Sweaty Feet can be very “trying” for a Reflexologist.
For starters, the natural inclination is to just not touch the feet. Don’t worry. Use an antibacterial spray on the feet to clean them off. Wear gloves if you are worried that you’re going to “catch” something.
Remember this: A person with sweaty feet is a person whose Adrenal glands are in serious passing gear.
There are several things your client partner can do. We can’t prescribe these things but it’s nice to know what they are: soak the feet in salt water to change the bacteria, rub the feet with alcohol and let it dry, change shoes and socks often, and spritz with cleansing spray whenever possible.
Suggest a visit to a podiatrist to make certain there are no infections, etc. Whatever the condition, you still have a person with serious spiritual conditions needing your attention regularly.
SYSTEMS TO WORK: adrenals, nervous system, immune system, urinary system, digestive system with emphasis on the liver and the solar plexus.
ESSENTIAL OILS: bergamot, Roman chamomile, frankincense, lavender, marjoram, wintergreen, myrrh, rosemary, sandalwood, thyme, ylang ylang, and spruce.
Thanks again for reading the blog. Our next post will focus on Swollen Ankles and Feet.
As always, this post comes to you from my healing space in Woodstock, NY.
Peace and food for all.
Thurman Greco