Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Swollen Ankles and Feet can be Troublesome to Your Client Partners

Focus warm ups on the swollen areas in addition to your regular warm ups.  Schedule appointments later in the day when edema sufferers seem to have the most problems.

Try to get your client partner to consult  a medical professional.  Often, people don’t realize  these issues can be symptoms of systemic problems needing medical attention.  You’ll offer relief and solace to the spirit and you are going to reduce swelling but

a physician needs to give a diagnosis. 

The underlying cause of edema needs to be addressed.

SYSTEMS TO WORK:   warm ups to the swollen areas, urinary system, immune system, nervous system, digestive system with emphasis on the liver, circulatory system,  and the solar plexus.

ESSENTIAL OILS:  tangerine, geranium, German chamomile, wintergreen, peppermint, lavender, grapefruit, helichrysum.

Thanks again for reading the blog.  Our next post is the final one in this portion of the book/blog.  It will focus on Thickened Nails and Skin.  After the post on the Thickened Nails and Skin, we’ll be shifting gears to focus on other factors important to a Reflexology for the Spirit practitioner.

This post is coming to you from my healing space in Woodstock, NY.

Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco