Your First Chakra and Your Better Health
“I don’t know what I did, but I know what I’m going to do now!” My fellow yoga student blurted out recently at class.
“What’s wrong?”
“I don’t know what happened, but my lower back really hurts! I’m going to a doctor tomorrow. I’m afraid I’m going to need surgery..”
Your first chakra is located at the base of your spine. Whatever the issues, a painful lower back is a strong indication of a spiritually stressed spine and an unbalanced first chakra.
When things are right in your life, you feel safe and secure. You have a positive mental attitude and can protect yourself from life’s daily issues.
When your first chakra is unbalanced or blocked, depression and other negative experiences impose themselves on your daily decisions. You have difficulty sleeping and worry about money, health, and your job.
An overactive first chakra produces anxiety, greed, hoarding, and control issues at home and at work. Basically, you feel unsafe.
Health symptoms and ailments involving your first chakra include: adrenal fatigue, anger, anxiety, low back pain, codependency, fear, hemorrhoids, leg pain, panic attacks, sciatica.
Addictions are root chakra issues.
Chakras are often out of balance for quite a while before health issues and diseases manifest themselves in the physical body.
Chakras are energy. And, they are communicators. They talk to us, giving us valuable information we need to be well.
Where is your disease or issue located?
When you have an injury to your lower spine, you probably have a first chakra imbalance.
Any issue connected with the rectum, anus, or any elimination issue is a first chakra issue.
Other first chakra issues include addictions to alcohol, food, coffee, gambling, drugs, sex, shopping.
For men, any issue with the testes, or prostate cancer is a first chakra issue.
Things to remember about first chakra imbalances:
Chakras are connected to the total body.
When you’re dealing with a health issue, work with your physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional body. If you have a kidney infection, for example, heal your total body, not just the infection, and not just the chakra.
And, you need to balance your other chakras also.
It’s harder to fight a disease with a unbalanced corresponding chakra.
Your chakras don’t work in a vacuum. They collaborate with other chakras. They work with your physical and mental bodies and they work with your energetic body.
So, don’t just give one chakra a boost. Don’t just give your swollen ankle an ice pack. Help your entire body.
Take the medicine you’ve been prescribed.
Look around, is there something in your environment that you can change which will help you get well and stay better?
At times in my life, the answer to this question involved eating a specific diet. At another time, I had to buy a better desk chair. Recently, I joined a combination exercise/yoga class.
Well…DO IT!
As your body and your spirit and your mind improve, what can you do to keep things that way?
Well…DO IT!
Everytime I ask myself those questions, I always come up with…guess what!
Reflexology and Reiki!
Thanks for reading this blog post. I will continue on with other chakras as well.
For me, this article was a real eye opener! I knew, existentially, that men and women experience their first chakra issues and balances in different ways. After all, women do not have testes.
Sex is very different for women than it is for men. I’ve known this all along but I just never connected the differences to the chakra system.
These basic differences affect how we feel about belonging in our bodies.
I now realize that our chakras and how we experience them is a very different experience for women and men.
These differences, of course, carry over to the second (Sacral) chakra. But that’s another blog post.
Thanks for reading this article! Please forward it to your preferred social media network. Share it with your friends and relatives.
The YOUTUBE channel has an ever-growing selection of videos focused on reflexology and healing.
P.S. Some info in this article was shared from “Healer’s Handbook – Wellness for All” by Thurman Greco.
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