Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

What do You Want to Manifest? Five Tips for Success


Several days ago, I researched a special gift for a colleague.  What I was looking for was for the perfect gift.  I considered a Snowflake.  She would really enjoy a snowflake!  Where was I going to find a snowflake, of all things?

I put this thought aside.

Then, guess what.  Three days later, a snowflake catalogue landed in my mailbox!  The perfect gift appeared on page 3.  I had a choice of a charm, a pendant, an ornament, or a pin.  The prices were right.  Whichever one I chose, she was going to be delighted.

For me, this was not a coincidence.  Spiritually, I participated in this mailbox event.

We all have these experiences. The trick is to recognize them for what they are.  But, you can have these special coincidences and also have challenges with other manifestations.

There is a difference between manifesting a picture in a catalogue and manifesting a something else such as a new car, house, or a dream job.

MANIFESTING on all levels begins when you clarify what is important for you.  Once you define your values and what is precious to you, manifesting what you need is going to be easier.

The bottom line:  WHY DO YOU DO WHAT YOU DO?

What do YOU think is important?  Clearly know what is important to you – not what your mother or your friends or your boss or your social media friends think is important.

What do I want…really?  What do I yearn for spiritually?  Emotionally, what do I want to experience?

Dream about the world you want to create and live in.  This world that you are dreaming of:

Is it responsive –

Do positive relationships matter –

How does cooperation fit into your life –

Does support reach out in vulnerable situations and places –

Is there a reverence for the sacred –

Now, envision what this world is to you.  What are you going to do to create this world?

What are you passionate about?


Define the person or persons you are concerned about.  How will they fit in your manifested scenario?  How do they define the situation you are focusing on?

Focus on the situation.  Are you passionate about a physical space (a building perhaps) or an energetic situation (leadership or healing)?


Know your goals.  Do you need to sell your home?  Do you need a better job in a new city?  Do you need to retrain yourself for the future?


What is your manifesting outcome?  (A suggestion here – write this down.)

A journal is the perfect tool to bring with you on your manifestation journey.   As you write in your journal daily, you have the opportunity to unlock information and secrets to help guide you to your goals.  Your entries can give you information about possible challenges.  You may discover concerns hiding just beneath the secret of your consciousness.

Reviewing your journal in later readings, you may find that your future is not predetermined.  Over the months, what you find in your journal reveals things that can change your attitudes, behaviors, and how you respond to events.

Your future can improve your insights and options in ways that work best for you.


What is your promise?  (What do you have invested in your goal? What are you prepared to do to make your promise a reality? How do you visualize achieving your goals?)


How is your gratitude circle developing? Gratitude is more powerful than fear, worry, anger and anxiety.  Gratitude is where you tap into your abundance.  Developing your gratitude circle taps you into your unlimited options.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – — – – – – – – – – – – – – — – – – – – – – – – – – –

When you are in a manifesting mode, nurturing is helpful.  By that, I mean   nurture yourself, your goals, and your concerns.

Maybe things need a REBALANCE.  When it comes to money and finances, seek fair, sensible, and practical solutions focusing on comfort and confidence while caring for others and your surroundings. You want the money you distribute to produce tangible results.

SELF-CARE is a deeply personal process you use to regain physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual balance.  Self-care facilitates rebalance.

MEDITATIONS can help you reach your goals.  Try an 8-week series of daily meditations for 10-15 minutes each.  You may want to read a guided meditation daily.  For years, I’ve relied on a set of three meditation books by Larry Moen.  They are still available on Amazon:  “Meditations for Awakening, Meditations for Transformation, Meditations for Healing”

Or you may want to create your own guided meditation.

Finally, you may prefer to focus a few minutes daily on your breath and breathing as you reach calm.

Whatever path you choose for your meditations, daily focus helps you.  Don’t get bogged down with rules.  Just remember:  minds like to wander.  It’s okay.  Also, trust your inner wisdom to get you there.

Use your senses to see your dreams and goals coming to life.  You’ll play a mental movie where you are the director.  As you mentally enact your dreams, you will make them a reality.

Finally, TAKE ACTION.  This is a weekly event where you do something each week to help you progress toward your goal.

Whenever you can, include reflexology or Reiki therapy sessions in your weekly progress.  Every session helps!

Please subscribe to “Let’s Live with Thurman Greco” on YOUTUBE.

This story is still a work in progress.  I hope you get a chance to share it with me

someday.  I plan to read it on “Let’s Live with Thurman Greco” in December.

This book is now available!  You can order it on

Thanks for reading this article!  Please forward it to your favorite friends and relatives.  Share it with your preferred social media network.

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What Needs to Go?

A woman called me yesterday. “My life is overtaking my life” she confided.  She spoke about things tying her down:  Her life is jumbled up. This includes her work schedule, her personal appointments, her home, her closets, her kitchen, her friends, her goals, her feelings, and her ambitions.  Her spiritual practice is caught up in the confusion.

Sometimes, in order to move forward, it’s important to offload excesses.  You know something significant is about happen, but it isn’t.  You’re doing everything you can think of, but things just aren’t going there.

A transformation will clear the way for the new beginning you’ve been working for.  Those things coming to an end can be reborn in the new beginning you need.

You know that it’s not good to just pile your future onto the detritus of the past.

When you walk away from your past and toward your future, leave your baggage behind.  This includes old thinking and old habits.

What should you do?

Set up an altar honoring your past.  Accept your past for what  it was and who it included.  Put some items from your past on the altar.  Include photos, or some flowers, for example, and some old thinking and old habits. Burn a candle.  Smudge the memories.  Release your past into the universe.

Be grateful for the past you had.  Honor it and put it to rest as you leave it behind.

Embrace the change.  Move on.  Words like old, outgrown, elimination, unknown, stale, conclusion, and simplify are important now.

Schedule some Reiki therapy or Reflexology sessions and embrace your new possibilities.

Make room for guided meditations.

And, finally, don’t look back!

Make a list of all the things you need to do to encourage your new life.  What’s on this list:

Make room for something new in your life

A new job

A new educational direction

A better diet

Getting more sleep

Spiritual growth and awakening

It’s time for you to do everything you can to open the door to your future.  When this happens, destiny has a chance to move in!

Thanks for reading this article.

Find out more at

Please forward this article to your preferred social media network.  Share it with friends and family.

If you are interested in learning more, you may find information in previous articles at

There is also more information on “Let’s Live with Thurman Greco – YOUTUBE”

You can purchase my new book:  “Ketchup Sandwich Chronicles” at

There is another surprise!  I have another short book coming soon:

This is a short book about the birth of Jesus.

Thank you.

Thurman Greco

What is Your Superpower?

Your superpower is present, right now, in your life.  Sometimes you may not be aware of it.  At other times, you definitely know it.  Or…maybe you don’t.

Whether you recognize your superpower is irrelevant.

It’s there when you make the right decision and then follow through with action.

It’s there when you begin a new project.

It’s there when you align yourself with a higher purpose.

One thing to understand about your superpower:  You tap into your superpower when you are developing yourself.

When you engage your superpower, you communicate better.  You use your intuitive skills, receive flashes of insight and use your intellect and tap into your spiritual pool.

Ask yourself some questions:

What does my superpower mean to me?

How does it weave itself into my life?

Where do I look for my superpower?

How do I know when I have found it?

What are some ways I can use my superpower to the best of my abilities?

One way to incorporate your superpower into your daily life is to see your potential in a project or situation, and then take action.  This can be transformational.

You use your superpower when you see a present situation and are able to understand how it is likely to develop as it matures.

Your superpower works when it reinforces your creative energy and clear mind.

If you aren’t sure how to use your superpower, set a goal for yourself and then stay focused on it until the end.

Beginning with a small project is a good way to enjoy your superpower.  When you make it real, it will carry you through to the end.

Your superpower helps you discern the difference between illusion and reality in a situation.  When you do this, you are strengthening your intellect, your intuition, and your observation skills.

Finally, with your superpower, magic is present in a small way.

Learning to access your superpower regularly is a deeply personal process of regaining your physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional balance.

Whenever you feel stressed, this is a good time to receive a Reflexology, Reiki therapy, or other bodywork session.

It’s time to ask yourself “Is there something I know I need to do?”

This channel is a good place to learn more about Reiki therapy and Reflexology.

Find out more about Thurman at

Please share this article with your preferred social media network.



Take a Break From the World. Seriously.

Sometimes things happen at such a fast pace that life becomes confusing and overwhelming.  Being alone with yourself for a short time may be the only way to find answers.

Take a break to figure things out.  Step away so you can discover a better, clearer perspective.  When you step back, you have a chance to figure things out.  You may even get to know yourself better.

Instead of being part of everything, when you step away you can discover a better, clearer perspective.  How?  How can you do this when everything is moving at such a fast pace?

Go on a mini-sabbatical.  Take the day off from it all.

No internet, TV, phone, email, social media.

Spend your sabbatical silently as you go on a short internal journey resting, reading, and meditating.

A good question to ask yourself is:  What do I need in my life right now?

Being alone, you can look inward and discover truths about yourself.  When you unplug from everything, you may find a spiritual guide of some kind.

Going within uninterrupted, you may find a path to pursue your own way.  You may even light up your true self.

After your one-day sabbatical, notice how much calmer you are and how clear your thinking is.

Ask yourself this:  How can I fit stillness into my daily life?

Can you find a few minutes each day for silence to discover yourself?

Or, you may think of your sabbatical as therapy and set aside an hour or two a week to discover your true self.  Over time, these weekly sessions may reveal mysteries for you to experience.

But, whether you choose a one-day event or weekly therapy sabbaticals, enlightenment is possible.  These moments alone clear the path for a new you to emerge.

(This may be a good time for a self-Reiki session, if you’ve been trained.  Reiki sessions don’t all have to be an hour.  Ten or fifteen minutes can be strong healing moments.)

Thanks for reading this article!

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To find out more information, check out my books on

This is apron is all about  my new book which should be available by December .

The ebook is available NOW!


Letting Go

Recently I was standing in a grocery line, my cart piled high with much needed food.  After a couple of minutes, I realized that, not only was it not moving, the line was getting longer and longer – seemingly by the second.

A couple of weeks ago, I was in a similar situation – I was stuck in traffic.  It seemed I was in this situation for the duration of the afternoon.

Both cases shot my schedule.  I wasn’t going to make it to my next appointment, or the one after that, on time.  The most could say about these situations was that they were a crashing bore.

In the grocery line, I shifted into neutral.  It was time to chill.  This was a situation where I felt everything was going to go the way it was going to go – I was stuck.

This created a perfect opportunity for two things:  First, it was time to ground myself and be peaceful.  Second, it was time for Reiki energy to join the crowd.

Sure enough – within a moment, I felt Reiki energy energize my hands while it moved through the crowd and grounded everyone. I felt the people in the line calm themselves and take on an entirely new perspective.

When I’m in a crowd and Reiki energy join the group, I’m always grateful that I learned Reiki in such a way that it goes to work as it is needed.

Even without Reiki energy, grounding was a wonderful thing to experience in this situation.

Whenever we’re in a stuck event, the first inclination is to push.  When that doesn’t work, the next step is to figure out a way to fight and struggle against the event.

A good option in this situation is to do your best to be calm.  This attitude may give you an entirely new perspective.

Is this an easy thing to do?  Probably not.  But, when you succeed, you may feel  you participated in a spiritually grounding event.


Truthfully, it’s hard to plan for these events.

When they happen, embrace the opportunity to practice Letting Go.  This short time in the grocery line or traffic jam is a good way to release and/or heal the various events and thoughts crowding your life with negativity.

See this situation as a moment for yourself.  Think about how you can benefit from it.

Work on releasing any thoughts, habits, or beliefs that clutter your life.  If you have doubts, think of the release is a way of loving yourself.

You may want to let go of a person or situation in your life which is uncomfortable or too negative for you.  Do this with love and compassion.  Ask the universe for guidance and assistance.

You may be able to move toward forgiving someone or some past event.

Because you are in a situation, you may be inspired by the spirituality and grounding of the moment to receive inspiration.

Sometimes the universe sees an opportunity which you didn’t know was there!

This may even be time for self-talk and self-acceptance.

This may even be time to commit to an action.

This may be time to participate in a Letting-Go moment where you release frustrations, mis-guided expectations, and other restrictions into the wind.

Take a moment to blow them away.  As you breathe out, send them to wherever they need to go to become positive expectations, thoughts, and goals for others.

Thank you for reading this blog post.   Please forward it to your preferred social media network.  Share it with your friends and family.

You can connect with me on Facebook:  Thurman Greco

You can also learn more by reading past blog posts.  YOUTUBE has information, too.

Do you want to learn more about Reiki or Reflexology?  My books and videos on YOUTUBE have more information.  I also have a video about reflexology which I made with the generosity of Arlene Ferrieri and Karen White.


Intention – A Road Map to Your Future

Put your future in motion!

And, how do you do that?

Your first step is to set your intention.  After all, you can’t know where you’re going until you know where you’re headed.

Take a few minutes to write an affirmation that represents you once you’ve reached your goal.

Your second step is to open your journal and lay out the change you want to see in your life based on your intention.

A Reiki session honoring your intention and the change you want to see is appropriate here.

For example, if you want to get a new job, you may write an affirmation such as “I have the perfect job.”

Visualize what you will look like and how you will feel when that change happens.

Visualize changes you may experience as you move toward your goal.

Next, consider a few things you’re going to do to make that perfect job happen.

They may include:

write a winning resume

search online

network with people

contact prospective employers

follow-up after each interview

Once you have your list of things you’re going to do, it’s time to act on your to-do list.

Occasionally, it’s important to take a look at your notes and see what things have happened.  Are you progressing toward your goal?

You may want to include regular Reiki, reflexology, and meditation activities to stay connected with your intention and your journey.

Occasional questions will help:  How is the universe intervening in your behalf?  Do you need to adjust your intention?

As you begin to circulate your resumes and interview for your job, it’s helpful to remind yourself that you have a job when you have a start date, a specific place to report to work, and know the starting salary.

You may want to include these things in your adjusted intention.

As time passes and events occur, you may want to revisit your notes.  Did you reach your goal?  What twists and turns occurred along your path?

Finally, is it time to set a new wheel in motion as you adjust your intention.

Ask yourself this:  How has the universe moved in your behalf in conjunction with your efforts?

Thank you for reading this blog post.  If you have friends who might enjoy this post, please share it with them.  Forward it to your preferred social media network.

For more information, check out my books, earlier blog posts, and selected YOUTUBE interviews at “Let’s Live with Thurman Greco”

Connect with me on facebook and at

A Good Morning Body Scan Reveals Healing Options.

Every morning I start my day by checking in with my body, my energy, my emotions.  My goal is to know how I’m feeling.  I’m tapping into my inner wisdom.  For me, the best time to do this is at the beginning of the day when I have a few moments just for myself.

I begin by checking in with my body from my feet up.  I work my way through my ankles, knees, hips, abdomen, chest, back, spine, shoulders, arms, elbows, wrists.  I’m sure to include my neck, ears, mouth, nose, chin, face, forehead, eyes, scalp.  Finally, I examine my hair.

I ask myself:

Is anything feeling out of balance?

Do I hurt anywhere?

Am I tight or sore anywhere?

These are the basic “little things” that need attention.  If ignored, they can easily become “bigger things”.  Pay attention to every part of your body.

Here’s an example:

If you answered “yes” to hurting anywhere, look more deeply:

Where does it hurt?

Why does it hurt?

What does this pain feel like?

Is this pain on the surface of my body or does it go deeper?

What is the exact location of this pain?

Listen to your answers.  What are they telling you?

“I should probably look further into this, just…not right now.

Then, I ask myself about my moods, emotions, and mental outlook.

Am I feeling disconnected from myself and my body?

Am I depressed, happy, anxious?

Finally, I ask myself if I’m hungry.

How long has it been since I last ate?

Did I drink enough liquids in the last 24 hours?

The most important thing about this scan is learning to listen to the answers.  Your body is a wonderful communicator.  Between your chakras and your abdominal brain – you can keep tabs on your body, mind, heart, soul.

Tracking your feelings gives you a good opportunity to journal this information each day.  Over time, you may realize that you are keeping track of yourself on a deeper level.

Checking in with your inner wisdom often and regularly will help you know yourself better.

When you scan your self and journal the results, you are researching your body, emotions, mental activity, and spiritual aspects.  Your journal will encourage you to trust what you feel and experience.  You are researching your self!

Include reflexology and reiki sessions at every opportunity.  This wake-up scan works well with a self-Reiki session.

This scan is not a substitute for regular reflexology sessions.

Thanks for reading this article.  You can find more information in previous blog posts and in “Healer’s Handbook”

You can purchase your copy of this book at and at Amazon.

Please forward this blogpost to your preferred social media network and share it with friends and family.

There are related video productions on YOUTUBE at “Let’s Live with Thurman Greco”.  New titles are added weekly.

Thank you for reading this article.  It may be that you need a moment for yourself.

This article allows you to think about your self-care.  But, however you ended up reading this article, I invite you to expand  self-care support and seek ways you can benefit from this practice.

Your Crown Chakra Meditation

A crown chakra meditation is a good place for physical and spiritual healing.  This is where you encounter unconditional love.  You also channel wisdom and inspirational gifts of spirit guides and angelic beings.

Find a quiet, safe space for this meditation.

Begin by getting comfortable.  Sit, or lie down as you breathe slowly, evenly, and deeply to energize your crown chakra.

When you exhale, you release anger, fear, loss, negativity, and any other toxins.

Beginning with your first chakra, check in with each one as you greet it.

Now move up to your other chakras.  Touch or tap each chakra gently with your fingertips and note what sound or image you experience at each one.

You may or may not experience sounds, touch, smells.

You may want to record a word or two in a journal as you journey up your chakra path.

Arriving at your crown chakra, focus on where you are for a few minutes. Touch or tap your crown chakra as you focus on the center of your head.   What sensations do you feel?   Do you find a message here today?

You don’t have to feel, see, hear, or smell anything.  This is especially true if this is your first crown chakra meditation.  Whatever you experience, don’t worry.

Breathe into your crown chakra now.  Your mind is quiet.  Accept this moment as the blessing it is.   Take a few more crown chakra breaths to receive any feedback which may come to you as word, sound, song, image, color, feeling, intuitive message, awareness.

Your feedback may come to you at the moment, or later in the day or even a few days later.  Don’t try to rush things.

As your crown chakra meditation comes to an end, slowly move your body.  Bring yourself to your space gently and calmly.

Return to this meditation any time you want to communicate with your chakras.

Thank your chakras for this experience.


Thank you for reading this meditation today.  Please share it with your favorite social media network.  Please forward it to your friends and family.

More chakra information is available in “A Healer’s Handbook.”

There is also more chakra information available at “Let’s Live with Thurman Greco – YOUTUBE”

You can find out more at


Self-Care: Choose You

Are you fried?

Have you nothing left to give?

Does your energetic body (which usually feels wondrous and fluffy), feel dried and flat like crushed cotton candy?

It doesn’t have to be that way.

There’s more in your soul – you just can’t find it right now because you’re running on empty.

It’s time to choose YOU – your whole you.  Honor your entire body – physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, energetic.

Your balanced whole body is ready for you to claim it.  It’s waiting.  Everything is connected.  Nothing operates independently.  Authentic balance comes from within and is different for everyone.

Your entire body has a shaggy footprint which includes everything – physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and energetic.

This includes your memories also.  Include your muscle   memories, your mental memories, your past-life memories, your emotional memories – everything.

When you discuss caring for your body, include diet, exercise, sleep.  Include choices, thought patterns, stress management, drugs.

Include meditation on your balance journey.  Focus on experiencing your self – your whole, entire self, which wants you to get to know it better.

Read this meditation as often as you want.  Allow your self to enjoy it.

Find a quiet, safe, and comfortable place to sit where you won’t be interrupted for a few minutes or so.  Allow your body to be supported by the chair, bed, or floor you have chosen.

Drink a glass of water.

Quiet your mind and check in with your self.

When thoughts enter your mind, encourage them to comfortably come and go.

Notice how you breathe for the moment.  Are your breaths shallow or deep?  It doesn’t matter, really.  Just notice your breath. – Notice how each each breath  brings in a pure white light.

This white light is perfect and healing.  It will stay with you.  It’s job is to heal and nurture.

This white light knows where the need is greatest.  It knows where to go.

As you breathe in, feel the healing energy riding on each breath.  Feel this energy spreading out from your lungs to every artery and vein in your body.  This white light  is healing and regenerating every cell in your entire body.

Now, take a deep breath.  Inhale and feel yourself relaxing.  Notice whether you are becoming  quiet.  Are you becoming still?

Where is your body tight?

What’s happening with your energy level?  Continue breathing in and out.  Allow your self to become relaxed, still.

Now, move your hands along your body, beginning at the crown of your your head.  Hold your hands several inches above your body.  What do you feel as you move your hands along your body?  Heat.  Cool. Quickly moving energy.  Slowly moving energy.  Stuck energy.

Is something stressing you?  What does this smell like?  How does it feel?  Do you hear stress?  Where does this stress feel comfortable?

How do your senses react to your stress.  What do you feel as you move your hands along your body?

(You can repeat this meditation many times as your hands become  comfortable with what they find.)

When you notice a stressed or stuck area of energy, communicate with this particular place using nurturing feelings, and thoughts.

Speak directly with this stressed place.  Tell this place that you love it, that you want it to be perfect.

Breathe in an extra breath of white light and focus it directly on the stressed place.

This process of sending white light to stress points and communicating with specific points using nurturing feelings and thoughts changes much. When you do this, you encourage your total self to release blockages, erace mistakes, and create perfect images.

See your self in perfection.  Your breaths, sending white light to your whole body, release feelings of health, alertness, and relaxation.

Etch this feeling in your mind now  so you can return to this feeling whenever  you want.

It is time to return to your room now.  Gently bring your awareness back to your day.  Remember that you can return to this place any time you want.

Thank you for including this journey in your day.

Thank you for reading this blog article.  Please forward it to your favorite social media network.  Share it with friends and family.

You can connect with me on Facebook and also on YOUTUBE.

You will find other meditations on earlier blog posts.  You can also find more wellness information on my books.

Healing Begins with Balance


Sometimes I just get so busy.  I wonder how to keep up.  With everything happening in our world today, being busy, busier, busiest is a coping mechanism.

When I feel stressed or overinvolved, I come to a stop for a moment and remind myself that my balance begins with water.

Over half of our body weight is water.

Water is included in all the chemical activities that our body generates, whether we’re awake or asleep. Because water plays a vital role in everything we do, even minor dehydration affects our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual balance.

Keeping hydrated is crucial to your balance and grounding.

We lose water when we breathe, sweat, urinate, eat and digest food, walk around the block, sleep.  This is a continual process.

The #1 energy drink on the planet:  water.  You can supplement your need for water with fruits, vegetables, and other beverages like coffee, tea, and juice.

Water flushes out waste and toxins.  It prevents constipation.  Water optimizes kidney function, preventing kidney stones.

Water holds the balance between air and fire. Its energy is conscious.

Do you want to keep your energy level up and prevent fatigue?

Double your water consumption for two weeks.   If you don’t experience a distinct improvement in your energy level and overall feeling of wellness, make an appointment with a well-trained healthcare professional.

The person who might help you the best at this time is someone who will see you as a whole person and an individual.  A person who can look at the big picture for you is a good choice.  You might have a functional medicine doctor in your area.

Are you thinking of going on a diet?  Try this:  When you feel hungry, drink a glass of water first.

Are you interested in maintaining your youth?  There are several things you can do today along with your exercise:  Drink water. Drink more water.

Water is a good health promotion tool.

When you get serious about your water and your health, you are probably going to think about where your water comes from.

It may be time for a good water filter.  I have an under-the sink water filter which I use to clean the water I drink, the water I use to wash fresh veggies and fruits, the water I give to my pets, and the water I use to nourish my houseplants.

Your skin is your largest organ eliminating toxins throughout the day.

Bathing and showering are balancing and relaxing activities which can be an essential part of your spiritual and physical grounding program.

Bathing will get rid of heavy metals while getting rid of heavy thoughts.

Use water to unwind when you soak away toxins in a salts bath.  Set aside at least 15 minutes to relax in warm water to which you’ve added salts, herbs,  essential oils.  There are many options here for your enjoyment.

At the end of your soak, shower off with fresh water and dry your body with a clean towel.

Follow this with a dry brushing exercise.  Use a natural-bristle brush to softly brush your body, beginning with your feet and working your way up your head.

As you add new balancing health habits, include regular reflexology and Reiki therapy sessions.  Homeostasis is easier with regular balancing habits.

Finally, balance is a physical, mental, emotional, energetic, and spiritual experience.

Sometimes, achieving balance for your health requires releasing habits which do not promote balanced healing.

Achieving balance also calls for us to rebuild parts of your lifestyle and your self.

Goal setting is a basic part of the process.

Finally, as you achieve balance, you may find that you are losing a few people in your life.  Some new ones may join you.

These things may happen as you achieve a balanced healing state.

It’s amazing what can happen when you begin to drink water!

Thanks for reading this article.  Please forward this post to friends and relatives who might enjoy reading it.

For more information, check out my book “Healer’s Handbook”.

More information is available in early articles and on YOUTUBE “Let’s Live with Thurman Greco”

The information you find in these places is a conduit for your own healing.

Thanks for being on the journey!