all sorts of sounds.  Beauty is in the ears of the beholder.  I tend to favor Deuter,  Halpern, Ken Davis, Anugama.  Your favorites may be totally different.  Because of my experiences, I prefer the older musicians.  But, there are many kinds of healing music available today.  Explore them until you know what works best for you.

GUIDED MEDITATIONS are essential.  I began reading those written by others and now create my own.  I suggest that you go with someone else’s until the time is right for you.  The goal of a guided meditation is to awaken, transform, or heal.  For years, I relied on the meditations compiled in books by Larry Moen.

BEDSIDE TABLE BOOKS are essential.  They are the books I read when my tanks need refilling.  These books vary with the need.  Sometimes escape is the only route.  Other times, I need to know what other people have to say about the situation I’m dealing with.

I’m often hungry for the wisdom others offer.  To prevent empty tanks, I try to read about an hour a day.

When I  fed hungry and homeless people in a food pantry, I found solace in the statistics of hunger.  At any given moment I could tell you what percentage of children in our country went to bed hungry.  I knew the difference between resource poor and generational poor and struggling poor.  I knew all about dumpster diving.

Now, I’m attracted to  memoirs.  It’s not the problems that attract me.  It’s how the writer tackled the problem that counts.

Fear, and forgiveness are big on my list.

Finally, when I need to veg out,  I go for whatever catalogue is in my mailbox.

The important thing is to know when  to fill your own tanks.  Your toolbox won’t be worth much if you’re stretched too thin.

Your toolkit may be totally different.  It probably is different.  After all, we are scattered all over the planet.  I hope to hear about some things in your toolkit.  Please email me.

Meanwhile, please forward this article to your preferred social media network.

In honor of this most stressful time, I’m offering you a free copy of a book I wrote  entitled  “Miracles”.   Email your mailing address to before April 12th, and I’ll send it along – absolutely free with no strings attached.

Thank you for being here.

Thurman Greco