Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Letting Go

Recently I was standing in a grocery line, my cart piled high with much needed food.  After a couple of minutes, I realized that, not only was it not moving, the line was getting longer and longer – seemingly by the second.

A couple of weeks ago, I was in a similar situation – I was stuck in traffic.  It seemed I was in this situation for the duration of the afternoon.

Both cases shot my schedule.  I wasn’t going to make it to my next appointment, or the one after that, on time.  The most could say about these situations was that they were a crashing bore.

In the grocery line, I shifted into neutral.  It was time to chill.  This was a situation where I felt everything was going to go the way it was going to go – I was stuck.

This created a perfect opportunity for two things:  First, it was time to ground myself and be peaceful.  Second, it was time for Reiki energy to join the crowd.

Sure enough – within a moment, I felt Reiki energy energize my hands while it moved through the crowd and grounded everyone. I felt the people in the line calm themselves and take on an entirely new perspective.

When I’m in a crowd and Reiki energy join the group, I’m always grateful that I learned Reiki in such a way that it goes to work as it is needed.

Even without Reiki energy, grounding was a wonderful thing to experience in this situation.

Whenever we’re in a stuck event, the first inclination is to push.  When that doesn’t work, the next step is to figure out a way to fight and struggle against the event.

A good option in this situation is to do your best to be calm.  This attitude may give you an entirely new perspective.

Is this an easy thing to do?  Probably not.  But, when you succeed, you may feel  you participated in a spiritually grounding event.


Truthfully, it’s hard to plan for these events.

When they happen, embrace the opportunity to practice Letting Go.  This short time in the grocery line or traffic jam is a good way to release and/or heal the various events and thoughts crowding your life with negativity.

See this situation as a moment for yourself.  Think about how you can benefit from it.

Work on releasing any thoughts, habits, or beliefs that clutter your life.  If you have doubts, think of the release is a way of loving yourself.

You may want to let go of a person or situation in your life which is uncomfortable or too negative for you.  Do this with love and compassion.  Ask the universe for guidance and assistance.

You may be able to move toward forgiving someone or some past event.

Because you are in a situation, you may be inspired by the spirituality and grounding of the moment to receive inspiration.

Sometimes the universe sees an opportunity which you didn’t know was there!

This may even be time for self-talk and self-acceptance.

This may even be time to commit to an action.

This may be time to participate in a Letting-Go moment where you release frustrations, mis-guided expectations, and other restrictions into the wind.

Take a moment to blow them away.  As you breathe out, send them to wherever they need to go to become positive expectations, thoughts, and goals for others.

Thank you for reading this blog post.   Please forward it to your preferred social media network.  Share it with your friends and family.

You can connect with me on Facebook:  Thurman Greco

You can also learn more by reading past blog posts.  YOUTUBE has information, too.

Do you want to learn more about Reiki or Reflexology?  My books and videos on YOUTUBE have more information.  I also have a video about reflexology which I made with the generosity of Arlene Ferrieri and Karen White.


The Second Chakra and Reflexology


The second Chakra reflex point is located on the lower half of the instep on both feet.  This is where the intestines are located.  It’s also where we find the kidneys and the sexual reproductive organs.

Second Chakra issues include

letting go










What issues are draining you?

Can you let go of negative feelings when it’s necessary?

What feelings are you holding on to?

Are your relationships supportive?

Do you feel financially supported?

Are you centered?

Are you open to positive change?

Are you addicted to pleasure?

How can you ground yourself?

Are your boundaries rigid?

Guilt is a second Chakra issue.  At one extreme, there is the danger of becoming overcome by fear.  At the other extreme, the person may become hedonistic.

If you and/or your client partners want to be healthy, it’s important to have a balanced second Chakra.  Centering is the operative word here. When a person centers the second Chakra, a sense of self is discovered.  When this center is found, it becomes a place where we can merge with the world as we express our emotional, creative, spiritual, and sexual selves.  For me, a centered second Chakra is sacred.

As with the first Chakra, Reflexology for the Spirit sessions offer homeostasis which is the balance of all body systems.

Reiki therapy sessions balance the Chakras.

Meditation can also be important here.  The goal is to meditate on a centered state. In the process, you’ll develop a positive energetic, emotional, and physical sense of self.  That is what the second Chakra is all about – living successfully with one’s self.  

It’s easy to tell how centered the second Chakra is by observing the lower back.  Lower back pain indicates a need to center the second Chakra.

Physically, the second Chakra governs:

the bladder


lower back

sex organs


When you work with your client partner’s second Chakra, you offer the opportunity to help him/her find the self. It’s in the second Chakra that we find a sense of emotional balance and self esteem.  A balanced second Chakra brings a person home – home to Creation itself.

Thank you for reading this blog/book.  I am now accepting reflexology students.  Please email for information.  Thanks!

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Thurman Greco