Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Putting it all together – The Chakra System, Reflexology for the Spirit, and Reiki Therapy

Spiritual System

Chakras  work together.  If one  is unbalanced, the entire system  is affected.  The Chakras communicate with one another as their energy moves up and down the spine from  Chakra to Chakra.

When this Chakra System is open and functioning well, the human body is in a positive, stress-free, alert state.  When the energy traveling from one Chakra to another is not balanced, the body is stressed.  Even though the imbalance may be limited to only 1 Chakra, the system will be affected.

Humans use several  ways of communicating with ourselves, other humans, and the environment around us:

the cranial brain

the nervous system

the abdominal brain

the energetic layers surrounding the physical body

Using the cranial brain, we know what is going on around us, We observe it,  We form opinions, belief systems, and we communicate with others using language, both written, spoken, and body language.  We use our senses:

our  eyes,





We feel pain, emotion, know when we are ill, afraid, or happy.

Our abdominal brain sends much information to the brain.  There is a continual flow of information going from the digestive tract to the brain which keeps the brain informed about what is happening  in the body.  The abdominal brain sends more information to the brain than the brain sends to the intestinal tract.  This leads me to believe that the intestinal brain is more important than we realize.

Our Chakras work together as a communication system.  The Chakras communicate with:

one another,

our bodies,

those around us,

the entire universe.

So far, this book/blog is focusing on the seven major Chakras located along the spine.   In reality, each person has many more Chakras, all of which work together.  They also work with our cranial brain, central nervous system, and our abdominal brain to assist and guide us in our journey through life.

The interconnection created by our Chakras, our cranial brain, our nervous system, and our abdominal brain results in a beautiful spiritual consciousness  which supports us in our journey through life.

Reflexologists, as you work to facilitate homeostasis in your client partners, don’t leave out the Chakras.  Include this fascinating energy system as you work.

BothRreflexology for the Spirit and Reiki therapy fit into this spiritual communication system.  When you offer reflexology to a client partner and you set up the session with Reiki therapy, you expand the power and scope of the healing you  offer.  As you reflex the feet, if you include  the Chakras, you are adding even more power to what you are doing:

Reflexology for the Spirit

Reiki therapy


You  bring about homeostasis as you balance the energy systems of the body.   You work to connect your client partner with all that is.  Your client partner’s body, mind, and spirit are joined  through the Chakras located throughout his/her body.

This is truly healing the mind, the body, and the spirit at the same time.  This is Reflexology for the Spirit.


Thank you for reading this blog/book.  And…thank you for your patience as I work to finish this book.

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Thurman Greco




Forgetfulness Is One Issue Which Reflexologists Can Address.

Memory loss is experienced at one time or another by everyone. It is most often brought on by stress, exhaustion, or the inability to concentrate.
Memory loss is also experienced as we age.
Regular visits to the Reflexology for the Spirit practitioner’s table can definitely help because of the grounding factor. Homeostasis always helps one’s memory. And, of course, it’s difficult to have regular sessions and still be bothered by stress, exhaustion, etc.
One of the most important things a person can do to avoid forgetfulness is get a small diary type calendar and use it. Recognizing the need for this type of calendar is a big event in people’s lives and they all hate it. However, a well kept calendar that is referred to daily can save many an embarrassing moment.
The same goes for keys.
WORK THE FOLLOWING SYSTEMS WHEN ADDRESSING FORGETFULNESS: Work the endocrine system with emphasis on the pituitary gland reflex, the thyroid and parathyroid gland reflexes, the nervous system with emphasis on the brain reflexes. Work the solar plexus and liver.
Thanks for reading this blog/book.
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Peace and food for all.
Thurman Greco

Reflexology Blog: Nervous System Bottom Line – 6 Important Things To Remember

The nervous system is a booster system in Reflexology for the Spirit sessions and should be worked whenever you seek to resolve an issue for a client.
Reflex the brain and spinal column within the first few minutes of a session.
Combining a focus on the nervous system and the immune system in a session can result in powerful things happening.
When you reflex the nervous system, you communicate with the energetic body. The spiritual implications of this can be profound.
People with nervous system issues sometimes overload the channels of communications. When they open their hearts to loving communications, they can feel safe and well.
Working the toes and arches and arches has a calming effect on the nervous system, offering soothing feelings to the nerves. This encourages homeostasis.
Working the nervous system facilitates a change of mind and a better attitude toward life.
When people are nervous, they feel fear, anxiety, rushing thoughts. In this state, it’s hard to trust the processes of life. Working the nervous system allows people to communicate with their hearts.
In our next post, we’re going to focus on essential oils used in sessions for the nervous system.
Thanks for reading this blog/book.
As always, this post comes to you from my healing space in downtown Woodstock, NY
Peace and food for all.
Thurman Greco

