Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Reflexology Blog: Nervous System Bottom Line – 6 Important Things To Remember

The nervous system is a booster system in Reflexology for the Spirit sessions and should be worked whenever you seek to resolve an issue for a client.
Reflex the brain and spinal column within the first few minutes of a session.
Combining a focus on the nervous system and the immune system in a session can result in powerful things happening.
When you reflex the nervous system, you communicate with the energetic body. The spiritual implications of this can be profound.
People with nervous system issues sometimes overload the channels of communications. When they open their hearts to loving communications, they can feel safe and well.
Working the toes and arches and arches has a calming effect on the nervous system, offering soothing feelings to the nerves. This encourages homeostasis.
Working the nervous system facilitates a change of mind and a better attitude toward life.
When people are nervous, they feel fear, anxiety, rushing thoughts. In this state, it’s hard to trust the processes of life. Working the nervous system allows people to communicate with their hearts.
In our next post, we’re going to focus on essential oils used in sessions for the nervous system.
Thanks for reading this blog/book.
As always, this post comes to you from my healing space in downtown Woodstock, NY
Peace and food for all.
Thurman Greco

Reflexology for the Spirit: Backaches are Very Definitely Spiritual Events.

The kind of spiritual event that creates a backache depends on whether the pain is in the lower, middle or upper back.
People with back issues in the lower back are dealing with money and financial issues. They’re also dealing with core beliefs. These sufferers need to work to feel safe, cared for.
Mid-back issues deal with guilt. These mid-back problems focus on the need to leave the past behind. This person is trying to move forward.
Upper back issues deal with things like emotional support, love. The person needs to feel supported and loved.
When we refer to these issues and their physical causes, it’s good to remember that backache can be caused by injury, poor posture, muscle strain, pinched nerves, stress or other conditions.
Middle and lower-back problems result from injury, poor posture, standing or sitting for long periods of time, tension, improper lifting.
WORK THE FOLLOWING SYSTEMS WHEN ADDRESSING BACKACHES: Begin with the sciatic nerve reflexes. Work the endocrine system, circulatory system, urinary system, muscular system, skeletal system, liver and solar plexus.
As you offer these sessions, you are encouraging homeostasis, relieving stress and tension. The person on your table also needs to go to a medical health care professional for a diagnosis and possibly treatment. Visits to a chiropractor, acupuncturist, physical therapist can supplement your visits.
Thank you for reading this blog/book.
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Peace and food for all.

49 Foods Which Nourish the Nervous System and 3 Improvements to Expect From Sessions to the Nervous System

almonds, apples, bananas, baby lima beans, beans, beets, blackberries, broccoli, brown rice, coffee, corn, decaffeinated coffee, dark chocolate, edamame, eggs, fatty fish, fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, ginger tea, green beans, green tea, legumes, lowfat milk, mackerel, mussels, nuts, oatmeal, olive oil, oranges, oysters, pomegranate juice, raspberries, soy, spinach, strawberries, sweet potatoes, salmon, sardines, strawberries, tea, tofu, tomatoes, tuna, walnuts, water, whole grain breads and cereals, whole wheat spaghetti, yogurt
Of this basic list, the following foods have appeared on Jonny Bowden, PH.D.’s list of the 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth: almonds, bananas, beans, beets, broccoli, coffee, chocolate (dark), edamame, eggs, green beans, oatmeal, olive oil, oranges, oysters, pomegranate juice, raspberries, salmon, sardines strawberries, sweet potatoes, tea, walnuts, water
So, you actually have two lists here. The first list is the list of food which are good for your nervous system.
The second list is the list of foods which are considered to be most nutritious foods on that list.
Please let me know if having the two lists is too complicated. After all, there’s no sense in offering information if it can’t be used.
Regular Reflexology for the Spirit sessions create a strong feeling of wellbeing. Over time, they also promote mental function.
Homeostasis, encouraged by these sessions, helps strengthen the ability to concentrate. Because the nervous system is a booster system, it’s helpful to work it to facilitate healing throughout the body.
Encouraging homeostasis through the nervous system include both spiritual and emotional aspects of the body.
Thanks for reading this blog/book. The next few posts will be offering some specific protocols for addressing several nervous system issues.
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Peace and food for all.
Thurman Greco

Reflexology Blog – 22 Essential Oils to Use When Working the Nervous System

Appropriate oils for the nervous system include basil, black pepper, cardamom, cedarwood, clarity, clove, eucalyptus radiate, fennel, frankincense, ginger, helichrysum, juniper, lavender, marjoram, myrrh, patchouli, peppermint, rose, rosemary, sage, valerian, ylang ylang.
When selecting an essential oil for a specific issue, it’s important to consider the entire person: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual. Although essential oils can be very powerful therapies in and of themselves, it’s important to realize that they are not the total solution. Essential oils work best when combined with other therapies.
A first step in encouraging homeostasis is to cleanse the body. A colon cleanse followed by a liver cleanse will often take care of the problem itself.
People trying to address health issues should include proper diet, exercise, supplements, meditation/yoga, and working to achieve a stress free lifestyle.
Efforts should be made to rebuild and nourishing the intestinal system as well as remineralizing the blood and tissues.
When using essential oils, it’s always important to increase fluid intake because essential oils often accelerate the detoxification process. Without adequate hydration, toxins begin to recirculate in the body and cause nausea, headaches, etc.
If your client partner experiences a reaction to an essential oil, temporarily discontinue it use and start an internal cleansing program.
Thanks for reading this blog/book. As always, this post comes to you from my healing space in scenic downtown Woodstock, NY

Reflexology Blog – The Nervous System is a Powerful Spiritual Communication Tool.

nervous system chartThe nervous system, made up of the brain and the spinal cord, gathers information, stores it, and controls what is done with it.
The brain controls our personality, judgment, speech, some movement, sound memory, temperature control and pain.
The peripheral nervous system connects the central nervous system to muscles, glands, and sensory receptors.
The autonomic nervous system controls muscles in the internal organs, intestines, sweat glands, airways, heart and blood vessels. It’s divided into 2 parts: the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.
The sympathetic nervous system deals with energy, speeding up things like heartbeat. The parasympathetic nervous system slows thing down. The parasympathetic system has other functions as well. For example, once your food is chewed and swallowed, it moves through the body under the direction of the parasympathetic nervous system.
The central nervous system and brain serve all organs and functions of the body including actions like walking and talking.
Work the part of the spine corresponding to a body function or part that your client is having trouble with. For example, if a person comes to you with a neck problem, work the part of the spine that corresponds to the neck.
These nerves are found along the spinal reflexes because they’re housed within the vertebrae. So, while all these descriptions may seem complicated, all you need to do is work the spinal column which is inside the vertebrae.
Working the nervous system reflexes help the body overcome stress and increase blood flow. When this happens, the body functions in a more balanced way. This assists homeostasis.
Thanks for reading this post. Tomorrow’s post will focus on how to use the nervous system in a reflexology session. We’ll also discuss essential oils and foods that nourish the nervous system.
Peace and food for all.
Thurman Greco

Antioxidents: As a Reflexologist, You Work to Encourage Homeostasis. Antioxident-Rich Foods Help You Do Your Job.

If you’re interested in being healthy for the long haul, and if you are interested in facilitating homeostasis for your client partners, you need to know about antioxidents. Dr. Tricia MacNair, M.D., believes we can add two years to our lives by eating a generous amount of antioxidents.
Now, it’s very easy to go an buy a bottle of antioxidents at a vitamin store. And, these bottled antioxidents are better than nothing.
But, what’s better than the bottled products, research is telling us, is the real foods themselves. So, the moral of the story is to get your antioxidents at the grocery store in the produce section.
Listed below are the top 10 winners. They come up in every article, book, story, etc., about healthy foods. These 10 foods fight free radicals which cause oxidation in our bodies. Yes, oxidation.
These 10 foods work to keep you healthy and long lived. Include them in your diet whenever possible
AVOCADO: This is one of the super foods. It will protect your heart, eyes and skin.
BERRIES: Blueberries, cranberries, strawberries, raspberries are all foods that promote good health. They fight aging, mental fuzziness, cancer, and bladder infections.
BROCCOLI: Broccoli helps fight colon and lung cancer, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes.
CABBAGE: When eaten raw, cabbage helps fight stomach and breast cancer, colon cancer.
CARROTS: Carrots fight strokes, heart attacks, sight-robbing diseases, and cancer.
CITRUS FRUIT: Oranges are anticancer foods. Grapefruit reduces cholesterol.
GRAPES: Grape juice helps unclot arteries.
ONIONS: Onions help prevent cancer, particularly stomach cancer.
SPINACH: Spinach fights cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, strokes, cataracts, macular degeneration.
TOMATOES: Tomatoes help fight digestive tract cancer and promote mental and physical functioning in the elderly.
All of the above listed foods promote longevity. They are, incidentally, all alkaline foods as well.
Hopefully you’ll include these foods in your next trip to the grocery store. They are delicious, nutritious, and important for your health.
Thanks again for reading this blog/book which comes to you from my healing space in scenic downtown Woodstock, NY.
Peace and food for all.
Thurman Greco


Seven Important Things Water Does For Us: Drink Up! Drink 5+ Glasses of Water Each Day. Do You Do This Now? Most People Think They Do, But In Reality, They Don’t.

Water does so much for us.
Water flushes toxins from the body.
Water keeps our core body temperature balanced.
Water dilutes chemical concentrations in the body.
Water reduces fatigue.
Water chases away the wrinkles. Well hydrated people have fewer wrinkles than underhydrated people.
Water is the single most important nutrient for our bodies.
Water helps our digestive system function better, transporting nutrient throughout the body.
So, you ask, how can I drink enough water?
Begin with a glass of water when you wake up. Drink this glass of water in addition to your morning juice, coffee, tea, milk, etc.
Drink a glass of water about every two hours throughout the day.
Drink a glass of water about 30 minutes before each meal.
Drink a glass of water 2 hours after dinner.
Water comes in many forms: filtered, spring, etc. Waters have different flavors. A favorite water of mine is a nnatural spring water labeled: New York Springs, USA. It’s bottled at the Vly Mountain Spring Source by New York Spring Water, Inc., in Halcott Center, NY 12430.
Water is one inexpensive way to help you as you go down the path to wellness and longevity. That’s an added bonus because many wellness promoting products and regimens are very expensive.
Peace and food for all.
Thurman Greco
Woodstock, NY

What Are The Risk Factors?

As a Reflexology for the Spirit practitioner, it’s helpful to know the risk factors experienced by your client partners by age category. Beyond that, it’s helpful if you can determine the personal health risks as well. Once you and your client partners know their health risks, you can work with them to develop strategies to improve their health and increase their longevity. Reflexology for the Spirit can be an important part of this strategy!
For the Under-45 age group, the biggest risk is injury: accidents, homicide, and suicide. The most important things your client partners in this category can do is avoid accidents. Depression should be taken seriously. Violent relationships should be avoided or terminated.
Your young client partners have an opportunity to begin good lifestyle habits: avoid excessive sun exposure, exercise regularly, don’t smoke, learn to deal with stress.
For the 45-54 age group, your clients should be on the lookout to prevent cancer, heart disease, and accidents. This is the age category to begin health screenings: cancer, cholesterol, blood sugar.
Lifestyle habits include not smoking, keeping the weight down, driving carefully, and managing stress.
In the 55-64 age group, the biggest diseases are cancer, heart disease, lung diseases, and diabetes.
If you began to smoke somewhere along the line, this is the time to quit. Keep the weight down. Get your annual health screenings: cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugars.
For the 65-74 age category, look out for cancer, heart disease, lung diseases, stroke.
Continue seeing your healthcare provider regularly. This is the time in your life to make efforts to stay connected to your community.
For those aged 75-84, the big diseases are cancer, stroke, lung disease, and diabetes. The motto here: Use it or Lose it!
If you are 85 or older, the diseases of concern are heart disease, cancer, stroke, Alzheimer’s, influenza, and pneumonia. In this category, work to keep up your strength and keep your gait stable. Avoid overmedication.
Being healthy takes work – no matter what the age may be.
In all of these areas spirituality is a major factor. Our attitudes toward our spirituality change with each decade and with major life events.
Thanks again for reading this blog post. Reflexology works with the diseases and issues discussed here. Reflexology for the Spirit sessions encourage homeostasis, an important part of one’s wellness. Reflexology for the Spirit also addresses the spiritual person – an important element often omitted.
I did a lot of research for this and want to especially thank Dr. Kendall Judge, M.D.

Thurman Greco
Woodstock, NY

Don’t Dwell On The Genes

All of us have health concerns. What part do genes play in all of our concerns? What diseases run in your family? What diseases run in the families of your client partners.
Experts disagree on many things. However, experts tend to agree that genes play a minor role in determining most people’s lifespans. Longterm health and longevity is in your hands.
Nothing else will matter unless you make a pact with yourself that you will adopt the best health practices that exist today.
What will you eat?
How much will you eat?
Where and how will you live?
Will you smoke?
Will you wear a seat belt?
Will you ride a motorcycle?
Do you exercise?
Do you receive reflexology or other body work regularly?

Receiving bodywork on a regular basis is important. Most bodywork modalities, with the exception of Reiki therapy, have contraindications. Know what they are.
I’m talking to you as a reflexologist now. Bodyworkers, many of us, fail to get the work which we often need more than our client partners need our therapy.
So, your next task is to find yourself a bodyworker. In choosing a therapist, go to 5 sessions. After the 5th session, ask yourself “How do I feel now”? If you have had a positive experience over these 5 sessions, this is probably the right modality and the right bodyworker for you. If not, keep looking.
When you receive body work, honor your therapy. Try to be calm and quiet for several hours after it. No heavy lifting – no racing around. Maybe take a nap.
When you get regular body work, whether it is reflexology or some other modality, you will be a better Reflexology for the Spirit practitioner. Body work is essential for good health and fitness.
Peace and food for all
Thurman Greco

Want to Stay Healthy? Treat Yourself to a Power Breakfast Everyday

And, what might be a power breakfast?
Starting your day each day with a bowl of oatmeal can add years to your life.

When you begin your day with oatmeal, you’ll have energy for hours before feeling hungry. And, more than that, oatmeal is packed with nutrients that fight disease.
Some nutritionists believe that oatmeal has powerful anti-cancer antioxidents.
Heart specialists believe that oatmeal contains chemicals that stop blood vessels from sticking to your artery walls, thus helping prevent the onset of heart disease. Oatmeal is also believed to reduce the need for blood pressure medication as well as reduce cholesterol levels.
Diet and fitness experts claim that oatmeal fights obesity because people who eat it for breakfast experience less hunger throughout the day.
Diabetes specialists love oatmeal because it is a slowly digested food, thus reducing the need for insulin.
Gastroenterologists love oatmeal because it’s a good source of probiotics – the fighters of toxic bacteria in our colon.
Longevity specialists believe that anyone wanting to live longer should eat oatmeal regularly.
All these claims made by health professionals make oatmeal a miracle food!
People really like oatmeal because there are many ways to dress it up each morning:
You can put a couple of tablespoons of yogurt on the top of a serving.
Drizzle honey on the top of the oatmeal.
Flavor your oatmeal with cinnamon or grated nutmeg.
Serve your oatmeal the “warrior way” with dried apricots and nuts.
But, however you enjoy your oatmeal…the important thing is just to enjoy a serving of it every day.
Thanks again for reading this post.
As always, this post comes to you from my healing space in scenic downtown Woodstock, NY
Peace and food for all
Thurman Greco