Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Reflexology Blog: Nervous System Bottom Line – 6 Important Things To Remember

The nervous system is a booster system in Reflexology for the Spirit sessions and should be worked whenever you seek to resolve an issue for a client.
Reflex the brain and spinal column within the first few minutes of a session.
Combining a focus on the nervous system and the immune system in a session can result in powerful things happening.
When you reflex the nervous system, you communicate with the energetic body. The spiritual implications of this can be profound.
People with nervous system issues sometimes overload the channels of communications. When they open their hearts to loving communications, they can feel safe and well.
Working the toes and arches and arches has a calming effect on the nervous system, offering soothing feelings to the nerves. This encourages homeostasis.
Working the nervous system facilitates a change of mind and a better attitude toward life.
When people are nervous, they feel fear, anxiety, rushing thoughts. In this state, it’s hard to trust the processes of life. Working the nervous system allows people to communicate with their hearts.
In our next post, we’re going to focus on essential oils used in sessions for the nervous system.
Thanks for reading this blog/book.
As always, this post comes to you from my healing space in downtown Woodstock, NY
Peace and food for all.
Thurman Greco