Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Why do they come to our tables? Homeostasis!

Angel 1

Why do they come to our tables?  People visit a reflexologist  searching for  wellness and healing.    Many   have never thought about being in  in control of their bodies and their health.  Of course not, in today’s world everyone has so little time.  No one has time to learn and absorb concepts about healing…especially when information overload is a way of life for us all.

They know their body is trying to tell them something on some level but they’re not sure what.   For some the message comes in the form of a symptom:

painful feet,

clogged sinuses,

high blood pressure.

For others, it’s a much more subtle voice:

a spiritual message sent on a subtle wave length.

But, whatever the message,  they make an appointment.

Reflexology for the Spirit offers  homeostasis.  When a person embraces this concept, life changes.  Healing becomes a priority.  Wellness is a journey.  The person  begins to heal on all levels.

The reflexology table is the hub of a wheel of growth.  Marge D’Urso taught us a reflexologist needs to know much more than just where the points are.

THIS NEXT SERIES OF POSTS WILL ASSIST YOU, THE REFLEXOLOGIST,  in your journey as you guide and assist  your client partners on the path to wellness and healing:  homeostasis.

THIS NEXT SERIES OF POSTS WILL ASSIST YOU, THE CLIENT PARTNER,  on your path to wellness and healing:  homeostasis.

This path is a process, not a pill.

Give homeostasis an opportunity to  occur.  When this happens, the process can be felt on several levels.

General relaxation throughout the body occurs when a person receives Reflexology for the Spirit regularly.  This feeling is so rare in some  that it takes several sessions before the client-partner even understands what the feeling is.

Over time, as different healing habits become a  lifestyle, the body begins to heal itself.  This concept can be new for a person embracing homeostasis….especially when a person begins sessions thinking there is no control over health at all.

Information gained in the coming posts and shared with your client partners will offer opportunities both you and  your client partners to:

improve cardiovascular health,

lower your risk of diabetes,

prevent osteoporosis

and learn about many other health benefits.

The feet themselves will begin to improve.

Finally, an improved sense of emotional well being takes place.  The result is an increased awareness of one’s body and how it feels when healing occurs.

You, the reflexologist,  have an opportunity to profoundly influence health, longevity, and well-being as you  inspire and guide  your client partners.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco

Jennette Nearhood provided the artwork.

Reflexology for the Spirit and Heart Disease

WITH HEART DISEASE, THE BOTTOM LINE IS TAKING CARE OF THE ARTERIES.   It’s believed by many that heart disease begins in childhood.

All of us can do things to help prevent heart disease:

Proper diet and exercise lowers cholesterol.

Getting the weight off gets harder with every birthday.  After 60, it’s a real challenge.  But, don’t give up.  If you carry your weight on your waist as opposed to your hips, your body is in line for a heart attack.

Get regular exercise.  Walking costs nothing and is one of the best exercises around.  Fat yoga teachers are very rare.  So, take a regular class.  The important thing is to do something 3 times a week.  The diet part can be tricky.  Almost everyone thinks their diet is a good one.  To lower cholesterol, emphasize healthy oils, vegetables, and fruits.

A high fiber diet is important for a healthy heart.

KEEPING YOUR BLOOD PRESSURE IN THE SAFE ZONE IS IMPORTANT.    Think 120/80.  Nobody wants to start medication but the number really needs to be in the safe zone.  New guidelines are a little generous with numbers but if your pressure is 140/90, you need to see a physician.

Get a blood pressure cuff and take your pressure every morning:  first thing.  Know your pressure.  There is a real correlation between hypertension, heart attacks, stroke, diabetes, etc.

In addition to taking blood pressure medication, I use a Resperate  biofeedback device daily.  The Resperate works to relax the muscles surrounding my small blood vessels, allowing blood to flow easier.  I feel that regular use offers sustained blood pressure reduction in conjunction with the medication.

My Resperatae adapts to my breathing rate and guides me to reduce my breathing rate easily.

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Peace and food for all.


Guided Meditation – An Angel with a Heart Message



Page0002 (2)Begin this meditation as you find a safe, quiet place for yourself.

Make yourself comfortable by either sitting in a chair or lying face up on a sofa or other flat surface.  Turn on some soft, soothing music.

Take a few  breaths as you prepare to focus on your breathing.

Focus on your breathing now.  As you inhale, breathe relaxation in through your nose. Visualize a happy and expanded heart center.

Exhale now as you breathe out stress and anxiety through your mouth.

Breathe in relaxation through your nose as you visualize your heart’s unconditional love.

As you exhale, breathe out disappointment through your mouth.

As you breathe in relaxation through your nose, focus on joy and happiness.

Breathe out heaviness and stagnation through your mouth.

As you breathe in relaxation through your nose, listen to your heart.

Breathe out anger and bitterness through your mouth.

You are calm and centered now.  You look around and notice your surroundings have changed.  You see two beautiful chairs in a quiet meadow.

Notice how the chairs appear.  Are they wood?  Upholstered?  Notice the details so you can remember them for the future.

You realize this whole area has a comforting  beautiful rose colored glow.  You see  an angel  dressed in rose colored garments.  You know immediately that this angel is with you to help you listen to your heart’s wisdom and guidance.

As the angel sits down in the chair next to you, notice the details of how this angel looks.  How is the angel dressed?

As you sit by the angel for a few moments, you ask the angel to help you heal your heart and open it for love and wisdom to come your way.

You also ask the angel for healing wisdom appropriate to your situation.

You sit for a few moments absorbing this wisdom.  You know that you may receive this wisdom now but you may also receive this wisdom at some point in the next few days.

You sit quietly next to this angel knowing that wisdom will be revealed to you in the coming days.  You feel that you might receive this wisdom through an event or a dream or through words read.  You know that you will receive this wisdom when the time is appropriate.

It is time for you to go now.

You know from deep within yourself that you can return to this beautiful chair in this meadow any time you want or need to visit with this angel again.

You close your eyes for a few moments and pause a final time.

Then, you begin to stretch a bit and return to the room as you left it a few minutes ago.

Thank you for reading this guided meditation.

Peace and food for all.

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Thurman Greco


Reflexology Blog – Spiritual/Emotional System


As the journey goes, recognizing one’s spirituality varies from person to person.  The differences aren’t important.  What’s important  is  we understand the value of our spiritual well being relative to the overall health of  the whole body.

Try to understand and respect the spiritual differences in each client partner.  Spiritually, everyone is different with no wrongs or rights.  Make every effort to support the client’s spiritual beliefs to help the client achieve good spiritual health.


We can’t address the question without understanding the cultural, religious, and ethnic differences in our client partners.  These should always be respected and acknowledged when appropriate.

With a client partner from a different culture, please try to learn more about cultural behaviors and communication styles within that culture.

GOOD SPIRITUAL HEALTH INCLUDES A CONNECTEDNESS WITH ONE’S INNER SELF AND WITH OTHERS.  It can include a life with meaning and purpose.  It can include faith, hope, peacefulness, love, forgiveness, and worship.

For many, the most elusive word is forgiveness.  Many health care providers offer forgiveness prayers for their clients.    Some healers feel  healing is impossible without forgiveness.  Your job is to assist your client partner to achieve and maintain spiritual balance and health.

Reflexing the nervous system can be a very spiritual experience for your client partner.  For many, it facilitates a communication flow between the brain and the divine.

RECOGNIZE WHEN A CLIENT IS WORKING THROUGH LOSS AND GRIEF.    Your sessions can assist and support the client in this journey.

The endocrine system is the foundation of the Spiritual/Emotional System.  This is the primary system that Reflexology for the Spirit addresses.

The Endocrine system and the chakras are very closely aligned and influence one another.

Balanced chakras are a necessary component of good spiritual and emotional health. That’s what Reiki therapy does best.  Have you learned Reiki therapy yet?  It’s easy to learn.  It’s fast, incorporated easily into a Reflexology for the Spirit session and brings homeostasis.  As your client reaches and maintains homeostasis, the spirit becomes healthy, too.  Once the chakras are balanced and the spirit begins to achieve good health it will become the driving force in the journey to homeostasis.    You can assist your client partner on this journey without Reiki therapy but it’s easier with it.

The question arises:  What is Reiki therapy?  At its lowest common denominator, Reiki therapy is the laying on of hands.  The practitioner calls in the Reiki energy (universal life force) and offers a light touch to a clothed body as healing is offered.

