Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Reflexology for the Spirit is an Attitude, not a Technique, Part 1 of 2

There are diseases requiring conventional allopathic medical therapy, complementary therapy, as well as healing therapy which touches the soul.

Not all reflexology sessions and not all reflexologists are spiritual.

A reflexology session and a reflexologist enter the realm of Reflexology for the Spirit healing when the intention is placed, when the medical condition requires it, and when your client partner is willing to cooperate.

Occasionally, you will have a client partner who seems to be on board with Reflexology for the Spirit but, for whatever reason, is unable to accept the healing balance (homeostasis) that this modality offers.  So, you are then back to basic, mechanical reflexology.  When a person rejects the spiritual aspect of reflexology, it’s because s/he is too sensitive for the work, the spiritual path of the disease does not permit this effort, the client is not ready to receive it, or it is not needed.

Not all reflexology sessions are spiritual in nature even if the reflexologist has been trained to provide Reflexology for the Spirit to client partners.

Reflexology for the Spirit is called for when the client has an unresolved physical, emotional, or spiritual issue.

Often a person will come to the Reflexology for the Spirit practitioner with a physical or other issue which has not been resolved by a health care practitioner.

(Please note, there is a big difference between a person explaining to you that the MD wanted to do A, B, and C and s/he just didn’t want to go there and someone explaining to you that s/he has gone to several MDs, and tried everything they offered and, still, no one has been able to resolve the issue.)

Thanks again for reading this post.  This subject will be completed  in the next post.

As always, this post is coming to you from my healing space in Woodstock, NY

Peace and food for all

Thurman Greco