Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Reflexology Blog – Sciatica Can Be Very Painful

Sciatica is an extremely painful inflammation of the sciatic nerves.
Physically, sciatica can be caused by arthritis, constipation, or injury.
Spiritually, sciatica is the result of a number of issues: worry about issues dealing with survival, money issues, feeling inadequate, self rejection. Sciatica sets in when one’s core beliefs are challenged to the point of fear. The person simply feels that s/he can’t handle any more responsibility. The person is no longer focusing on how to solve his/her problems. The focus, instead, is on the feeling that nothing more can be done.
Regular reflexology for the spirit sessions help with stress management and offer homeostasis.
When addressing the issues of sciatica, work the spine, hip, thigh, and leg reflexes. Also work the endocrine system, digestive system, muscular system, nervous system, liver, and solar plexus.
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Peace and food for all.
Thurman Greco