Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Self-Care: Choose You

Are you fried?

Have you nothing left to give?

Does your energetic body (which usually feels wondrous and fluffy), feel dried and flat like crushed cotton candy?

It doesn’t have to be that way.

There’s more in your soul – you just can’t find it right now because you’re running on empty.

It’s time to choose YOU – your whole you.  Honor your entire body – physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, energetic.

Your balanced whole body is ready for you to claim it.  It’s waiting.  Everything is connected.  Nothing operates independently.  Authentic balance comes from within and is different for everyone.

Your entire body has a shaggy footprint which includes everything – physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and energetic.

This includes your memories also.  Include your muscle   memories, your mental memories, your past-life memories, your emotional memories – everything.

When you discuss caring for your body, include diet, exercise, sleep.  Include choices, thought patterns, stress management, drugs.

Include meditation on your balance journey.  Focus on experiencing your self – your whole, entire self, which wants you to get to know it better.

Read this meditation as often as you want.  Allow your self to enjoy it.

Find a quiet, safe, and comfortable place to sit where you won’t be interrupted for a few minutes or so.  Allow your body to be supported by the chair, bed, or floor you have chosen.

Drink a glass of water.

Quiet your mind and check in with your self.

When thoughts enter your mind, encourage them to comfortably come and go.

Notice how you breathe for the moment.  Are your breaths shallow or deep?  It doesn’t matter, really.  Just notice your breath. – Notice how each each breath  brings in a pure white light.

This white light is perfect and healing.  It will stay with you.  It’s job is to heal and nurture.

This white light knows where the need is greatest.  It knows where to go.

As you breathe in, feel the healing energy riding on each breath.  Feel this energy spreading out from your lungs to every artery and vein in your body.  This white light  is healing and regenerating every cell in your entire body.

Now, take a deep breath.  Inhale and feel yourself relaxing.  Notice whether you are becoming  quiet.  Are you becoming still?

Where is your body tight?

What’s happening with your energy level?  Continue breathing in and out.  Allow your self to become relaxed, still.

Now, move your hands along your body, beginning at the crown of your your head.  Hold your hands several inches above your body.  What do you feel as you move your hands along your body?  Heat.  Cool. Quickly moving energy.  Slowly moving energy.  Stuck energy.

Is something stressing you?  What does this smell like?  How does it feel?  Do you hear stress?  Where does this stress feel comfortable?

How do your senses react to your stress.  What do you feel as you move your hands along your body?

(You can repeat this meditation many times as your hands become  comfortable with what they find.)

When you notice a stressed or stuck area of energy, communicate with this particular place using nurturing feelings, and thoughts.

Speak directly with this stressed place.  Tell this place that you love it, that you want it to be perfect.

Breathe in an extra breath of white light and focus it directly on the stressed place.

This process of sending white light to stress points and communicating with specific points using nurturing feelings and thoughts changes much. When you do this, you encourage your total self to release blockages, erace mistakes, and create perfect images.

See your self in perfection.  Your breaths, sending white light to your whole body, release feelings of health, alertness, and relaxation.

Etch this feeling in your mind now  so you can return to this feeling whenever  you want.

It is time to return to your room now.  Gently bring your awareness back to your day.  Remember that you can return to this place any time you want.

Thank you for including this journey in your day.

Thank you for reading this blog article.  Please forward it to your favorite social media network.  Share it with friends and family.

You can connect with me on Facebook and also on YOUTUBE.

You will find other meditations on earlier blog posts.  You can also find more wellness information on my books.

Healing Begins with Balance


Sometimes I just get so busy.  I wonder how to keep up.  With everything happening in our world today, being busy, busier, busiest is a coping mechanism.

When I feel stressed or overinvolved, I come to a stop for a moment and remind myself that my balance begins with water.

Over half of our body weight is water.

Water is included in all the chemical activities that our body generates, whether we’re awake or asleep. Because water plays a vital role in everything we do, even minor dehydration affects our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual balance.

Keeping hydrated is crucial to your balance and grounding.

We lose water when we breathe, sweat, urinate, eat and digest food, walk around the block, sleep.  This is a continual process.

The #1 energy drink on the planet:  water.  You can supplement your need for water with fruits, vegetables, and other beverages like coffee, tea, and juice.

Water flushes out waste and toxins.  It prevents constipation.  Water optimizes kidney function, preventing kidney stones.

Water holds the balance between air and fire. Its energy is conscious.

Do you want to keep your energy level up and prevent fatigue?

Double your water consumption for two weeks.   If you don’t experience a distinct improvement in your energy level and overall feeling of wellness, make an appointment with a well-trained healthcare professional.

The person who might help you the best at this time is someone who will see you as a whole person and an individual.  A person who can look at the big picture for you is a good choice.  You might have a functional medicine doctor in your area.

Are you thinking of going on a diet?  Try this:  When you feel hungry, drink a glass of water first.

Are you interested in maintaining your youth?  There are several things you can do today along with your exercise:  Drink water. Drink more water.

Water is a good health promotion tool.

When you get serious about your water and your health, you are probably going to think about where your water comes from.

It may be time for a good water filter.  I have an under-the sink water filter which I use to clean the water I drink, the water I use to wash fresh veggies and fruits, the water I give to my pets, and the water I use to nourish my houseplants.

Your skin is your largest organ eliminating toxins throughout the day.

Bathing and showering are balancing and relaxing activities which can be an essential part of your spiritual and physical grounding program.

Bathing will get rid of heavy metals while getting rid of heavy thoughts.

Use water to unwind when you soak away toxins in a salts bath.  Set aside at least 15 minutes to relax in warm water to which you’ve added salts, herbs,  essential oils.  There are many options here for your enjoyment.

At the end of your soak, shower off with fresh water and dry your body with a clean towel.

Follow this with a dry brushing exercise.  Use a natural-bristle brush to softly brush your body, beginning with your feet and working your way up your head.

As you add new balancing health habits, include regular reflexology and Reiki therapy sessions.  Homeostasis is easier with regular balancing habits.

Finally, balance is a physical, mental, emotional, energetic, and spiritual experience.

Sometimes, achieving balance for your health requires releasing habits which do not promote balanced healing.

Achieving balance also calls for us to rebuild parts of your lifestyle and your self.

Goal setting is a basic part of the process.

Finally, as you achieve balance, you may find that you are losing a few people in your life.  Some new ones may join you.

These things may happen as you achieve a balanced healing state.

It’s amazing what can happen when you begin to drink water!

Thanks for reading this article.  Please forward this post to friends and relatives who might enjoy reading it.

For more information, check out my book “Healer’s Handbook”.

More information is available in early articles and on YOUTUBE “Let’s Live with Thurman Greco”

The information you find in these places is a conduit for your own healing.

Thanks for being on the journey!



Wellness! – 10 Small Changes Make a Large Impact.


Each day, first thing, remind yourself about one thing that makes you happy.  We each have a happy trigger.  Part of our inner core, it doesn’t care how old we are, what we weigh, or how much education we have.

Find your happy trigger and meditate on it daily for 1-2 minutes when you first wake up.


Try this:  List your thoughts in a notebook and then put the book away.  This is your way of putting these recurring thoughts away for the night.


Banish your phone, fitness watch, computer, and any other piece of equipment with a little blue light, from your bedroom.


Eat a meal with your family, or someone you enjoy being around.   Sometimes the daily grind overwhelms us with stressful information.  Time with friends and loved ones can be healing.  Plating food and sitting down for a meal can enrich your life and bring joy.


Book a reflexology or Reiki therapy session.  An hour spent on a healer’s table can be both grounding and healing.


If you no longer see an item and don’t notice it, the time has come to release it to the universe where it can find renewed energy in another environment.  An added bonus is that you will also be making room in your life for what is important.


Owning a pet is not always an option for everyone.  You don’t have to own a pet to receive its unconditional love.  When you pet sit, visit with someone else’s pet, or walk a dog at a shelter,  you can still benefit from lower blood pressure, reduce your stress hormones, and improve your sense of well-being.


Prayer is always appropriate, whatever your religious beliefs, or situation.

angel with bird


Books and music lower your heart rate and ease your muscle tensions.


Add images, artwork, and other finds and mementos which can inspire, expand,  and positively motivate you.  A vision board helps you create your future.


Thanks for reading this article!  If you enjoyed reading it, please share it with a friend.

Please forward this article to your preferred social media network.

Enjoy Thurman’s interviews on YouTube at “Let’s Live with Thurman Greco” or “Take This Bread with Thurman Greco”.

Having trouble finding a YouTube interview?  Send an email:

.”Wellness for All” is now available at

Thanks again!




Dieting? Water Works to the Rescue! – 5 Tips and 2 Secrets .



So, what does that mean?

Finding the best beverages to  support your weight loss  is crucial.   Like everything else you eat or drink or do, there are a few pointers: Water works!

  1. Stop drinking anything with calories.

2. Get sodas and diet sodas out of your life today!

But, it’s one thing to read Do Not Drink Sodas or Diet Sodas.  It’s another thing altogether to replace this habit with something better.

3. Begin by drinking water, infused water, and/or strained, homemade broth.

The truth is that you have more options than you thought.  All those different brands of water on the shelf have different flavors.  Check them out.  Find the one you like best.

Beyond that, stevia drops can enhance your water choices.

Try out decaffeinated herbal tea and broths prepared without MSG.

When I lived in the Washington, D.C., metro area, several friends of mine were patients of a weight-loss physician.  He guided them through a successful diet program.

His secret?  Drink 50 glasses of water a day, every day.  Can’t go his guideline?

4. Drink at least 80 ounces of fluids daily.

So what does that mean?  Water works!

It means you carry a water bottle and drink from it all day.

5.  Skip beverages during meals  because liquids can move your food out of your stomach too fast.  When this happens, you have a smaller opportunity to feel full from your meal.

6.  Does food make you thirsty?  Wait 20-30 minutes  after your meal and then enjoy your water to your heart’s content.


Begin every meal well-hydrated.  You feel less hungry when you are thirsty.  Water Works!

Begin each meal with a reiki therapy or reflexology session.  It doesn’t have to be an hour long, or even a half hour long.  A 10-15 minute session,  or even a 5 minutes session can be enough to calm your mealtimeCalm meals encourage a more successful diet.

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Thurman Greco