 Thank you for reading this blog/book.

Michele Garner participated in writing this article. Jennette Nearhood painted the original picture used at the head of the post.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco

Guided Meditation: An Angel Points the Way to a Digestive System in Perfect Health

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SEEK OUT A COMFORTABLE PLACE WHERE YOU WILL NOT BE INTERRUPTED.    Turn on some quiet music if you like.  Sit or lie down in a comfortable position.    Feel your body as it becomes comfortable in this place you have chosen.

TAKE A FEW DEEP BREATHS.   Now, take a few relaxing breaths.  As you breathe in, feel the healing air you are bringing into your body.  As you inhale now, feel the pure healing air as it  enters your nose, throat, and lungs.  Each time you inhale, allow your body to breathe in more healing air into your lungs and then into every artery, and finally every vein in your body.

With each exhale, you release toxins, stress, negativity which have collected throughout your digestive system.  Your exhales are gently  detoxing your system.

As you are breathing in this healing air, you become aware of a  a special healing light accompanying these inhales.  As you inhale, feel  the healing light wash over your body.  Feel this healing light as it bathes your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual being.

Now, notice that this light is focusing on your digestive system, washing toxins and any issues away.  This healing light  gives health to your digestive system beginning with the mouth and traveling down through the esophagus, stomach, liver, small and large intestines, rectum and anal canal.  This healing light brings health to every organ down to the cellular level.

Breathe deeply and naturally now for a few moments as you receive the nurturing energy from this light.  Allow your digestive system to melt into this healing moment.  Allow your digestive system to absorb this purity and perfection.  Relax a bit more and listen for the sounds of the forest which is enfolding you.

You find yourself on a path in the forest.   As you move down the path, you feel the air on your skin.  You smell the soil, the leaves.   You hear the forest sounds:  the birds, rustling leaves, small animals skittering.  The healing light you breathed in a few moments ago is allowing you to become one with the forest.


You look down the path and see an angel ahead.  You notice everything about this angel who is welcoming you.  You will want to remember this angel and this place when you return for  visits.  Notice the colors, the textures, the sounds, the smells.

This angel is here to help you focus on the health of your digestive system.

You feel that this angel is here to help you be healthy and stay healthy.

Your angel begins to share with you how your body is now working as it properly should.  You pause a few moments and receive the  wisdom this angel has for you.

You begin to gain insight about what blocks need to be released, what organs need more nourishment, how to channel stress and negative emotions into positive life experiences.

AS YOU GAIN INSIGHT, YOU BEGIN TO HAVE YOUR OWN QUESTIONS.  You know this angel has the answers for you.  You know  that if the answers do not come immediately, there is no need for concern.  You know from the angel’s presence that the answers will come in another time or at another place.

It’s time for you to go now.  It’s time for you to return to your room and your safe, comfortable place where you began this meditation.     As you leave the forest and return to the comfortable place in the room, you feel the healing light stay with you.

You return to the moment relaxed, refreshed, knowing you can visit this forest and this  angel whenever you want.

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Peace and food for all.


Premenstrual Syndrome

Premenstrual Syndrome is a collection of many uncomfortable symptoms  accompanying women’s menstrual cycles.

PMS causes the following symptoms:

negative  moods


food cravings

fluid retention

decreased energy


emotional imbalance

weight gain

water retention



And, that’s not the whole list.  It’s just the symptoms that came to mind first.

PMS is on the rise.  It’s a situation  made worse  by stressful situations in women’s lives as well as increased toxicity caused by artificial hormones now found in increasing quantities in our food, water, and environment in general.

On the spiritual level,  PMS flourishes in situations where women suffer with anger, confusion, fear, frustration, inferiority, rejection, self-doubt.  PMS accompanies situations where women feel a need to hold on to past hurts they’ve received from men.  Women suffering with PMS experience a need for more strength and power.

Dietary changes can often help:

Eat more  fruits, legumes, nuts, seeds, soy,  vegetables, whole grains.

Eat less dairy, fat meat, and sugar.

Eating organic foods is important because they have fewer environmental estrogens.

Detoxing the intestinal tract and liver will help.

It will be helpful to take probiotics.  In order to be sure you’re not wasting your money, consult with Liz at Village Vitality (Woodstock Apothecary ) 845-679-0790.  Liz will also work with you to determine if you are getting enough of the proper vitamins and minerals for your situation.

Overcoming the negative aspects of PMS will probably not happen overnight but the situation will improve over time…especially if you include regular reflexology sessions to encourage homeostasis.

When offering reflexology for the spirit to a client-partner suffering with PMS, begin by working the endocrine system.  Focus on the pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenals, ovary, and uterus reflexes.

Work the nervous system as you focus on the brain reflexes.

Work the urinary system as you focus on the kidney reflexes.

Finish the session by working the solar plexus and liver.

If cramps are involved, use the following protocol:

Begin the session by working the solar plexus and diaphragm reflexes.

Work the endocrine system and focus on the thyroid,  parathyroid gland reflexes and the uterus reflexes.

Finish the session by focusing on the spine and spinal cord reflexes.

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Thurman Greco

The Endocrine System – very important for both physical and spiritual health

THE ENDOCRINE SYSTEM IS MADE UP OF A SERIES OF GLANDS INCLUDING SEVERAL GLANDS WHICH WORK TOGETHER TO MAINTAIN HOMEOSTASIS.  They include the hypothalamus, pituitary, pineal, thyroid, parathyroids, thymus, adrenals, pancreas, and ovaries/testes.  In addition to working to maintain homeostasis, the glands of the endocrine system work together to regulate our metabolism, growth, reproduction, and body chemistry.

Endocrine glands secrete hormones directly into the bloodstream.  They work with other body systems and are important to the overall function of a person in everyday life.  It’s important that the different Endocrine glands work well.

THE HYPOTHALAMUS, PITUITARY, AND PINEAL GLANDS ARE LOCATED IN THE BRAIN IN THE AREA BEHIND THE EYES.   They all three interact with the nervous system.  It’s believed that the hypothalamus controls the “mother” gland because it’s believed to coordinate the functions of the other endocrine glands in addition to regulating growth, blood pressure, and sexual development.

When a person is stressed emotionally and spiritually, the pituitary reflex becomes sensitive.  Sometimes it’s so sensitive to the reflexologist’s touch that it can’t be worked.  When this happens, go to the pituitary gland reflex on the hands and work there.

The pineal gland produces melatonin which is responsible for sleep patterns.  Many people believe the pineal gland functions as our “third eye” and works with our spiritual and psychic development.

THE THYROID AND PARATHYROID GLANDS ARE LOCATED AT THE BASE OF THE THROAT.   They’re attached to the wind pipe with the thyroid in front and the parathyroids in back.  The parathyroids are believed to control calcium and bone metabolism.  The thyroid, a very important gland, coordinates how everything in our body works.  The thyroid is to the body what the gas pedal is to a car.  People with thyroid imbalances often experience anger.

The thymus is a gland located a couple of inches below the thyroid and parathyroids.  This gland offers support to the immune system.  Our thymus is a certain size when we are born and does not get much larger as we grow up and age.  This leads some professionals to believe the thymus is more important in infanthood and childhood than in adulthood.  Here again, we have a spiritual gland.  The thymus works better when we feel more positive about ourselves.

The pancreas is partially an endocrine gland which works in close conjunction with the digestive system.  The pancreas has two parts:  endocrine and exocrine.  The endocrine part of the pancreas is called the Islets of Langerhans.  This is where insulin is produced.

THE ADRENALS ARE LOCATED ABOVE THE KIDNEYS.  They work closely with the nervous system to maintain fluid and mineral balance.  The adrenals are easily felt because we experience them as “butterflies” in our stomach when we are suddenly nervous.  Prolonged stress overload has a negative effect on the adrenals.  When the adrenals get overstressed it takes time and effort by the practitioner to return them to balance.

THE OVARIES IN THE FEMALE AND THE TESTES IN THE MALE ARE ENDOCRINE GLANDS.  This is a point of creativity in the body.  They are managed by the pituitary gland.

KEEPING THE VARIOUS ENDOCRINE GLANDS BALANCED IS IMPORTANT TO US ALL.  Sometimes, when an endocrine gland is not balanced, our whole (physical, mental, spiritual, emotional) reflects this imbalance and is affected negatively by it.  Reflexology for the Spirit sessions help balance our endocrine system.

AN EXAMPLE OF A NICE SESSION IS TO FOCUS THE ENTIRE SESSION ON THE ENDOCRINE SYSTEM.    The importance of endocrine balance cannot be overestimated.  One effective way to focus on the endocrine system is to offer rotations (about 10 rotations per point) to each of the endocrine glands in the following order:  solar plexus, pituitary gland, thyroid, parathyroid, liver, adrenal glands, ovaries/testes.  Then, finally, return to the solar plexus.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco






Guided Meditation – An Angel Brings Forgiveness


Page0002 (2)Begin this guided meditation by putting on some soft music.

Now, get in a comfortable place.  Sit in a comfortable chair, or lay face up on a sofa or sit back in a recliner.  The important thing here is comfort.

Begin this meditation by breathing slowly.  Breathe in relaxation as you take deep breaths.  Breathe out stress, negativity.

Allow yourself to sigh, and yawn.  Stretch if you feel like it.

Pay attention to your body.  Feel your body relax as you breathe in fresh, cleansing air.

Feel your body let go of negativity as you exhale.  Releasing  negativity allows your body to feel a little lighter.  It allows you to relax even more.

Every breath allows you to become more relaxed and to let go of the buildup of negativity.  You begin to feel the warmth of comfort and safety.

As your breathing continues, you find yourself in a meadow…a meadow created just for you.  Your breathing allows you to relax even more in the warmth of the sun.  Your breathing allows you to become one with the meadow.  You become aware of the sights, sounds, fragrances, wildlife, of  the meadow.

This meadow offers you peace.  This meadow offers you an opportunity to let go of negativity.

You look around and see an angel.  This angel  stands beside you in a beautiful clearing with  butterflies, flowers, birds, grasses, trees.

As you see this angel, you realize that now is a time for you to give up past negativity.  This is an opportunity for you to let go of feelings of negativity, being stuck, inferiority, shame, confusion, disappointment.

You turn to the angel.

You see you are being given an opportunity to travel down the different paths of your life.

You are being given an opportunity to safely explore lessons learned through past experiences.

You are being given an opportunity to acknowledge that you no longer need to hold onto negativity, disappointment.

With the angel beside you, you feel empowered – safe.

With the angel beside you, you are ready to offer forgiveness as you grow beyond this negativity that has been holding you back.

With the angel beside you, you are in a space where your heart can open and receive positive energy in the place that once held negativity.

With the angel beside you, you are able to spontaneously accept  giving up negativity of all kinds.  This negativity is replaced by forgiveness not only for  other persons and events but also for yourself.

With the angel beside you, you  are instantly moving forward in life as you embrace new energy and a new life force.

With the angel beside you, you know  all is forgiven…forever.

You turn to the angel and look deeply at this glorious being shrouded in green who has accompanied you on this  journey.  As you examine this angel deeply, you know  you have received an incredible gift…the gift of forgiveness.

You thank the angel for such a generous, life changing gift.

Now you return to the room knowing that the angel  in green is waiting for you any time you want to journey down the path of forgiveness again.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco




The Circulatory System – There is a definite spiritual aspect which Reflexology for the Spirit addresses.

scan 10 001

The circulatory system is composed of the heart, arteries, veins, capillaries, and blood, and it actually exists everywhere in our bodies.  The heart is an amazing creation about the size of your fist.  It’s your hardest working muscle – always working, whether we’re asleep or awake.  The heart is a two-sided pumping station with four chambers separated by valves that keep our blood flowing in the proper direction.  The chamber or atrium on the right and the right ventricle pump the oxygenated blood back through the body.  The muscular walls or septum divide the heart’s two sizes and keep the two kinds of blood from mixing.

The chambers and ventricles of the two halves are separated by a valve.  The left side of the heart and the right side of the heart are separated by the septum.  The valves keep the blood flowing in one direction only.

Arteries carry blood from the heart to every part of the body.  As the arteries branch out they become smaller until they become capillaries.

As the blood returns to the heart, it moves in veins.  The beating heart keeps the blood moving continuously throughout the body.

Because the circulatory system exists throughout the entire body, the reflexes are found throughout the entire foot.  However, the heart reflex itself is found primarily on the left foot.  Working the entire foot works this system and you help to circulate new energy to every cell.  Working the entire foot focuses on  this system.  You help  circulate new energy to every cell.  

Several diseases affect the heart and the circulatory system so it’s important to take care of the heart.  Heart disease and stroke are major causes of death in our country.

Heart diseases do not occur overnight.  By the time a person begins to suffer from high cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart attack and/or stroke, the problems causing these diseases have been lurking in the body for decades.

Circulatory diseases, for the most part, are preventable with lifestyle changes and regular reflexology sessions.

If a person has a “wake up call” before getting on the right path, there is still hope.  As soon as the lifestyle changes begin, better health is often on the way.

When examining the feet, always note any red blotches, representing anger, callouses on the heart area of the foot, indicating concealed deep feelings or the need for protection.

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Peace and food for all.

As always, this post comes to you from my healing space in scenic downtown Woodstock, NY.

Thurman Greco

Thurman Greco

Guided Meditation – An Angel Invites You In

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If you want, turn on some quiet meditation music.

Get comfortable, either seated or lying flat, face up.  Make sure your spine is straight and your hands are relaxed.

Focus on your breathing as you relax with each inhalation.  Breathe in relaxation.  Breathe out any tension you feel.  Breathe in relaxation.  Breathe out tension.

Gently and slowly, scan your body as you check for any place where you may be holding tension.  Head, face, neck, shoulders.

Breathe in relaxation.  Breathe out tension.  Continue to scan your body for places where you may be holding tension.  Check your chest, abdomen, back, arms, hands, fingers.

Breathe in relaxation.  Breathe out tension.  Now scan your hips, legs, feet, and toes.  Breathe in relaxation.  Breathe out the last of your tension.

Now, check how your entire body feels.  Breathe in more relaxation.  Breathe out the last of your fatigue.

Make your eyes soft now.  Look around you.  You find yourself walking on a path.

As you walk along, you see an angel seated on a bench beside this path.  As you approach the bench, the angel stands up and joins you on your walk.

You feel immediately comforted by this angel.  You notice what this angel looks like.  How does this angel to you?  You notice every detail so you’ll be able to remember this moment better.

You know, within yourself,  this angel is here for you.  And, you know  this angel has a gift for you.

The two of you walk along this path.  You are relaxed, peaceful, content.  You feel comfortable within yourself.  The temperature around you is just right for the moment.  You are enjoying being in this natural setting and you are enjoying being with the angel.

You feel the warmth of the sun on your skin.  You notice a slight breeze.  You hear the gentle sounds of wildlife as you walk along the path.

As the two of you walk along, you see a house ahead on the path.  Now you know why the angel has joined you today.

You notice the details of this house just as you noticed the details of the angel.  You take note of the size of the house.  You observe the windows, the doors, the siding.

You pay close attention to the landscaping.  You see all of the details of the yard…the flowers…the trees.  The house, the yard, everything is perfect.

The angels walks over to the front door and opens it for you.  You step inside and immediately notice every detail.

You are filled with gratitude, knowing withing yourself that this house is yours.  It’s a gift from the angel.

You explore the house now, noticing colors, textures, furnishings, objects.

Then, you select a relaxing activity to enjoy in your house.   You are in this house to relax and enjoy yourself.

Finally, you and the angel know it’s time to return to your path.  The angel urges you to remember all the details of your house.  You know the house belongs to you and is waiting for you anytime you need it.

You and the angel go to the door now, open it, walk outside, and then close it.  The two of you walk down the path.  After a few steps you look back at the house and know you will return whenever you need.

Then, you thank the angel for this gift which you can cherish and use whenever you need.  The two of you come to the bench.  The angel sits down on the bench and waves goodbye to you as you walk down the path again.

You turn and offer a heartfelt “thank you” and continue on.  You are relaxed, at peace.  Your breathing continues to be easy and deep.

Once again you are aware of your surroundings as you return to the space where you began your meditation.  You remember the angel and you remember the house with gratitude.

Thank you for reading this blog/book.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco