Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Psoriasis is an Affliction of an Overactive Immune System

People with systemic infections and a stress sensitivity can suffer from psoriasis.  When a sufferer has a flare-up, the skin cells begin to replace themselves too rapidly.  Scaly patches result.  Several things can be done to alleviate the situation.  regular Reflexology for the Spirit sessions in which the immune system is worked are a good first start toward achieving homeostasis.

It’s appropriate to combine Reiki therapy and Reflexology for the Spirit for psoriasis sufferers.

Violet Flame Reiki therapy or Lightarian Reiki therapy are good choices for psoriasis sufferers if you know either of them.  If not, Usui Reiki therapy will definitely do the job.

It’s helpful for the sufferer to clean out the home, the car, the body, and workplace with pure, environmentally friendly products.  as the cleaning process continues using non-toxic cleansers, it’s time to include an internal cleanse.

Encourage the daily use of body lotions.  Pure products should also be used to shampoo the hair.

Encourage  your client partner to work to achieve a good Ph balance.  Drinking at least a quart of water daily is recommended.

SYSTEMS TO WORK:   immune system, digestive system, nervous system, endocrine system, liver and solar plexus.

ESSENTIAL OILS:  German or Roman chamomile, tea tree, patchouli, helichrysum, rose, and lavender.  Helichrysum is a very important oil here.

Thanks for reading this post.  The next few posts will focus on peeling skin, stress, sweaty feet,  and swollen ankles.

This post comes to you from my healing space in Woodstock, NY.

Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco