Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

The Immune System Bottom Line: 4 Important Things to Remember


The immune system makes an important contribution to our wellness.  There are emotional and spiritual components to the immune system which cannot be ignored.

Some diseases offer challenges and struggles which insist that the ill person examine his/her lifestyle, core beliefs, and connection with the divine.

This whole path to wellness:  living with the disease or succumbing to it is facilitated with the homeostasis which Reflexology for the Spirit sessions bring about.

Work the immune system and the nervous system very early in the session.  The nervous system combined with the immune system becomes a booster system and they should always be used when you’re trying to resolve a health issue for someone.  These two systems combined facilitate homeostasis.  The two systems together can offer significant changes.

Thank you for reading this post and for reading this blog/book.  Please contact me if you have any questions.

The next post will focus on essential oils which benefit the immune system and will list the foods that nourish the immune system.  Following that, we will focus on some specific diseases such as the common cold, flu, bladder problems, etc.

As always, this post comes to you from my healing space in downtown Woodstock.

Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco

What About the Tonsils? What About the Spleen?

The tonsils are an important line of defense in the body against infections.  They filter out many toxins before they make it to the bloodstream as they stop what gets past the hair and mucous membranes in our nose, mouth, throat.

The spleen is an interesting part of the immune system.  It’s the largest organ in the lymphatic system.  It filters the lymph, removing toxins and bacteria.  The spleen also produces antibodies.  It removes worn out blood cells, bacteria and parasites.  It’s actually hard to understand all the things the spleen does.  But, for all the things the spleen does, it’s possible to live without it.  It’s sometimes necessary to remove a damaged spleen after a person has been in an accident.

The immune system has an emotional quality to it.  The thymus works better when we feel better mentally and emotionally.  And we also know that the spleen is considered to be an organ of anger…


Don’t like Getting Colds, Flu? Take Care of Your Immune System. It Keeps You Well.

In the last post, we discussed the lymphatics.

The lymph glands need exercise.  A good exercise for moving the lymph is to jump for a few minutes each day on a personal trampoline.  A personal trampoline is inexpensive, folds flat, and fits under a bed or in a closet when not being used.

Another good way to keep the lymph moving is to receive Reflexology for the Spirit sessions regularly.  When the immune system is  stimulated the lymph moves.

Keep the lymphatic system moving so the body can remove the clogging waste products which make it harder to fight colds, flu, respiratory congestion, swollen lymph nodes, stiff joints, cysts, slow healing wounds, etc.  Thank of a stagnant lymph system as a clogged sewer.

If the immune system is not properly maintained, and never cleaned, the body may end up with problems extending beyond colds, flu and other things.  This escalation can include problems such as arthritis, autoimmune diseases, and possibly cancer.

Another major part of the immune system is the thymus.  This is a small gland located in the chest cavity below the thyroid and behind the sternum.  The thymus gland manufactures T-Cells which strengthen our immune system.  One thing that makes the thymus interesting is that it’s a particular size when we are born and doesn’t grow much after that.  So, the size of the thymus in relation to the size of our bodies decreases as our bodies grow into maturity.

Thanks for reading today’s post which comes to you from my healing space in scenic downtown Woodstock, NY.

Tomorrow we’ll continue with the immune system as we discuss the tonsils and the spleen.

If you have any questions, comments, please contact me.

Thanks again.

Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco

Introducing the Immune System


We’re beginning a new section with this post.  For the next few posts, we’ll be discussing the different body systems.  The first system to be explored is the immune system.

The immune system is the group of organs and glands working together to protect you from colds, flu, infections, slow-healing wounds, as well as more serious diseases.

The major parts of the immune system include the lymphatics, thymus, tonsils, appendix and spleen.  The thymus is actually an endocrine gland but works with the immune system.

Think of the  lymphatics as the sewer system of the body.  If you are to stay healthy and not have colds, flu, infections, etc., it’s important to keep the lymphatic system clean and functioning properly.  The lymphatics are a system of vessels located throughout the body running parallel to the circulatory system.  They collect toxic waste that seeps out of the blood vessels, control the fluid levels in body tissue, and absorb fats from the digestive system.

They drain the toxins into the lymph nodes which are located throughout the body.  If you look at a map of the lymphatic system, you’ll see that there are more nodes located closer to the head and heart than lower down on the body.  This leads many professionals to believe that one of the jobs of the lymphatic system is to protect the brain.

The lymph glands don’t have a pump.  (The circulatory system has a pump:  the heart.)  As we move our bodies, we move the lymph.

In the next post, we’ll continue with the lymphatics as well as the other parts of the immune system.

As always, thanks for reading this blog/book.  Please contact me if you have any questions or comments.

This post is coming to you from my healing space in Woodstock, NY.

Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco

Psoriasis is an Affliction of an Overactive Immune System

People with systemic infections and a stress sensitivity can suffer from psoriasis.  When a sufferer has a flare-up, the skin cells begin to replace themselves too rapidly.  Scaly patches result.  Several things can be done to alleviate the situation.  regular Reflexology for the Spirit sessions in which the immune system is worked are a good first start toward achieving homeostasis.

It’s appropriate to combine Reiki therapy and Reflexology for the Spirit for psoriasis sufferers.

Violet Flame Reiki therapy or Lightarian Reiki therapy are good choices for psoriasis sufferers if you know either of them.  If not, Usui Reiki therapy will definitely do the job.

It’s helpful for the sufferer to clean out the home, the car, the body, and workplace with pure, environmentally friendly products.  as the cleaning process continues using non-toxic cleansers, it’s time to include an internal cleanse.

Encourage the daily use of body lotions.  Pure products should also be used to shampoo the hair.

Encourage  your client partner to work to achieve a good Ph balance.  Drinking at least a quart of water daily is recommended.

SYSTEMS TO WORK:   immune system, digestive system, nervous system, endocrine system, liver and solar plexus.

ESSENTIAL OILS:  German or Roman chamomile, tea tree, patchouli, helichrysum, rose, and lavender.  Helichrysum is a very important oil here.

Thanks for reading this post.  The next few posts will focus on peeling skin, stress, sweaty feet,  and swollen ankles.

This post comes to you from my healing space in Woodstock, NY.

Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco