Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

A Third Chakra Meditation – Strength, Warmth, Energy


I open this meditation with three different photos of a sunlit space.

My message is this:

Go with whichever one works best for you.  Go with all of them if you like.

The sun gives strength, warmth, and energy so you can access the power of your solar plexus chakra.

Relax yourself as you breathe slowly,  deeply.  Breathe in clean oxygen, air, energy, light.  Inhale slowly, and deeply to fill your body with  cleansing fresh air.

When you exhale, let go of everything negative:  toxins, anger, anxiety, pain, fear – anything you don’t need anymore.


As you continue to slowly inhale and exhale deeply, feel your body relaxing.  Continue to inhale and exhale until your body is as relaxed as possible.

Experience this feeling as it moves throughout your muscles, bones, your chakras.

As you exhale, release toxins through your feet.  Feel the toxins leaving through your toes.

Inhaling, feel your body filled with light.  – Feel the sun’s rays beaming down on you.  Feel the sun’s warmth and power as it blankets your body.  This warmth and power nourishes both your body and soul.

Feel this power give you strength and wisdom so you can move forward in whatever endeavor you choose.

Feel this power focus on your solar plexus.  Feel light and peace and  positive energy.  Experience the strength and wisdom in your solar plexus.

Now, breathe deeply and see  you are surrounded with a beautiful, loving and peaceful golden-orange light.  This light sends you inspiration.

Inhale deeply.

You may notice a spirit being joining you now.  Notice how this being appears to you.

How is this being dressed?

What color clothes does this being appear to be wearing?

What kind of shoes does this being wear?

If you want to ask this being a question, ask it now.


You may not receive an answer in the moment.  But, you will receive an answer when the time is right –

Feel the presence of this wisdom.  Trust that the answer you receive will be the information you need to empower yourself and your  development.

Now, stay relaxed in your golden-orange light as long as you want.  Bathe in the  light.  Absorb this powerful, healing energy.

When you are ready to leave this space, offer a blessing:


You can return to this meditation, this spirit guide, and this powerful, positive energy whenever you need, by remembering this experience in the light.

Your golden-orange light is waiting to surround you whenever you want.

Thanks for reading this meditation.

Please forward it to your preferred social media network.

Share it with your friends and family.

You can find other guided meditations in earlier blog posts.

Much of the info in this blog post was shared from “Healer’s Handbook.”


Your Third Chakra – Inner Strength and Wisdom

The solar plexus chakra gets its power from its location.  It is the third chakra in a  line  just above the first and second chakras and is located about 2 inches above your navel.

The location of this chakra is important because this is where the abdominal brain is located.  Your abdominal brain is a communication hub.

If you are dealing with fear, anxiety, or other negativity, take comfort in the knowledge that your solar plexus chakra releases a yellow-gold light.  This power comes to your aid when you feel insulted, cheated, or criticized.

Speak to your solar plexus chakra when you are threaghtened and give it support as it does its work filling you with confidence and respect.

For me, the solar plexus chakra is not quite as heavy as the first chakra but certainly heavier than the heart or throat chakra.

Its distinctive yellow-orange color gives it strength and power.  To become closer to your solar plexus chakra, select a stone and carry it with you for several days.

The choices are many but yellow citrine, yellow amber, yellow jade will get you started.  There are many stones to choose from – just stick with the yellows.  One that attracts me (which is not yellow) is orange tourmaline.

When I was a young woman, I was attracted to a golden topaz.  I know now that it offered me strength which I needed.

Your solar plexus chakra will help you achieve your goals when it aligns with your other chakras.  An aligned solar plexus chakra radiates empowerment, confidence, and ability.

For many people, the solar plexus chakra is the easiest one to connect  because it reveals itself to you more easily than the others.  We can all feel the “butterflies” in our solar plexus chakra.

If you are working on your solar plexus chakra, good times for meditation or essential oil blending include the full moon and the summer solstice.  You can also work with your solar plexus on any sunny day between 12:00 noon and 1:00 pm.

To empower your soul, spend a 10-15 minutes  soaking up the rays of the sun.

A fun exercise is to make an asfidity bag focusing on your solar plexus chakra.


The first step to make your bag is to select items to include in it:  a favorite cloth which is about 4″ square, and a couple of stones which have meaning to you.  You’ll need some thread to close the bag up.

Include some favorite herbs.  Good choices for your solar plexus chakra include lemon, mint, turmeric, or any plant which has a special meaning for you.

You may want to include bits of sand, a seashell,  a small photo or other drawing which has meaning for you.  Add anything which you feel is appropriate.  Include things which feel warm, comforting, beautiful.  You may be seeking inspiration and the manifestation of strength and power.

After you make your asfidity bag, wear it around your neck or keep it close to your body for strength and intuition.

You can also keep it on your personal altar.

Moderation in all things is important for a healthy solar plexus chakra.

Are you interested in fitness?  Two things that may appeal to you as you align your solar plexus chakra are yoga and a martial arts practice.

Diseases and health issues involving your solar plexus include diabetes, pancreatitis, ulcers, food disorders, reflux, hypoglycemia, hepatitus, chronic fatigue.

Thanks for reading this article.  Please refer it to your favorite social media network and share it with your friends and relatives.

Thanks for reading this article.  You can find more information in prior blog posts and in “Healer’s Handbook” – in all three editions.

Books and ebooks can be purchased at

If you have questions, you can reach me at

angel with bird


A Sacred Second Chakra Meditation: Inner Peace, Security, and Self-Acceptance

This meditation is ideal for relaxation because it supports inner peace, security, and self-acceptance.

Relax and get comfortable in a calm location where you will not be disturbed for a few moments.

Take several slow, deep breaths.

With each inhale, imagine your breath energizing the area two inches below your navel.  Gently massage this point with two fingers.

With each exhale, imagine a small orange ball carrying fears, stress, and pain away.

Now, inhale deeply twice.  Breathe into a point about two inches below your navel.  Release this breath through your mouth.

Imagine you are lying on a beautiful, quiet boat which is just big enough for you.  There is no room for anyone or anything but yourself.

While you are lying on this boat in the middle of a beautiful pond, things are still and peaceful.  The pond has many flowers along the beach.   As you focus on them, you see they are various shades of orange,  and coral.

Let your body become heavy and relaxed as you get more comfortable on this tiny boat.

You feel the space, the peace, stillness.  Breathe into the stillness and the abundance of the flowers and the water in the pond.

The overhead sky has a warm, glowing light allowing you to feel beauty, peace, energy.

A gentle breeze moves your small boat along the edge of the pond into a gently flowing stream.. As you look above, you see billowing clouds with a faint orange and gold tint. They move lazily overhead.

The flowers and clouds protect you so you feel safe.

You feel warm and at peace.

Breathe into the peace and gentle energy of just being yourself.  Drifting down the stream, you relax even more and appreciate  the energy, the peace, the flowers and the clouds.

You realize you don’t have to do anything, just breathe and enjoy yourself.  As your boat gently drifts along, you feel warm.  This warmth is healing.  You feel quiet, peaceful.  You breathe in peace, health, relaxation.

As you breathe out, exhale anything you want to release.

It’s time to return to your body and become conscious of yourself.  Gently you move your fingers and toes to become more aware of returning to your location.

When you open your eyes, you remember the peace and energy you felt in the orange flowers and the orange-tinged clouds.

You know you can return to this place any time you want.

When you are ready, continue on with your activities.

Thanks for reading this meditation.  Please refer it to your preferred social media network.  Share it with your friends.

There are other meditations throughout this blog.

More information about healing is available in “Healer’s Handbook”.  Get your copy of the book at


September Brings a New Season.

September is a time to honor your health – your wellbeing.

Have fun with this!  Celebrate the season!

LOCAL FARMERS’ MARKETS offer a bounty of fresh and local fruits, vegetables, and artisanal products.

September’s markets bring my favorite foods.

Tomatoes, potatoes, squash, apples, melons, figs, and beets are in season this time of year  adding color to your plate and your soul.

Stick with these new fresh produce options throughout your Autumn and into Winter.  Two fruits which I make a point to buy and eat in September include pears and pumpkins.  I love both these foods and they taste best during September.

Find a farmers’ market and plan your meals around the seasonal produce you discover.  A bonus on this food is that you’ll boost your antioxidents when you eat fresh seasonal produce.

Cook up a soup or stew.

I think of my breakfast as a September food.  Every morning I have a serving of muesli topped with yogurt and blueberries or other seasonal fruit.

Visit your LOCAL HEALTH FOOD STORE for what you can’t find at the farmers’ market.

While you’re there, stock up on immune-boosting supplements.  Go for a multi-vitamin, calcium, D3, a protein, and probiotics.

Commit to staying hydrated with lots of water.

It’s sweater time!  Is your wardrobe ready for that extra layer you’re going to need?  Consider LOCAL THRIFT SHOPS AND YARD SALES.  Make eco-friendly options a priority.

Is someone in your house returning to school?  Check the backpacks and lunch boxes.  Are they in good condition?

SLEEP BETTER in this cooler weather.  When September rolls around, I enjoy renewing tranquility with soothing colors in my bedroom.

I look around the room and remove any and all electronic gadgets that have somehow sneaked in during the year.

September is the time of the year when I ban  TVs, computers, phones, and anything else with an electromagnetic field which can produce irritating attitudes and challenge my sleep.

My goal is to refresh my bedroom so that it’s a retreat where I escape from the noise of everyday life.  This sanctuary reminds me that meditation, rest, and contemplation are important for a renewed state of mind.

Nourish your mind and rejuvenate yourself for the coming winter months.

Go a step further and schedule a regular reflexology or reiki session.  Better yet, get one of each!

ENRICH YOUR LIFE a bit.  September is a good time to learn to play a musical instrument, visit a museum, investigate your family history, take a walk, or just daydream.


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Share it with a friend.

If you are interested in learning more:

This new channel is improving daily.  I always enjoy visiting it on Tuesdays because that’s when the new video productions are loaded.

T-shirts, hats, books, and aprons are sold at

The summer book sale ends on September 22nd.  That’s the date of the autumn equinox.



Taking Charge of Your Health to Make a New Life

Take charge of your health.

An important decision you make for yourself, it’s one I celebrate!  I want us all to become more conscious of ourselves and take charge of our own health.

Some of us reach this decision because of an event:  injuries resulting  from an accident or diseases experienced.

Some of us reach this decision because of experiences lived during the Pandemic.

And, some of us mature into this decision as an attitude toward our health.

Whatever the catalyst, deciding to be in charge of your health shifts your life’s path.  It’s a reason to rejoice.

But now, what are you going to do about it?

Sometimes people come to my table after deciding to be in charge of their health.  The idea is to give up the physician and replace her with a reflexologist.  Frankly, this is not always the best decision.

When this happens, you are simply trading one coat for another.  And, when this happens, you should be putting yourself in charge, not a reflexologist or acupuncturist or herbalist.

I have been in charge of my health care for years and rely on the training and wisdom of a nurse practitioner.  Not only do I seek information and advice from her regularly, I tap into her information bank with every visit.  She does blood tests.  She schedules MRIs or x-rays or other tests.

She offers information, advice, and wisdom at every office visit.

And, certainly, if you are putting yourself in charge, you may find yourself going to a physician or reflexologist or acupuncturist or herbalist as often (or even more often) than before.

So, then what do you do?


This is a group of professionals who support you in your search for lifelong good health.

My team includes, among other specialists, a Reiki practitioner, a reflexologist, a massage therapist, a physical therapist, a yoga teacher, a podiatrist, a dentist,  a periodontist, an allergist, a dermatologist, a sleep specialist, a  fitness expert.  a pharmacist.

I think you are getting the picture here.


Buy some anatomy and physiology books.  You are embarking on a new and wonderous journey!

Don’t be  overwhelmed.  Anatomy and physiology books come in all sizes and stripes.  They even come in coloring books.  Try them all.  Especially the coloring books.

You may even want to take a class or two.

You’ll learn much.

While you travel on this wonderful spiritual journey, you are now on a path to learn things about yourself that you never even knew you might need to know.

Definitely use the skills of a reflexologist or reiki practitioner regularly.  Weekly appointments are preferred.

Homeostasis opens many doors!


An important step to take when you manage your own health is to eat real food.  A cornerstone of good health is the proper diet.  There are many, many diets out there.  Until you feel certain that you are eating the correct diet for you,  rely on   foods which have no additives, preservatives, colors, etc.

I’m sure you understand what it means to  eat real food.

I’m certain that when you do finally feel you are eating the correct foods for your body, you will rely on real food.


Your body was made to move.  When you manage your own health, you know how important this is.


The bottom line is that, as you take charge of your health care, you will develop resources and you will probably never stop learning.


Thank you for reading this wellness article.  There are many related articles found in past blog posts.

You can also find related information on You Tube at “Let’s Live with Thurman Greco” or “Take this Bread with Thurman Greco”.  You Tube videos include interviews with nutritionists, reflexologists, Reiki masters.

Subscribe today and never miss an update on the latest, as well as vintage, shows.

My book “Healer’s Handbook” has wellness information for you.  It’s both interesting and readable.

You can also reach me at

Please refer this article to your preferred social media network.  Share it with a friend.

Thanks again!

Thurman Greco








A Little-Known Cause of Poor Health – and What You Can Do About It

Please allow me to introduce you to my favorite relative – Aunt Ruby.

Aunt Ruby was a nurse – and I’m convinced that there has never been a better nurse than Aunt Ruby.  She was 80+ and together.  Then, one day she wasn’t.

When Aunt Ruby came to live at our home,she was wearing a back brace.  She barely knew the day of the week.  She fell asleep repeatedly throughout the day.  She walked with the aid of a rollator and a cane. She wore a lift on one shoe.  A  mysterious rash covered one leg.

Aunt Ruby could no longer dress herself.

It took us 18 months to get Aunt Ruby back again.  One reason it took so long was that we weren’t sure what the problem was.

And, what was the problem?  After much trial and error, we finally found out.  Aunt Ruby, as good as she was a nurse,  took whatever pills, drops, lozenges, creams she felt she needed at the moment.  And, when she didn’t need the particular product anymore, she just kept on using it.

Aunt Ruby ruined her health by overmedicating herself with several OTC and prescriptives that never should have been taken beyond their practical use.

And, truth be told, Aunt Ruby’s story is pretty common.

A number of medications are commmon culprits.

Antacid drugs – Heartburn drugs




Osteoporosis Drugs

OTC drugs

All of the above listed medications can and will help you if you need them. If you don’t need them, they can change your behavior, alter your personality, give you an itchy rash, make you feel so tired you can’t walk across the room.

However, they should be taken if they are needed.

They can cause many health problems if they are taken with other medications which don’t mix well. Taking several drugs can create interactions: fatigue, depression, confusion, jumpy skin, insomnia.

An interested medical professional should periodically monitor every pill, liquid, salve, you use.   If they don’t work, and if they don’t work together, they should be discontinued.

If a product doesn’t work, doubling the dose is not going to help.

Very few drugs should be taken for an extended period of time without periodic blood tests and observation to be sure they are still doing what they need to do without causing problems.

Sometimes, when these drugs are discontinued, these feelings are replaced by mental clarity, and better energy.  If you feel better after stopping the medications in question, work with your physician and/or pharmacist to discover the way to your best health.

While this is happening to you, you will feel very different as your body returns to a healthier state.

Regular reflexology and Reiki therapy sessions will keep your body grounded and encourage homeostasis as your body gains its new good health.

And, ideally, regular reflexology or Reiki therapy sessions are a part of your  weekly wellness schedule over time to help you maintain your best possible health.

Aunt Ruby’s body underwent many changes while some drugs were discontinued.  Other drugs were adjusted so that she received fewer amounts.  The homeostasis encouraged by reflexology and Reiki helped her daily life balance itself.

This whole process took months.

I’m definitely not suggesting that all people taking several drugs or even one or two drugs are over medicated.  However, a periodic review of your medications can help you learn whether or not you are taking the proper medications in the correct amounts.

This includes your vitamins.  I get all my vitamin and mineral preparations from Woodstock Apothecary.  I recently reviewed everything I take.

This also includes many herbs and other preparations sold without prescriptions.  Any product which has the capacity to improve your life can also wreak havoc with your life if it is not the right time for you to be taking this drug or herb or other medication you are considering.

I hope the information in this blog post will help you.

Thank you for reading it.  Please forward it to your preferred social media network and share it with a friend.

Thurman Greco

Woodstock, New York.

I have many YouTube programs covering such subjects as  wellness, Reiki, reflexology, spirituality.  I hope you’ll join me on these interviews.

These programs are found under – Thurman Greco.  The program is called “Let’s Live.”  If you have trouble finding some of them, please contact me:


Choose Water! – But Why?

When you think about dieting, you probably don’t even think about water.  Instead, you think about things you’re going to give up in order to release those unwanted pounds.

Before you even decide many details of your diet, explore what you’re going to drink…and why.  You may find that you’re thinking MORE and not Less.

For starters, drink more for a successful diet.   Think more ounces, and cups, in glasses, bottles, and cans.

But…more and not less of what?

For starters, drink less tea, carbonated drinks, alcohol, and 100% fruit juices.  Better yet, skip anything with a calorie.

Now is the best time to eliminate carbonation.  Break the diet soda pop drink habit today!

Choose water!

If you’re stuck on diet sodas, you may discover many options you never considered before.  It may take several days or weeks even to try out all the new found options just waiting for you to try on  grocery shelves.

As you sample  the many drinks out there, avoid artificial sweeteners if you can.  These artificial sweeteners haven’t been proven to support your weight loss.

As you test different products,  put them in categories because there are so many choices.

Water is Your First Choice.  Not all water tastes the same.  You’ll have fun choosing your favorite.

For starters, put waters in two basic categories:  natural spring water and purified water.  Personally, I went for the purified waters to begin with.   I found so  many delicious spring waters that now I keep several different waters on my pantry shelves.

There are many, many infused waters to choose from.

Also on this first list, include strained homemade broth.

Your Second Choice is Water with Stevia-Sweetened Flavor Drops.  These products are essentially products with liquid water enhancers added.

Decaffeinated herbal teas come in the water-with-enhancers category.

Flavored Drinks sweetened with Stevia are your third choice.

Artificially flavored sweetened beverages make up your fourth choice.   This choice includes sugar-free popsicles, sugar-free gelatin and any broths with MSG.

This last category is your jettison section. 

Don’t even consider diet soda pops, seltzer waters, sugar-sweetened beverages, fruit juice, milkshakes, and fancy coffee drinks.  Erase them from your consciousness.

Discovering your new favorite drink may take some persistence and a few trips to the super market.  Don’t rush this search.   This is an important discovery for you.  You’re searching for a beverage to live with.

Take all the time you want.

I shopped in my super market for years and never really paid a lot of attention to what waters were sitting on the shelves.

Recently, I went to my favorite super market and looked at all the different bottled/canned waters out there.  This time, I really looked at what was on the shelves.  What I saw amazed me!

It seemed my new diet was opening up a whole new world for me…a world of waters!

Thanks for reading this blog post.  Please share it on your favorite social media network.

Thurman Greco


Eczema is both a spiritual disease and a way of hiding.

Spiritually, you have negative attitudes about unpleasant events in your life.  You want to hide yourself and how you feel.

Eczema is a fairly common skin condition which is become even more common.  Your skin becomes inflamed, red, and itchy, as you react to soaps, detergent, household chemicals, food, house dust, and other environmental irritants.

Eczema’s itchy patches appear on your skin before the redness.  Allergies, immune system overload and stress cause Eczema.  Flaking skin and a rash appear on your legs, hands, face, neck.

Eczema likes inner knees and elbows of children.

If the condition doesn’t improve within a week, or if it becomes infected, you need to see a medical professional.

Regular reflexology, Reiki, and chakra healing sessions will help manage its side effects during treatment.  Regular sessions will also encourage homeostasis as your body normalizes itself when immune system overload is minimized as you clean up your environment.

Eczema triggers which cause outbreaks include animal dander, anger, cleaning products, drugs, foods, fragrances, poor circulation, stress.  One of your tasks with Eczema is to identify which products are your own personal triggers.

The most common foods provoking Eczema attacks include milk, eggs, wheat, fish, and foods with soy.

A journal may help you.  Keep a diary and pinpoint some potential food and environmental triggers.  This will make your eczema experience easier for you.

Eczema happens when your immune system is overloaded so a clean environment is critical.  This includes air, your body, car, home, work place, and the water you drink and wash with.

When you clean out the toxins, your health will have a chance to improve.  When this happens, your reflexology sessions will be more effective, and you will have a better chance to manage Eczema’s side effects.

In the middle of this, try to get a little sun every day.

This information may be a bit daunting.  However, cleaning up your body and the environment where you live and work is easier than you might think.  For starters, throw out all your cleaning  supplies and cosmetics.  Replace them with non-toxic products which won’t worsen your situation.

Then, clean up your diet by cooking and eating only foods which have no artificial colors, flavors, preservatives.  Eat nothing with additives.

It has been said that health begins and ends in the color.  You may decide to have a colon cleanse followed by a liver cleanse.  The important thing is to treat your digestive disorders.

When you clean up your environment and clean out your body, it will be easier for you to cope with stressful situations.

I cleaned out my body and my home and my car and my workplace.  It was an effort but much easier than it seems.

First, I identified the products I felt were the least threatening to my body.  I did my research and identified Dr. Bronner’s soap as my household cleanser.  I chose my creams from three companies:  Dr. Hauschka, Jurlique, and Weleda.  I chose Jurlique and used it for years.  I finally switched to Weleda because I could buy it locally at Woodstock Apothecary.

But, I never replaced the cosmetics I threw out.  I decided I didn’t need them.  I’ve saved myself many hours and much money by not wasting money on or time applying make-up to my face every day.  I saved the cosmetics for parties.

Dr. Bronner’s soap worked well for me because my body liked the product.  I chose the peppermint formula and still use it every day My transition to Dr. Bronner’s was easy because the company has a “cheat sheet” with all the recipes I needed.  Dr. Bronner’s is also on You Tube.  I also liked Dr. Bronner’s because I could buy it everywhere.

I chose my first recipe when I bought a small, glass dropper bottle and filled it with Dr. Bronner’s.  I use one drop of Dr. Bronner’s soap when I brush my teeth.  (Yes, it tastes just like soap!)

My clothes experienced a transition, too.  For starters, I really now have very few pieces in my wardrobe that need dry cleaning.  (Non-existent dry cleaning bills were a nice surprise!)

I use Dr. Bronner’s to clean every room in my house.  The Cheat Sheet had all the recipes.


Eczema is a fourth chakra imbalance.


immune system, nervous system, lymphatics, digestive system, circulatory system, liver solar plexus


bergamot, carrot seed, frankincense, geranium, helichrysum, juniper, lavender, myrrh, peppermint, sweet orange, tea tree, yarrow


Conventional medicine, Traditional Chinese medicine, Naturopathy, Homeopathy, Herbalism.  Eczema responds well to many types of healing. Begin with conventional medicine and then branch out to alternative, complimentary, and integrative medicines.


Keep damaged skin moist using an oil-based cream.  Apply emollients liberally and frequently, preferably twice daily.  Use a humidifier to moisturize dry, indoor air.


If you can avoid the itch-scratch-itch cycle and prevent potential infection, your situation will improve.


Bathe in lukewarm water using soaps that don’t contain perfumes or dyes.  After you bathe, pat your skin dry.  Follow this with a rich, thick, moisturizing cream.

Reduce your exposure to allergens.  Allergy shots may be appropriate.

Treat yourself to about fifteen minutes of sun every day.


Is the real me trying to come out.  What am I trying to escape from?

Thank you for reading this blog post.  Please refer it to your preferred social media network.

Thurman Greco



Walking to Stay Youthful – Longevity Tips You Can Use

Walking is my favorite fitness and longevity activity.  I like it because I can enjoy  it almost anywhere.  I ‘ve adapted my walking  pace to my changing age, abilities, health and  lifestyle.

Walking served me well during my young mother years.   Pushing a stroller was a good excuse to air out the babies and myself.

Later, through my jobs, walking was an important lunchtime activity.  Lunchtime walks gave me energy to make it through the afternoon at a desk.

As a senior, walking  keeps me moving – an extremely important benefit.  As seniors everywhere will tell you, we use it or we lose it.  Walking  keeps me going.

Walking can cost little to nothing.  No fancy memberships are needed.  No expensive outfits are necessary.  It’s adaptable to indoors as well as out.

And, best of all, it doesn’t take special skills, training,  talent, or money.  Walking works for me because  baseball, volleyball, tennis, golf, ballroom dancing, never did.  All walking takes is a little time, enthusiasm,  and interest.

I’m sharing a few tips with you so your walking exercise will be more fun and beneficial.

For starters, a pair of WALKING SHOES and socks will help you move farther and faster with fewer problems.

Dress in layers.  As you walk, you’ll warm up.  Wear COMFORTABLE CLOTHING  in layers so you can stay comfortable and keep from overheating.

Walking doesn’t require a lot of fancy warm ups.  BEGIN EACH WALK SLOWLY, calmly.  Then, if you plan to increase  your pace, you can take a warm up break.

When you walk,  think about your abdominal muscles and your posture.  They    define your WALKING STYLE.  Open shoulders, a straight spine, and stable abdominal muscles will give you strength and confidence to move.

When the time is right on your walk, give yourself a SPEED BURST  of about a minute or so.

Finally, give yourself some LONG, LUSCIOUS STRETCHES  after walking.

Thank you for reading this article.  Please refer it to your preferred social media network and share it with your friends.

Thanks again

Thurman Greco

Woodstock, New York





Your Longevity – And a Healthy Living Attitude

The first step toward achieving your longevity goals is a healthy living attitude.

Healthy living is much easier when you feel what you’re doing is important and when you feel like you’re going to succeed when you  develop your new healthy habits.  Optimism is the necessary ingredient in a healthy living attitude.

Healthy living is a journey toward a goal.  You can travel on the healthy living attitude express every day if you know in your heart that you’re going to be successful.

One of the hardest things to do in life is lose weight.  The only thing harder is keeping it off.  And, really, the most important ingredient in this  whole lifestyle change is your healthy living attitude.

I know you can do it.  I know you can adopt whatever habits you need to achieve your longevity goals.  I know you can do it because I did it.  And, the one thing that made the difference  was my healthy living attitude.

I tried many times throughout the years to lose weight – to no avail.  Diets were depressing.  Blah. Blah. Blah.

This last try was different.  Why?  I experienced  an attitude adjustment which worked!  I’m not sure what happened.  I was just ready to be free of all the extra pounds.  It was  just time.  I was ready to let go of all the excuses that I’d been clinging to for years:  my bum thyroid, my menopause, a business which sapped my strength every day and took over 80 hours a week on a slow week.

I  woke up one day and realized I wanted to be free.  I faced up to the fact that I was  both the problem and the solution.

At that moment, my diet unfolded in front of me.  And,  I was off and running… away from failure, extra pounds, doubt.  The healthy living attitude took control.

I began cutting out carbs and started talking to my thyroid.  I also spoke to my body.  I knew  the extra weight  surrounding my body was no longer a necessary part of my self.  My new authenticity simply didn’t require so much protection.

My healthy living attitude was all  I needed to protect me.

I dieted for seemingly ever.  I didn’t buy a single new outfit for at least six months.  And, it was all okay.  Walking around in roomy clothing was fine for me.  I was free!  I was proud of the pounds I lost.

No one can do this for you.  When you have the right attitude about your family, your work, and your health, you can do just about anything.  You will see that all the parts of your life are connected and you can succeed at anything you care about doing.

When the time is right ,  your path will reveal itself to you.  Your job will then be  to show up as your authentic self and do the work.  When this happens, know that your success is already making its way to you.

You will learn to access your energy system  for direction, energy, motivation.  You will be inspired to follow the directions.  If something surfaces which  doesn’t resonate with you, leave it be.  Work with those things which touch your authentic self as you become comfortable with your  healthy living attitude.

Through trial and error, your inner authentic self will guide you to your success.   You will achieve your goals and you will learn that you are not broken.  You are, instead, finding yourself.

Thank you for reading this article.  Please refer it to your favorite social media network.

Thurman Greco

Woodstock, New York




Thank you for reading this article!  Please refer it to your favorite social media network.

Thurman Greco

Woodstock, NY