Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Fibromyalgia – a 21st Century Disease: 3 Things That Help & 3 Things To Avoid

Fibromyalgia sufferers have a whole list of symptoms: fatigue, headache, swollen joints, irritable bowel syndrome, numbing/tingling sensations, sleeplessness, etc.
As if that’s not enough, people with fibromyalgia often suffer with depression because their daily lives are such a struggle. They complain of lacking the strength to keep going.
And, as if that’s not enough, many people suffering with fibromyalgia have made the rounds in the medical community and at least one medical professional has told them their problems are not real; that their disease is totally in their head.
Fibromyalgia is the new kid on the block as diseases go. That’s how it goes when you’re suffering with a disease that’s the new kid on the block.
I have some opinions about fibromyalgia. It may be that many of you will disagree with them. That’s perfectly okay. In fact, I invite you to comment.
My opinions are these:
Fibromyalgia is a real disease.
One component of the disease is the sensitivity the sufferer has toward the toxins in our daily lives. I feel that Fibromyalgia sufferers are sensitive to things like unclean air, unclean food, unclean water.
Three things help in the battle with Fibromyalgia: Swedish massage, restorative yoga, Reflexology for the Spirit.
In my opinion, there are three things to avoid: Deep massage of any kind, all forms of yoga except restorative, and the depressive thoughts accompanying this struggle which is Fibromyalgia.
One effort in its own category is cleaning up one’s diet and environment. This clean up effort takes both time and effort.
Fibromyalgia is definitely a spiritual disease. Reflexology for the Spirit sessions offer a return to homeostasis and a positive time for the sufferer. Both things are badly needed.
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Thurman Greco
Woodstock, NY