Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Headaches Can Be Spiritual Events – 8 Things to Do.

Regularly occurring headaches need to be checked by a medical professional. If you are having headaches, start a small headache diary. You need to be able to tell your healthcare professional the following information about your headaches:
where they occur on the head,
how long each headache lasts, how severe it is.
You need to be aware of the foods you are eating. Some people feel that two foods contributing to headaches are wheat and dairy products. If you feel food is a contributing factor, you can try totally avoiding wheat for six weeks and see what happens. After six weeks, try totally avoiding any dairy products for six weeks.
Keep a log of your feelings around a headache. There may be an emotional or behavioral component to your headaches.
What is your exercise level? People get headaches when they don’t get enough oxygen. Exercise brings oxygen into the blood and lungs.
Are you an over achiever? Over achievers have more headaches than their regular achieving buddies.
Are you spending too much time thinking, creating, talking, contemplating? This can sometimes create headaches.
The bottom line here is that people who spend time exercising as well as thinking seem to have fewer headaches.
The spiritual component to headaches is, most often, fear. If you are suffering from headaches and there doesn’t seem to be a physical cause, try to accept yourself positively. Try to move forward into the future.
By all means, reflexology for the spirit practitioners, encourage your headache sufferers to receive reflexology regularly. Regular sessions encourage homeostasis and relieve stressed muscles.
Beyond a certain point, all headaches have a strong muscular component which must be dealt with if the pain is to go away.
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Peace and food for all.
Thurman Greco