Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Insomnia – 10 Things You Can Do To Sleep Better.

According to Michael Murray, N.D., and Joseph Pizzorno, N.D., thirty percent of us suffer from insomnia. The main causes of insomnia are depression, anxiety, stress, foods, drinks, and medications.
There are things you can do to sleep better:
Reflexology for the Spirit sessions definitely help.
Cut out the caffeine.
Limit the alcohol.
Ask your healthcare professional if any of the drugs you take can inhibit your sleep cycles.
Look around your bedroom. Is there too much going on: TV? Computer?
Is your bed comfortable?
Make sure you have the correct pillows: Are there enough of them? Are they comfortable? Are you allergic to the pillows themselves? Are they clean?
What about the room temperature? Is your bedroom too hot or too cold?
For me, the best sedative I know of is Reiki therapy. When I go to bed at night, if I can’t sleep, I offer myself a Reiki session. I’m always asleep before I finish the session.
If you don’t know Reiki therapy, find yourself a teacher and learn. No one ever fails a Reiki class. The classes are usually no more than a day long. You probably won’t need more than Reiki 1. However, if you can work in a Reiki 2 class, so much the better for you.
WORK THE FOLLOWING SYSTEMS WHEN ADDRESSING INSOMNIA: Work the endocrine system focusing on the pituitary gland reflexes, the thyroid and parathyroid gland reflexes; work the respiratory system focusing on the lung reflexes; work the urinary system, focusing on the kidney reflexes; work the nervous system, focusing on the spine reflexes. End the session by working the solar plexus and liver.
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Peace and food for all.
Thurman Greco

Reflexology Blog – Colitis is a spiritual affliction that can be quite painful.

Colitis is a spiritual affliction which reflects a person’s insecurity. A person suffering with colitis is having trouble letting go of something which is already gone.
For many people, colitis is a chronic condition which may flare up and die down over time with the medical professionals treating the symptoms. The disease itself has no cure and is probably unpreventable. It’s generally agreed upon by medical professionals that colitis is not caused by stress but it does get worse when a person is stressed out.
It is believed that, for some people, colitis is hereditary. Whatever the cause, this painful condition is one that can respond to the sessions offered by a Reflexology for the Spirit Practitioner.
A person with colitis should definitely be consulting a medical professional in addition to a reflexologist.
When a person with colitis comes to your healing space, include Reiki therapy if possible. Offer essential oils if you feel called to do so. Your goal here is homeostasis.
Work the immune system, the adrenal gland reflexes, the intestinal reflexes, and the lymphatics.
Thank you for reading this blog/book. Please contact me with comments or questions.
As always, this post comes to you from my healing space in scenic downtown Woodstock, NY.
Thurman Greco
Woodstock, NY

Who Shouldn’t Receive a Session and Why (Contraindications) – Part 2

Advanced Osteoporosis

Use a very light touch and a very short session (begin with 10 minutes) taking care not to fracture bones.  Please note:  persons suffering from mild osteoporosis or osteopenia greatly benefit from Reflexology for the Spirit.  The red flag starts flying when a new client approaches you with advanced osteoporosis.  By then, it’s too late for your services without permission from the physician.

Extensive Athlete’s Foot, Etc.

Whenever there’s a rash, an open sore, athlete’s foot, etc., offer hand reflexology instead of working the feet.  If you are uncomfortable offering hand reflexology, use gloves.

Advanced Diabetes

Clients with mild diabetes respond well to Reflexology for the Spirit offered to both hands and feet.  Offer gentle pressure when working the pancreas.  Offer lighter pressure in general for diabetics because their skin may be thinner than usual and bruise easily.  also, reduce sessions to 30 minutes or less for new clients.

Heavily Medicated Clients

Persons taking a lot of medicine may have a buildup of toxins.  Because Reflexology for the Spirit offers a natural detoxing action you need to take care not to overload the person.  Offer a light touch and shorter session.

When you encounter people who shouldn’t receive Reflexology for the Spirit, consider offering Reiki therapy. 

There are no known contraindications for Reiki therapy. 

It’s easy to learn. 

People enjoy it. 

It’s easy to combine Reiki therapy and Reflexology for the Spirit.

The list seems almost endless.  Remember this:  few people with conditions on the above list will ever approach a reflexologist.  For whatever reason, they just go elsewhere for their therapy.  So don’t get discouraged.  You won’t see them.

As always, this post is coming to you from my post in scenic Woodstock, NY.

Our next post will focus on who SHOULD receive reflexology.

Thank you for reading this book/blog.  Please contact me if you have any questions.

Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco


Heel Spurs – They Can Be Quite Painful

You aren’t going to offer lasting relief from heel spurs in one visit.  However, with regular visits, you’ll see some real improvement.  Heel spur sufferers tend to be resistant to both change and moving forward.  Life events may be moving forward at an uncomfortable pace for your client partner.

AREAS TO WORK:  Reflex the areas around the spur as well as the entire endocrine system, digestive system, lymphatics, nervous system, liver, solar plexus.  Reiki therapy is appropriate here.

ESSENTIAL OILS:  wintergreen, spruce, pine, Idaho balsam fir, helichrysum, peppermint.

The next post will offer information about indigestion.

Because there’s a little space here, I’m  offering a peek  at  information which will be covered in future posts.  We’ll cover contraindications, how Reflexology for the Spirit” works, practical applications.  In short, we’ll be covering a lot of information you’ll want to know if you’re interested in reflexology.

Please contact me with any questions you may have.

As always, this post comes to you from my healing space in Woodstock, NY.

Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco


Bunions are Definitely Spiritual Afflictions

They’ve been around for generations and generations.  Because of their location on the foot, bunions are a way of dealing with love (the loss thereof).  People suffering with bunions lack a sense of carefree acceptance of anything.

Professionals don’t totally agree on what causes them:  flat feet, ill fitting shoes, congenital disposition toward bunions, etc.  This much is certain:  getting surgery to repair bunions is becoming more popular.  Having bunions recur after surgery is also a reality.  Reflexology for the Spirit practitioners can help both before and after surgery.

Wearing proper footwear is important.  You can be a real help to your client if you notice what kind of shoes s/he is wearing and either approve or suggest shoes that you think might be more appropriate.  The wrong kind of footwear can be very destructive to your client partner’s foot health as well as his/her overall spinal alignment.  Bunion sufferers should wear shoes that are well-fitting, non-binding, and have a generous toe box.  They shouldn’t have a heel  higher than 2 inches.  Sandals can offer relief.

If the bunion sufferer also has arch problems, a trip to a professional who can properly fit an arch support is also important.

AREAS TO WORK:  Apply rotations to the solar plexus.  Work the skeletal system, muscular system, nervous system, neck area (with neck rotations on the toes), and the circulatory system.  And, always work the bunion area and all the toes.

ESSENTIAL OILS:  angelica, bergamot, geranium, lavender, ylang ylang, frankincense, lemon, palmarosa, rosewood, jasmine, helichrysum, sandalwood, Roman chamomile.

The next post will focus on Callouses and Corns

Thank you for reading this post.  Please comment with any questions you may have.

Peace and food for all

Thurman Greco

Ankle Break or Sprain and Reflexology for the Spirit

Sangi's feetOur feet move us forward in life.  And, of course, the part of the body which allows this to happen is the ankle.  An ankle break or sprain is a spiritual event as far as the  Reflexology for the Spirit practitioner is concerned.  When a person breaks or sprains an ankle, the spiritual self is calling for a “time out”.

The person is having difficulties moving forward in life with either a special event or with life in general.

When working the feet of a person with a sprained or broken ankle, always include Reiki therapy, essential oils and gently use Reflexology for the Spirit skills to work the part of the foot which is visible outside the cast.  The body part inside the cast is stressed because the muscles are not being allowed to move.  If the person is in a soft cast or boot, do not remove it without the physician’s permission.  This is a good time to offer Reiki therapy.

ESSENTIAL OILS FOR SPRAINS:  pine, basil, Idaho balsam fir, wintergreen, spruce, cypress, peppermint.

ESSENTIAL OILS FOR BROKEN BONES:  thyme, helichrysum, wintergreen, peppermint, spruce, Idaho balsam fir, pine.

In the next post, we’ll cover anxiety.

Thank you for reading this post.

Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco


Five Things You Need to Know About Being a Reflexology for the Spirit Practitioner


Five things you need to know about reflexology that make it a very inviting career:

First, Reflexology for the Spirit, by its very nature, is a low tech career field.  Practitioners use their hands, brains, and hearts instead of machines.

Second, generally speaking, a Reflexology for the Spirit practitioner scheduling 25 sessions per week is a full time practitioner.

Third, it’s relatively easy to establish a practice without yellow page ads, billboards, etc. Some practitioners don’t even have business cards.  Word of mouth is the best method here.  If you like to write, you may offer a short newsletter periodically.   But, more on marketing in future posts.

Fourth, Reflexology for the Spirit works well with many other modalities.  A practice may be established which includes essential oils, flower remedies, yoga, massage, etc.  I have several graduates who have added Reflexology for the Spirit to their yoga practices.

One modality which combines well with Reflexology for the Spirit is Reiki therapy.  Reiki therapy is easy to learn, very easy to use with Reflexology for the Spirit, and the client partners love it.  It’s a light touch offered to a clothed recipient.  You can use Reiki therapy anytime you offer Reflexology for the Spirit.

There are no known contraindications or side effects with Reiki therapy so it can be used on virtually everyone.  When combined with Reflexology for the Spirit, Reiki therapy offers a “boost” to the client’s self healing mechanism as the body moves toward homeostasis.

Fifth, If your client partners can be encouraged to eat healthfully and avoid chemicals and toxic elements – mercury, lead, hormones, or antibiotics often found in foods-reflexology sessions can be a lot more effective.  If a food  has a label you can’t read, pronounce, or understand, it’s not acceptable.

It’s easier for our bodies to get and stay healthy if the foods we eat are clean.

In the next posts, you’ll learn a bit about the glorious history of reflexology along with a description of the benefits,  and contraindications.

Thank you for reading about Reflexology for the Spirit.

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Peace and food for all

Thurman Greco