Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

The First Chakra and Reflexology



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All 7 of the major Chakras are reflected in our feet.  They line up on the spine and they relate to energy centers found on the body.  The first Chakra is found at the base of the spine.

The reflex point for the first Chakra is located on the heel of both feet.  First Chakra issues are concerned with



connection to our earth – our environment

issues with grounding

one’s connection to the community



Have  you put down roots?  Or are unable to establish a home?

Do you find it hard to move ahead in life?  Or, are you unable to let go of your family?

Do you feel vulnerable?  Are you refusing to budge?

Do you eat properly?

Do you  hang onto unhealthy relationships?

Can you receive?

Can you give?

Are you in a rut?

Are you afraid of change, even if it is positive?

Are you in your body?

Are you controlling?

There are many first Chakra phrases using the word “heel”:

Cool your heels

Down at your heels

Well heeled

Take to your heels

Drag your heels

Achilles heel

I’m sure you can come up with even  more.

Fear is a first Chakra issue.  Fear is a culprit in almost every disease, health issue, and problem we encounter in life.  Fear keeps us all from being the totally healthy beings we were born to be.

We carry fear over from past lives.  And, if you don’t believe in past life issues, just skip them and think for a few minutes about the fear issues we carry from childhood.  We can be perfectly rational adults and still carry fear baggage around.  Sometimes I see clients whose fear issues weigh more than their physical bodies weigh.  Many obese people are holding fear in the form of extreme fat around their bodies.

If you and/or your client partners want to be healthy, it’s important to have a balanced first Chakra.  There are several ways to balance one’s first Chakra:

Reflexology for the Spirit sessions  offer homeostasis which is the balance of all body systems.

Reiki therapy sessions balance the Chakras.

Meditation.  Set aside a few minutes daily to meditate on a balanced Chakra system.  The first Chakra needs to be grounded.  Take time each day to listen to what your body tells you.  If you listen, it will never lie to you.  If you listen, you will know when you are not grounded and when your Chakras are not balanced.

It is also easy to tell how balanced your first Chakra is by observing your hips.  What is the range of movement for your hips, knees, and ankles?  How do they feel?  Your ankles, knees, and hips move you forward in this world.  They keep you balanced.  Stability is important for the first Chakra.  Pain, tightness, restricted movement, and inflexibility are strong indicators of a need to balance the first Chakra.

Physically,  the  first Chakra governs 3 systems:

Immune System

Skeletal System

Lower Digestive Tract.

When you work with your client partner’s first chakra, you offer an opportunity for increased self awareness.  What a gift you give!

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Photos provided by Renee Ruwee

Thurman Greco




“Should I Accept Clients Who Smoke?”

Be Free Heart wings

What a question!

“Of course.  Yes.”

“But, what if they smell of tobacco?  I find it very offensive.  And, besides, I don’t want my healing space reeking of smoke.”

Well, I stick to my guns here.  Cigarette smoking is an addiction.  It is a disease.  You accept the client and offer assistance, support, guidance as  s/he struggles to give up smoking.

Encourage the person to cut down on the number of cigarettes smoked in a day.  If you can get him/her to cut back to 5 or fewer cigarettes a day, the final push will be very easy.

When people think of diseases smokers contract,  they always come up with the same usual suspects:

lung cancer

throat cancer



In reality, the diseases caused are many more and the health damage done is much greater.

Smoking and exposure to second hand smoke is really hard on the immune system. Smoking ages the body faster.  This results in

wrinkled skin

clogged arteries




The most important reason for not smoking is what it does to the immune system.  Smoking wrecks the immune system causing it to become overactive.  And, the effects are often easily seen.

It’s not necessary to see a person smoking to know you’re looking at a smoker.  It’s also not necessary to smell a smoker either.

The effects of smoking can be seen in the skin, hair, nails, eyes, posture.

The effects of smoking can be heard in the classic smoker’s cough.

You cannot help your client partner stop smoking.  What you can do is help with the cravings and other discomfort while they go through the 5-6 week withdrawal process.  Reflexology for the Spirit, Reiki therapy, and encouragement can go a long way to support during this time.

Help your client partner become dramatically healthier.  Nicotine patches are available.  CVS sells a smoking cessation program which helps.

After the 6-week period, you can help your client partner do a cleanse and you can offer support choosing  a physical fitness program.


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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco

Calm…and Nurtured

treeTo be as healthy as possible, your immune system must be calm and nurtured.

Your immune system is a warrior – fighting off dangerous and threatening diseases.  Help your immune system protect you by making your life, the environment you live in feel safe.

Begin with the space you spend the most time in…your home.

Make sure your home/apartment/wherever you live is allergen free.  That means the air you breathe is clean, the water you drink and bathe with is clean, and you have as little mold, mildew, and insect presence  as possible.

Environmental pollutants and toxins  irritate your immune system which means they are bad for  your health.  Exposure to unknown chemicals can  negatively affect your entire life.  The 3 most threatening toxins:


insects such as cockroaches,

dust mites.

Begin to calm and soothe your immune system by doing a walk-through of your home.  Make a list of any and all things needing attention:

water stains,

trapped moisture

evidence of pesticides and rodents


Clean all carpets, rugs, upholstery, curtains, bedding to include blankets, throws, bedspreads.

Have your water tested.

Mask unwanted noise if you live on a noisy street.

After you have gotten rid of the toxins and pollutants, it’s time to make your home environment a peaceful oasis.  This won’t take a lot of $$$.  It will take attention instead.

Create places where sunlight can stream in during the day and where the area is dark at night.  Fill your place with smells and aromas which will feed your soul:

fresh flowers,

home-baked bread

scented candles

a favorite essential oil

wind chimes

music you love..

Use colors in your surroundings which offer peace, calm, soothing feelings.  The idea is to create a space which makes you feel happy the moment you enter it.

Create a meditation corner.  It doesn’t have to be large – You only need enough room to sit or recline comfortably without being bothered.  If you can have a space where you can put up your legs for a few minutes each day, you will be refreshed and nourished – something we all need.

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Jennette Nearhood provided the photograph for this post.



In a Perfect World…

desert clouds

We would all be disease free

Our brains would stay sharp

We would all experience  good energy levels

Physical fitness would be very common

Everyone would feel young.

But, we don’t live in a perfect world.   The question is this:  How can we be disease-free physically fit, have sharp brains, experience less stress, feel young?

One way  is to honor our immune system.  It is our immune system which keeps us healthy, disease free, physically fit, mentally sharp.

People visit reflexologists regularly as they strive to prevent as much disease as possible.  And, they are correct to do this.  As reflexologists, we work to facilitate homeostasis – bring balance.

Focusing on the immune system is important, not only for the diseases we think about:  colds, flu, etc., but for many other diseases we consider to be lifestyle or aging diseases:


thyroid disease


rheumatoid arthritis


When the immune system is out of balance, it can become overactive.  An overactive  immune system participates in the aging process  as it encourages autoimmune diseases.

As a Reflexology for the Spirit practitioner, you are important to the health maintenance of your client partners.  Your client partners will be healthier when their immune systems function at peak levels.  An immune system functions at its peak when it  successfully fights off viruses, bacteria, parasites.

Encourage your clients to  contribute to a healthy immune system.   As a reflexologist, you offer sessions and you also work to ground your client partners so they can do everything they need to do to keep themselves healthy:

breathe properly and therapeutically

eat a diet which is healthy for the individual

sleep sufficiently


smell the flowers

This is really what Marge d’Urso meant when she emphasized that reflexologists work with the whole client partner as we offer homeostasis.

Thank you for reading this blog book.

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I hope you found this helpful.  Please leave your comments below and check out the other posts.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco

Other blogs by Thurman Greco:

Hunger is not a Disease

Good Morning Woodstock

Sugar Security

photograph by Jennette Nearhood


Kidney Infections should not be ignored. They are serious.

Kidney infections have many causes.  If left medically untreated, they  can be fatal.  Kidney infections often begin in the lower urinary tract as bacterial infections or toxins in the blood and proceed up the body through the ureters.   UTIs should be treated by a competent healthcare professional as early in the disease as possible.

Spiritually, kidneys are about balance as well as both building up and letting go.  Kidneys help build red blood cells.  They also are about letting go as they filter out unwanted substances, releasing those elements which are toxic or damaging in some way.

If your kidneys are bothering you, definitely seek competent medical help but also look at your life and ask:  “How can I best release the negativity in my life?”

When working a kidney disorder, begin by working the immune system with emphasis on the spleen.

Work the endocrine system with emphasis on the adrenal glands.

Work the urinary system with emphasis on the kidneys, bladder, ureter, and urethra.

Work the lymphatic system.

Finish up the session by working the liver and the solar plexus.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco


Bladder Infections can take many forms due to germs in the kidneys, ureters, or bloodstream.

Bladder infections usually begin in the lower lower urinary tract:  urethra and bladder.  If not treated, they can progress up the tract to the ureters and kidneys.  Several factors cause urinary tract infections (UTIs):  sexual intercourse, long-term catheterization in the bladder, congenital urinary tract abnormalities, bladder obstructions and   an impaired immune system.   Examples here would be diabetes, or a person taking high doses of cortisone.  Incomplete emptying of the bladder also encourages UTIs.

FOR WOMEN:  Things which help prevent UTIs include wiping from front to back following a bowel movement, avoiding deodorant sprays, douches, powders.   Drink  plenty of water, consum yogurt, kefir, and acidophilus milk.  Always urinate whenever you feel the urge, urinate after intercourse, wear cotton underwear and loose-fitting clothes.

There is an spiritual/emotional component to bladder infections.  The urinary system begins to break down when your life is upheaval.  Words that describe situations inviting bladder infections include anger, irritation, bitterness, fear, grief, guilt.

Reflexology for the spirit sessions are definitely called for with a UTI.  The homeostasis offered is a significant contribution.  However, a healthcare professional must be consulted because these infections can quickly escalate from a nuisance to something much more serious.

Begin the session by working the solar plexus and diaphragm reflexes.

Work the spleen reflex.

Work the digestive system with emphasis on the liver.

Work the endocrine system with emphasis on the adrenal glands.

Work the urinary system with emphasis on the bladder and kidney reflexes.

Work the lymphatic system reflexes.

Thank you for reading this blog/book.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco



Reflexology Blog – Colitis is a spiritual affliction that can be quite painful.

Colitis is a spiritual affliction which reflects a person’s insecurity. A person suffering with colitis is having trouble letting go of something which is already gone.
For many people, colitis is a chronic condition which may flare up and die down over time with the medical professionals treating the symptoms. The disease itself has no cure and is probably unpreventable. It’s generally agreed upon by medical professionals that colitis is not caused by stress but it does get worse when a person is stressed out.
It is believed that, for some people, colitis is hereditary. Whatever the cause, this painful condition is one that can respond to the sessions offered by a Reflexology for the Spirit Practitioner.
A person with colitis should definitely be consulting a medical professional in addition to a reflexologist.
When a person with colitis comes to your healing space, include Reiki therapy if possible. Offer essential oils if you feel called to do so. Your goal here is homeostasis.
Work the immune system, the adrenal gland reflexes, the intestinal reflexes, and the lymphatics.
Thank you for reading this blog/book. Please contact me with comments or questions.
As always, this post comes to you from my healing space in scenic downtown Woodstock, NY.
Thurman Greco
Woodstock, NY

Reflexology Blog: Is It a Cold or the Flu?

We’ve all had this happen to us:  We wake up one morning with nasal congestion, sneezing, runny eyes, muscle aches, coughing, maybe even fever.

The first thought is this:  “Am I coming down with the flu or a common cold?

There are differences. 

FEVER AND HEADACHE are  rare in colds.   Headaches, on the other hand, are common in flu as well as a high fever which can last 3 to 4 days.

ACHES AND PAINS are only slight or mild in colds.   Flu creates severe aches and pains.

FATIGUE:  Colds make people tired sometimes.  Flu, however, makes people tired for up to 2 to 3 weeks.

EXHAUSTION:  Colds are never exhausting.  Flu is usually extremely exhausting.

STUFFY NOSES, SNEEZING, and SORE THROATS are common in colds.  They’re fairly rare in flu.

The list you just read is somewhat complicated.  Especially if you just woke up and are trying to figure out which “side of the aisle” you belong on.  Would you like to ask yourself one question and make everything easy?

Well, here is the question:

“Do I feel so bad I can’t get out of bed”?  If the answer to that question is “yes”…


“Do I feel so bad I can’t get out of bed”?  If the answer to that question is “no”…


So, now what do I need to do?

If you have a cold, stick with antihistamines, decongestants, and  nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories.

With the flu, you may want to see your doctor.

How could you have prevented this thing in the first place?  There are several things you can do to prevent a common cold and the flu – wash your hands often, stay away from those who are sick, and take your annual flu shot.

With a cold, you want to get rest so that you avoid the complications of a sinus congestion, a middle ear infection, and asthma.  Don’t forget to call your reflexologist and schedule an appointment.

With flu, you want to get rest so that you avoid the complications of bronchitis or pneumonia.


Work the immune system.  Then go to the pituitary gland reflexes, the sinus reflexes, the ear reflexes, the lung reflexes, and adrenal gland reflexes.  Finish the session by working the lymphatics.

Thanks for reading this post.  Hope you’ll find it’s helpful.

Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco

Woodstock, NY




67 Foods That Love to Support Your Immune System and 4 Improvements You Can Expect from Foot Reflexology Sessions Focusing on the Immune System

apples, apricots, asparagus, bananas, beans, beets, black tea, blackberries, blueberries, bok choy, Brazil nuts, broccoli, brown rice, Brussels sprouts, cabbage,  cantaloupe, carrots, cauliflower, celery, cherries, chicken, chicken soup, chickpeas, chives, chocolate, coconut, collard greens, cranberries, cranberry juice, curry, dry roasted soybeans, goji berries, edamame, eggs, fermented foods, fish, garlic, ginger, grapefruit, grapes, potatoes, prunes, pumpkin seeds, radishes, raspberries, salmon, sauerkraut, sardines, shallots, shrimp, soy milk, soy sauce, spinach, squash, strawberries, sweet peppers, sweet potatoes, tofu, tomatoes, turnips, walnuts, water, water, water, watercress, watermelon, yogurt.

Four improvements to be expected from sessions to the immune system include the following:
The body can build up its defense system to prevent disease.
Focused sessions can shorten the time needed for a person to recover from an illness.
Regular sessions will help the body to detox itself and balance its systems.
Working the lymphatics can assist the body rid itself of excess fluids and other toxins.

The next few posts will focus on specific conditions which respond to immune system work:  the common cold, bladder problems , colitis

Thank you for reading this blog/book.  Please contact me if you have any questions.

This post is coming to you from my healing space in downtown Woodstock.

Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco


30 Essential Oils to Choose From When Addressing Immune System Issues

There are many, many essential oils out there.  How do you decide?  One way is to just go for the name that appeals to you.  Another is to put out a drop and see if the aroma appeals to you.  But, whichever oil you choose from this list, you can’t go wrong.  These oils all have a proven track record when it comes to addressing immune system issues:

balsam fir, blue cypress, Canadian red cedar, clove, dill, eucalyptus radiata, frankincense, galbanum, grapefruit, hyssop, lemon, mountain savory, myrtle, nutmeg, orange, oregano, patchouli, peppermint, raven, ravensara, sandalwood, tarragon, thyme, tsuga, valerian, wintergreen,

Begin by choosing an oil and dilute it 50/50 with a  vegetable oil which will be the carrier oil.  Apply a small amount of the oil to the skin and see if there is a reaction.  If not, use this oil.  Oils vary in effectiveness from person to person because they work with a person’s body chemistry and every body is different..

There are many, many different ways to  use essential oils.  You have to find out what is going to work for you in each specific situation.  To begin, try putting a few drops of an essential oil on a cloth or on a rug and let it work throughout the room.

I’ll be writing more about essential oils as we go through the book.  This is basically a book about reflexology for the spirit but reflexology is compatible with so many different modalities that reflexologists end up with very large “tool kits” before they are through learning.

Actually, reflexologists never stop learning.   That’s the beauty of the modality.

Our next blog post will  address foods that nourish the immune system.  Then, in follow on posts, we’ll address several conditions which can offer challenges to the immune system.

Thanks for following this blog/book.  Please contact me if you have any comments/questions.

Peace and food for all.
