Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Forgetfulness Is One Issue Which Reflexologists Can Address.

Memory loss is experienced at one time or another by everyone. It is most often brought on by stress, exhaustion, or the inability to concentrate.
Memory loss is also experienced as we age.
Regular visits to the Reflexology for the Spirit practitioner’s table can definitely help because of the grounding factor. Homeostasis always helps one’s memory. And, of course, it’s difficult to have regular sessions and still be bothered by stress, exhaustion, etc.
One of the most important things a person can do to avoid forgetfulness is get a small diary type calendar and use it. Recognizing the need for this type of calendar is a big event in people’s lives and they all hate it. However, a well kept calendar that is referred to daily can save many an embarrassing moment.
The same goes for keys.
WORK THE FOLLOWING SYSTEMS WHEN ADDRESSING FORGETFULNESS: Work the endocrine system with emphasis on the pituitary gland reflex, the thyroid and parathyroid gland reflexes, the nervous system with emphasis on the brain reflexes. Work the solar plexus and liver.
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Peace and food for all.
Thurman Greco