Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Eczema is an Itchy, Red Skin Irritation which Itches Before the Redness Appears

The eczema skin irritation first appears in itchy patches.

Several factors bring about eczema:  stress, immune system overload, and allergies, all of which will respond positively to regular Reflexology for the Spirit sessions.  However, your client partner needs to identify what triggers the outbreaks and to adopt self-care strategies to control the problem.

Many eczema sufferers also have asthma.

Often, an eczema sufferer struggles with negative attitudes toward events in his/her life.  When these occur, you see an eczema outbreak.

Typical things which set off an eczema bout include certain foods, drugs, animal dander, some metals, fragrances, cleaning products.  Emotional stress, anger, poor circulation, and weather changes can compound the problem.

A little sun daily (10 minutes or so) can be helpful.

As with all immune system disorders, a clean environment is critical.  This includes the home, car, air, water, body, workplace.  Once a person begins to clean out the toxins, the body will have a chance to improve.  Cleaning out involves discarding all the toxic cleansers and cosmetics in the home and replacing them with non-toxic cleansers and cosmetics which aren’t going to exacerbate the eczema.

Your client partner will be embarking on a journey of clean living which includes a diet free of toxins, chemicals, etc.

Since real health begins and ends in the colon, the next step is a colon cleanse.

Once the environment is cleaned up and the body is cleaned out, it will be easier to cope with stressful issues.

A hypoallergenic moisturizer is essential.

AREAS TO WORK:   immune system, liver, lymphatics, digestive system, solar plexus

ESSENTIAL OILS:  lavender, frankincense

Thank you for reading this blog which is coming to you from my healing space in Woodstock, NY

Tomorrow, we’ll begin to cover the topic of fatigue.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions you may have.

Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco