Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

When you work the Digestive System, you Help the Intestinal Trct Normalize Itself

Constipation is common in people seeking the services of Reflexology for the Spirit Practitioners.  The good news is that the condition seldom continues as regularly scheduled Reflexology for the Spirit sessions progress.  This is true of both children and adults.

Risk factors for constipation include a sedentary lifestyle, eating a low-fiber, high-fat diet, not getting enough liquids and, in my opinion, not getting enough vitamin C.

It’s difficult for the human body to achieve optimum health without a clean intestinal tract.  Many conditions throughout the body can be improved as the intestinal tract begins to function properly.

Often, when you have a client partner coming for regular session to deal with constipation, you  will begin to see a person who feels better, looks better, develops better eating habits, has more energy, and has a more generous outlook on life.

Although sessions offer a gentle detox, a colon cleanse followed by a liver cleanse will improve things immensely.

In normalizing colon function, dry brushing after bathing, lymphatic cleansing with exercise, weekly Reflexology for the Spirit sessions and regular use of a mini trampoline in addition to the cleanse will help.

AREAS TO WORK:   digestive system, immune system, lymphatics, urinary system, liver and solar plexus

ESSENTIAL OILS:   anise, peppermint, ginger, fennel, tarragon

Thank you for reading this post.

Peace and food for all

Thurman Greco