Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

What is the Practical Application? – Part 2

As you begin the warm ups, what do you find?  How cold are the feet?  How easily do the ankles rotate?  Ankles are important.  They move us forward through life.

If you encounter stiff ankles, the person is not moving forward easily.  If the feet and ankles are swollen, the person is suffering through a stressful situation.

Begin the actual session at the toes.  Rotating the toes is important because this is where most of the stress is located.

When you observe hammertoes, work on them early in the session.

The solar plexus is very important.   Offering rotations to the solar plexus is the single most important thing you can do for your client partner.

Work the nervous system early in the session.  It’s a booster system and should always be used when you are trying to resolve a health issue.  The nervous system becomes important to you as you facilitate homeostasis.

Your next step is to work the immune system.  Working the immune system in conjunction with the nervous system can offer significant changes.

Follow this with attention to the digestive system including a focus on the intestinal tract.  Because good health begins in the intestinal tract, work the intestinal tract as often as you can in your sessions whether or not the person has voiced complaints.

Then, work the systems you feel need attention.  If you have time and don’t feel drawn to a particular system or foot area, go for the endocrine system.  This is the system that is, really, the most responsive to spiritual work.

With any time remaining, give attention to the areas of discoloration, puffiness, mushiness, cold, etc.

Offer warm downs for about 5 minutes to return the client to the present.  Most people receiving regular work from a Reflexology for the Spirit practitioner go into a deep state encouraging healing and homeostasis.  This most often happens when the person does not engage in any conversation during the session.

There are many reactions which a client can exhibit during and after sessions.  Don’t elaborate on them because a certain percentage of people will experience reactions simply because you talked about them.

Let them occur naturally…if they are going to happen.

Thank you for reading this post.  This ends the section of practical application tips.

Tomorrow’s post will offer a guided meditation to use for yourself or read to someone else.

Peace and food for all
