Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

A Canoe and an Angel – A Guided Meditation

Page0002 (2)This meditation is for you to use…to read to yourself, to use with your client partner at the beginning of a session…or whenever it feels like a good idea to have a guided meditation.

Make yourself comfortable.  Relax.  Imagine that you are lying in a beautiful canoe filled with cushions.  The small boat is just the right size for you.  There is no room for anyone or anything else in this canoe.  There is just room enough for you to just “be you”.  Nothing more.

You are lying in this canoe in the middle of a beautiful pond.  The water in the pond is still, clean, peaceful.  Let your body become heavy.  Sink into the cushions.  You are lying in your canoe in the middle of the pond.  Notice the space around you.  Experience the peace.  Feel the energy.

Look above you at the beautiful sky.  A few clouds are moving slowly and lazily across the sky.

A gentle breeze begins to move your canoe across the pond.  The breeze moves your canoe into a small opening of the pond which becomes a stream.  You float down the stream.

Beautiful trees and greenery line the banks of this gentle stream.  You feel safe.  This is a protected area.  As you float along your eye is drawn to the lovely clouds in the blue sky overhead.  You see and hear colorful birds in the trees along the banks of the stream.

Breathe in the peace and gentleness of the stream.  Enjoy just being.  Appreciate the energy of the scene.  You don’t have to do anything.  Simply breathe.  Enjoy.

Slowly the canoe comes to the shore along the stream.  You look around and enjoy the beautiful trees, the greenery, the flowers, the birds.  You are very, very relaxed and enjoy being in this special place.

You look over to the shore and see a bench.  You are called to climb out of the canoe and sit on this lovely bench in a protected area on the shore under some trees.  As you sit down on the bench you realize you are not alone.

Coming to sit beside you is a lovely angel.  You feel comfortable, and reach out to the angel who touches your hand.  You know this angel has come to sit by your side and be with you.  You know this angel has come to answer a question for you.

As you sit next to the angel, you notice how the angel looks.  What colors surround this angel.  Is this angel tall, short?  How is this angel dressed?  What is the overall feeling you get from your angel?  Does your angel give you a name?  If so, what is it?  If not, it’s okay.  No matter.

You pause a moment and ask your special angel a question.


After a moment, this angel answers your question and offers you wisdom, comfort, love.

Then, a breeze stirs and you gently rise from the bench.  It is time to say “Thank you” and “Good bye” to this special angel.

You slowly return to the canoe, thankful for having met your special angel.

As you get comfortable in the canoe, you feel an enfolding warmth which is very healing.  You feel as if you are part of the earth.  You feel strong, healthy.  You breathe in peace, strength, health, happiness.  You feel very quiet.

You take these feelings into your solar plexus to keep and remember for any future time that you might need them.

Now…return to your body.  Become aware of your surroundings.  Move your fingers, toes, arms, legs.  Slowly open your eyes.

Become fully awake.  Know that you have the memory of this time in the canoe with you to return to when you need it.