Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Reflexology for the Spirit is an Attitude, Part 2

Although there are stories about people receiving one Reflexology for the Spirit session and going away a changed person, this outcome is the exception to the rule.  Generally speaking, several (or many) sessions are needed before the client partner undergoes the changes necessary to bring about healing from the soul out.  reflexology, spiritual or regular, is a process, not a pill.

It’s not the place of a reflexologist to provide therapy to a person who has not tried to resolve his/her health issues by visiting a qualified healthcare professional.  Reflexologists are not trained to provide services to clients who have not yet received a diagnosis from the primary medical care professional.

Diagnosis is important for the healing process.  A person cannot heal without having a name for a disease or condition. 

People with issues, who don’t get a diagnosis, never really know what their problem is.  Also, their peers never give the person or the condition/disease the credibility  it deserves.  So, the first step to wellness is a diagnosis.

When a person under the care of a physician comes for regular (or sporadic) sessions s/he needs to continue with whatever meds and/or therapy which has been prescribed by the MD.

This is especially true if your client suffers with cancer, diabetes, heart disease, etc.

Reflexology for the Spirit practitioners work with the diagnosis provided by the health care professional while recognizing, honoring, and offering healing to the soul which is manifesting issues in the sole.

Thanks again for reading this blog.  The next post will discuss colon cleanses and liver cleanses.

This post comes to you from my healing space in scenic downtown Woodstock, NY.

Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco