Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Our Skin Protects Us and Guards Us.

The largest organ we have, our skin is our biggest protector. It is a sense organ because it is through the skin that we exercise our sense of touch.
Skin is both emotional and spiritual. When we describe skin, we use words such as protect, nourish, insulate, communicate, heal, give, receive.
Our skin is our boundary so there are many skin issues to deal with throughout life. This blog has already addressed the following issues in previous posts: acne, callouses, corns, eczema, peeling skin, psoriasis, shingles, sweaty feet, and thick skin.
Whew! That says a lot about our skin and the work it does. What it says is this:
Reflexology for the Spirit sessions are very important when addressing sense organ issues in general and skin issues specifically.
When you offer reflexology for a skin issue, please work it holistically. In other words,  work to heal the physical issue but also  consider where this problem is manifesting itself on the feet.  It is also important to help your client partner feel safe for a few moments when you offer a session.

Safety can be suggested through the music used, the essential oils offered, and having enough blankets and pillows on the table.  Think cocoon here.

Our skin is very emotional as well as spiritual.  Therefore, it reacts to everything that happens to us.  Rashes, in particular are emotional reactions to life events.  A good example of this is hives.  A person suffering with hives  may be experiencing fear, irritation, feeling overwhelmed, deep anger.

There will be more posts in the future about different issues which manifest themselves through the skin.

Thank you for reading this blog/book.

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Peace and food for all.
Thurman Greco

Reflexology Blog – Arthritis: Seeking a Spiritual Solution

Arthritis is inflammation of a joint. I wrote a long post about arthritis early in this blog/book. This post will focus on the spiritual aspects of the diseases called Arthritis.
Joints are very important to us. They enable us to move through life. We move in many ways throughout the day: walking, running, jumping, pushing, pulling, carrying. Just think: without our joints we could not hug one another.
And, of course, that’s what happens when we suffer with arthritis. Arthritis reflects stiffness, rigidity, an inability to give.
For my thinking, arthritis reflects anger and criticism.
Joint inflammation tells me the sufferer is conflicted, resistant, angry with life patterns and events. The person is unable to do the things s/he wants to do and is becoming angry and frustrated.
Persons with joint stiffness are unable to express themselves the way they need to.
When I think of inflammation, I think of the build-up of toxins. So…when toxins build up in the joints, what are they exactly? Joint toxins include anger, critical attitude, frustration, bitterness, resentment.
This doesn’t mean you abandon efforts to cure these diseases. What it DOES mean is that you do everything necessary to remain active and well. You do everything possible to bring about homeostasis…including the return to a positive mental attitude. So, while you are visiting the doctor, physical therapist, yoga class, reflexology for the spirit practitioner, you need to ask yourself questions which will help you return to your normal, positive self:
What in your life is making you angry?
Is your life out of control? Who or what is controlling your life?
What can you do to make your life more receptive to positive influences?
What can you do to lessen the anger in your life?
Is forgiveness possible?
Have you lost direction or purpose in your life?
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Peace and food for all.
Thurman Greco

Eczema is an Itchy, Red Skin Irritation which Itches Before the Redness Appears

The eczema skin irritation first appears in itchy patches.

Several factors bring about eczema:  stress, immune system overload, and allergies, all of which will respond positively to regular Reflexology for the Spirit sessions.  However, your client partner needs to identify what triggers the outbreaks and to adopt self-care strategies to control the problem.

Many eczema sufferers also have asthma.

Often, an eczema sufferer struggles with negative attitudes toward events in his/her life.  When these occur, you see an eczema outbreak.

Typical things which set off an eczema bout include certain foods, drugs, animal dander, some metals, fragrances, cleaning products.  Emotional stress, anger, poor circulation, and weather changes can compound the problem.

A little sun daily (10 minutes or so) can be helpful.

As with all immune system disorders, a clean environment is critical.  This includes the home, car, air, water, body, workplace.  Once a person begins to clean out the toxins, the body will have a chance to improve.  Cleaning out involves discarding all the toxic cleansers and cosmetics in the home and replacing them with non-toxic cleansers and cosmetics which aren’t going to exacerbate the eczema.

Your client partner will be embarking on a journey of clean living which includes a diet free of toxins, chemicals, etc.

Since real health begins and ends in the colon, the next step is a colon cleanse.

Once the environment is cleaned up and the body is cleaned out, it will be easier to cope with stressful issues.

A hypoallergenic moisturizer is essential.

AREAS TO WORK:   immune system, liver, lymphatics, digestive system, solar plexus

ESSENTIAL OILS:  lavender, frankincense

Thank you for reading this blog which is coming to you from my healing space in Woodstock, NY

Tomorrow, we’ll begin to cover the topic of fatigue.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions you may have.

Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco

Calluses and Corns Can Be Troublesome and Represent Spiritual Challenges

The impact  calluses and corns have on your client partner depends on where they’re located on the foot or toes.

For many, they’re protective armor and a defense mechanism representing the soul crying out for protection from unbearable outside events.  For example, a callus in the heart area of the foot deals with protection from problems of the heart that have become difficult.  Calluses and/or corns on the throat area of the foot represent problems relating to communication.  And, calluses on the heel area connect with core beliefs.

