Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Let’s Get Back to Basics! Start with Foot Reflexology

Reduced to a basic practice, reflexology works with zone therapy.  So, this chart is the one I’m displaying first. If you feel that your life is too complicated for reflexology, try massaging your feet and observing where you feel soreness or sensitivity.  Rather than feeling you even need to know how you experience these points, just knowing where they are on your feet is enough.

Foot reflexology sessions relax, balance, detox, and heal your entire body.

Reflexology brings about homeostasis – a body balance that is important for your health.

Reflex areas in your feet correspond to the internal organs.

Note where these points are and then work them over the next few days.

Work your toes to help alleviate headaches,

The ball of your foot relieves tension in your neck and shoulders.

Your foot arch relates to your liver, bowel, and kidneys.  Manipulate this area gently, especially if you’ve been burning the candle at both ends.

Massaging the top of your foot induces psychological calm.

Modern reflexology is based on the centuries-old theory of Zone Therapy.  The principle is that the energy connection should be free-flowing.  An energy blockage will imbalance body parts within that particular zone.

Reflexology sessions work to restore free-flowing energy pathways throughout the body, creating homeostasis.  This energetic body balance is essential for your good health.

When our bodies are balanced, things work better:

stress is relieved

the immune system improves

there is relief from pain

circulation improves

bowel movements improve

toxins  clear

relaxation is better

In short, the body works better!

Most of us know these things but it’s nice to have a short review occasionally.  It’s easier to find time in the daily schedule for a reflexology session if we can remember what the session will actually do for us.

On behalf of healers everywhere, I honor you and thank you for seeking wellness throughout your life.

With blogs, books, classes and sessions, I am not here to change your story.  I am here as a conduit for your healing.

“Healer’s Handbook” is available  as an ebook or paperback at

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For more info, check out my books on

To learn more about reflexology, download this video.

Ask a friend to join you in a learning adventure.  The two of you can learn together and exchange sessions.

I have several reflexology videos on YOUTUBE – Let’s Live with Thurman Greco.  These videos are free.

Thank you for your interest.

What to do When it all Gets to be Too Much: Switch Off The Day

The times are overwhelming.  It’s as if everyone is “always on”.  I find that when I’m always connected, things can quit working.  When I’m always connected, I find myself staring at screens, answering every door bell and phone ring.

When things quit working, one of the most effective  things I do is switch everything off.  This includes me.  I switch off – both physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

I turn off electronic devices.  The phone goes off.  The computer shuts down.  The TV is off.  I turn off all the lights.

And, you know what?  almost everything works better after I’ve unplugged it for a few minutes.  And, that includes me.

And, then, I get in my most comfortable chair and  give myself a Reiki therapy session.

I begin the session with the symbols and three hand positions to my head.  My intention is to relax so that I won’t be so fatigued and overwhelmed.

Now…I know that switching everything off can be difficult.  In some cases, it’s impossible. I also know that there comes a time when saying “no” is not selfish.

An important lesson I had to learn as an adult is that when everybody is getting oxygen masks, we sometimes each need to get our own oxygen mask first so we can make sure everyone else is being properly cared for.

So, becoming comfortable with “no” and “off” is something that I had to learn in life.

A life lesson I had to learn was that some people stress me out.  Learning to recognize  stressor people and situations was (is) important.  Once stressors are are recognized, it is easy to avoid them.

Life is more pleasant, less complicated,  and easier when stressors are recognized and minimized.

Reiki sessions help.  Both Reiki and reflexology promote relaxation and a more positive outlook.

Emergency Reiki sessions are a dramatic improvement.  They work even better when they are a supplement to regularly scheduled Reiki therapy sessions.

I invite you to connect with me on Facebook

If you who have friends and relatives who might enjoy this post, please share  it to your  favorite social media network and to your friends and relatives.

For more info, check out my books at  every title is available in hard copy and ebook with the exception of the first edition of “But for Gabriel”   This book is available as an ebook only until December.

PLEASE don’t forget to schedule regular Reiki therapy and reflexology sessions.

Please check out the YOUTUBE channel show.  New episodes are released on Tuesdays.  “Let’s Live with Thurman Greco” is a positive, entertaining series of interviews which I’ve conducted throughout the last 15 or so years.  There have been a few intermissions along the way, but not many.

My guests enjoy being on the show and many ask to return.  One thing they all have in common:  we’ve all met each other somehow in Woodstock, NY

Join us soon!

And, let us know how you like the shows.

3 Ways Self-Care Helps + 5 Things to Ease Your Toxic Overload


Self-care is part of my daily life.  Practicing self-care develops personal happiness.  It honors a balance between personal life and career.

Self-care offers things that are important in daily life.  But, that’s not all.  Self-care activities diminish burnout, stress, and fatigue.

Occasionally, I review my physical, mental, and spiritual toxicity to boost my self-care agenda.  Actually, a toxicity review is good for everyone, whether or not self-care is the issue.

To pamper myself, I’ll declare a detox week.

Your body continually self-cleans.  But, sometimes this process needs a focus and boost because of the hordes of chemicals confronting the liver, lungs, kidneys, fat cells, intestines, bloodstream, and skin.

Toxins come in many forms:  too much sugar, caffeine, and processed foods.

They also invade us through pesticides in the produce we eat, formaldehyde in carpets and cosmetics, plastics, and paper products.

I’ll start off a detox week with a water flush, drinking filtered water to cleanse my tissues. (I normally drink filtered water but, with  a detox week, I’ll add a variety of waters which I get at the health food store.  I also drink some of the Saratoga Springs Waters.)  And, I’ll alternate my water with herbal teas to support my liver, lymphatic system, bowels, urinary tract and skin.



For a fresh-air treat, I go to my local garden center and buy a new plant to help detox my home.  I love ferns. Truthfully, I love any plant that I can grow.  I started growing houseplants during the pandemic.  I definitely don’t have a green thumb but I’ve managed to collect plants which are surviving in my home.  The oxygen they produce is important.


My detox week includes a daily cleansing walk,  a short 20-30 minute walk I take in my neighborhood to breathe fresh air and enjoy my community.


Finally, I include breathing properly to dispel toxins and wastes.  When I celebrate a detox week, I set aside time each day to practice deep, slow, rhythmic breathing.  This clears my mind, lifts my energy, and boosts my mood.



Reiki and Reflexology work well with a detox week.  Include one session for the week or, if time permits, include a daily session.

Thank you for reading this article.  Please share it with your friends and family.  Forward it to your favorite social media network.

Find out more about Thurman Greco at  You can purchase Thurman’s books in both ebook and paperbook form.  ENJOY! 

So far, “A Healer’s Handbook” has gone out to readers in over 30 countries.

Explore more about self-care in “Let’s Live with Thurman Greco” YOUTUBE productions.


PS –  Because I live in the Hudson Valley of New York, I’m close enough to Saratoga Springs to benefit from the many mineral springs located throughout the Saratoga State Park.  If you ever get the chance to visit this area, just north of Albany, be sure to visit a few of the springs.  Maps are available as well as descriptions of the waters found at each one.

Tours of the springs are scheduled regularly.  Join in the fun if you are in the area!