49 Foods Which Nourish the Nervous System and 3 Improvements to Expect From Sessions to the Nervous System

almonds, apples, bananas, baby lima beans, beans, beets, blackberries, broccoli, brown rice, coffee, corn, decaffeinated coffee, dark chocolate, edamame, eggs, fatty fish, fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, ginger tea, green beans, green tea, legumes, lowfat milk, mackerel, mussels, nuts, oatmeal, olive oil, oranges, oysters, pomegranate juice, raspberries, soy, spinach, strawberries, sweet potatoes, salmon, sardines, strawberries, tea, tofu, tomatoes, tuna, walnuts, water, whole grain breads and cereals, whole wheat spaghetti, yogurt
Of this basic list, the following foods have appeared on Jonny Bowden, PH.D.’s list of the 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth: almonds, bananas, beans, beets, broccoli, coffee, chocolate (dark), edamame, eggs, green beans, oatmeal, olive oil, oranges, oysters, pomegranate juice, raspberries, salmon, sardines strawberries, sweet potatoes, tea, walnuts, water
So, you actually have two lists here. The first list is the list of food which are good for your nervous system.
The second list is the list of foods which are considered to be most nutritious foods on that list.
Please let me know if having the two lists is too complicated. After all, there’s no sense in offering information if it can’t be used.
Regular Reflexology for the Spirit sessions create a strong feeling of wellbeing. Over time, they also promote mental function.
Homeostasis, encouraged by these sessions, helps strengthen the ability to concentrate. Because the nervous system is a booster system, it’s helpful to work it to facilitate healing throughout the body.
Encouraging homeostasis through the nervous system include both spiritual and emotional aspects of the body.
Thanks for reading this blog/book. The next few posts will be offering some specific protocols for addressing several nervous system issues.
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Peace and food for all.
Thurman Greco

Reflexology Blog – The Nervous System is a Powerful Spiritual Communication Tool.

nervous system chartThe nervous system, made up of the brain and the spinal cord, gathers information, stores it, and controls what is done with it.
The brain controls our personality, judgment, speech, some movement, sound memory, temperature control and pain.
The peripheral nervous system connects the central nervous system to muscles, glands, and sensory receptors.
The autonomic nervous system controls muscles in the internal organs, intestines, sweat glands, airways, heart and blood vessels. It’s divided into 2 parts: the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.
The sympathetic nervous system deals with energy, speeding up things like heartbeat. The parasympathetic nervous system slows thing down. The parasympathetic system has other functions as well. For example, once your food is chewed and swallowed, it moves through the body under the direction of the parasympathetic nervous system.
The central nervous system and brain serve all organs and functions of the body including actions like walking and talking.
Work the part of the spine corresponding to a body function or part that your client is having trouble with. For example, if a person comes to you with a neck problem, work the part of the spine that corresponds to the neck.
These nerves are found along the spinal reflexes because they’re housed within the vertebrae. So, while all these descriptions may seem complicated, all you need to do is work the spinal column which is inside the vertebrae.
Working the nervous system reflexes help the body overcome stress and increase blood flow. When this happens, the body functions in a more balanced way. This assists homeostasis.
Thanks for reading this post. Tomorrow’s post will focus on how to use the nervous system in a reflexology session. We’ll also discuss essential oils and foods that nourish the nervous system.
Peace and food for all.
Thurman Greco

What is the Practical Application? – Part 2

As you begin the warm ups, what do you find?  How cold are the feet?  How easily do the ankles rotate?  Ankles are important.  They move us forward through life.

If you encounter stiff ankles, the person is not moving forward easily.  If the feet and ankles are swollen, the person is suffering through a stressful situation.

Begin the actual session at the toes.  Rotating the toes is important because this is where most of the stress is located.

When you observe hammertoes, work on them early in the session.

The solar plexus is very important.   Offering rotations to the solar plexus is the single most important thing you can do for your client partner.

Work the nervous system early in the session.  It’s a booster system and should always be used when you are trying to resolve a health issue.  The nervous system becomes important to you as you facilitate homeostasis.

Your next step is to work the immune system.  Working the immune system in conjunction with the nervous system can offer significant changes.

Follow this with attention to the digestive system including a focus on the intestinal tract.  Because good health begins in the intestinal tract, work the intestinal tract as often as you can in your sessions whether or not the person has voiced complaints.

Then, work the systems you feel need attention.  If you have time and don’t feel drawn to a particular system or foot area, go for the endocrine system.  This is the system that is, really, the most responsive to spiritual work.

With any time remaining, give attention to the areas of discoloration, puffiness, mushiness, cold, etc.

Offer warm downs for about 5 minutes to return the client to the present.  Most people receiving regular work from a Reflexology for the Spirit practitioner go into a deep state encouraging healing and homeostasis.  This most often happens when the person does not engage in any conversation during the session.

There are many reactions which a client can exhibit during and after sessions.  Don’t elaborate on them because a certain percentage of people will experience reactions simply because you talked about them.

Let them occur naturally…if they are going to happen.

Thank you for reading this post.  This ends the section of practical application tips.

Tomorrow’s post will offer a guided meditation to use for yourself or read to someone else.

Peace and food for all