There’s a relevant place for Reflexology for the Spirit when dealing with these spiritual issues.  If you have a client partner coming to you regularly with calluses and/or corns, please refer him/her to a podiatrist to treat the medical aspects.  People shouldn’t self treat these conditions because they can end up with worse problems than they began with.  And, if your client partner is diabetic, it’s even more important to seek medical help.

Several trips to the chiropractor are in order here if your client partner’s gait is being impacted upon.  A properly aligned spinal column helps overall health.

After that, it’s up to you, the practitioner to facilitate the spiritual and emotional healing which accompanies regular sessions.

Your client partner should be able to move forward as issues resolve.


ESSENTIAL OILS:  tea tree, lavender, Roman or German chamomile.

Thank you for reading this post.  Please contact me with whatever questions you may have.

Our next post addresses  an issue experienced by many people:  Constipation.

Peace and food for all

Thurman Greco


Anxiety and Reflexology for the Spirit

modernAnxiety sufferers are often adults who feel they experienced emotional neglect and trauma as children.  Anxiety can also “run in families”.  Sometimes, people on certain long term prescriptive drugs exhibit anxiety symptoms.  Anxiety is present when a chemical imbalance exists in the brain.  It’s diagnosed by symptoms.  And, some experts feel that anxiety affects more women than men.

Offer your anxiety sufferers an opportunity to enjoy the benefits of essential oils and Reiki therapy in addition to Reflexology for the Spirit sessions.

AREAS  TO WORK:  solar plexus, nervous system, digestive system, urinary system, endocrine system, adrenals, liver and solar plexus.

Always offer a few moments with a solar plexus hold if you feel a person is suffering with anxiety.  Reflexing the solar plexus offers the body an opportunity to achieve deep relaxation and grounding.  If your client partner is taking prescriptive drugs,  herbs, or other medications for a medical condition, please work the body systems that apply.

ESSENTIAL OILS:  orange, Roman chamomile, ylang, ylang, lavender

Thanks again for reading this blog.  Please leave a comment if you have a comment or question.

The next two or so posts will deal with arthritis.

Peace and food for all

Thurman Greco


The Actual Beginnings of Reflexology are Shrouded in Mystery

Thurman-reflexology-CoverIn this post, we’ll begin to explore the roots of this age old modality.

What we do know is that early history  refers to reflexology in China, India, Japan, Egypt, Greece, North Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, the Mediterranean, South America and North America.

Historians tell us that Egyptians practiced both hand and foot reflexology as early as 2500 BC.  If you ever travel to Egypt, please visit the burial ground at Saqqara.  The Physician’s Tomb there has a famous wall painting showing two people receiving reflexology.  One is receiving hand reflexology and the other is receiving foot reflexology.  This painting dates back to 2300 BCE.

If you ever visit Japan, be sure to visit the Medicine Teacher Temple in Nara.  There you’ll find a stone carving depicting the soles of Buddha’s feet in a carving dating to 790 AD.  In Buddhist tradition, the feet (or foot prints) represent his entire being.  For centuries after the Buddha’s death, people did not recreate images of the great teacher’s face or body.  But, eventually artists began producing images of his feet – representing the whole spiritual being to be revered.

Also, in India there are paintings of Vishnu, the Hindu god’s feet with symbols corresponding to several reflexology points.

By the time these famous wall paintings and carvings came to be a reality, reflexology was already an accepted healing modality in much of the world.

Reflexology has been recorded in ancient Chinese writings describing pressure being applied to fingers and thumbs.

Ayurveda is an ancient Indian form of medicine which is becoming popular in our country.  Reflexology is incorporated in Ayurvedic medicine.

In the next blog, I’ll relate recent reflexology history and bring us up to the present.

Thanks for reading this post.  Please comment with any questions you have, etc.

Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco

More New Information about Health Issues, Essential Oils, Etc.

flowers (639x512)This is a guide book to be used as a ready reference.  It was written for reflexology students and practitioners at all levels of experience.  It should also help healers and seekers to navigate through the wealth of information needed to become the best practitioner possible.  It evolved from years of teaching Reflexology for the Spirit.

Whether you have a diabetic with unknown allergies or a teenager with acne, each set of feet brings new challenges.  It’s hoped that the organization of information will guide you to find what you need without a lot of searching.

Common ailments and body systems are categorized and organized for ready reference.  Ideas on the spiritual dimensions of medical conditions are offered along with suggested approaches for working the feet.

Included are suggestions on oils which are applicable for specific problems.  Essential oils can be very powerful if you know how to use them.  When you purchase essential oils, choose a brand offering medicinal grade products with “batch numbers” on each bottle.  That’s the only way you can be sure you’re getting what you pay for.  also, try to work with a brand of essential oils offering you some information and training.

If you are offering Reflexology for the Spirit sessions to a client partner with issues, it’s often necessary to forgive a lot of people and events.  Essential oils can positively impact this process.

We begin with a brief look at the glorious history of reflexology.  Along with a description of the benefits, contraindications are also included in the text.

Tomorrow we’ll continue with more information about the processes offered for learning Reflexology for the Spirit along with new information.

Thanks for reading this blog.  Please comment if you have questions.

Peace and food for all