A Meditation: Journey to the stars. Find an angel.
Turn off the phone.
Close the doors.
Turn on some quiet, meditative music.
Get comfortable and relax. Breathe deeply as your entire body settles down.
You are in a very ornate elevator now…riding up. Count the floors. One. Two. Three. Four. Keep counting. Allow your breathing and body to relax. Just let go. Feel yourself relaxing and letting go. Feel yourself becoming lighter.
Now, as you are becoming more and more relaxed, you realize that you are not in an elevator anymore. You are in a beautiful bubble…this beautiful bubble has an iridescent shine. This bubble protects you and propels you up and up into the sky. This bubble is filled with energy of the cosmos…of heaven.
You look down below you and see tree tops, roof tops, busy highways, beautiful green meadows, patches of forest…As you travel higher and higher, you know that you’ll return to earth when you are ready.
You find yourself traveling higher and higher through puffy clouds.
Soon you can see the earth. You see it with a soft glow. You continue to float up, up, and away. You climb higher and higher and higher in this bubble and you begin to see stars and planets.
You begin to hear a faint sound…the sound of angels singing. You notice that you have never heard such beautiful music in your entire life. Your surroundings in the bubble are taking on a special light. You feel that you are surrounded with love, happiness, harmony, peace. You want to stay here. You feel you have come home.
Take note of what this space looks like. What colors do you see? The sounds of the angels singing and playing music are becoming more and more clear.
You begin to notice you are seeing wings and faces of angels that you feel as if you know and have known for ages. One angel steps up to you. This angel has a message for you. Quietly listen and remember what the angel has to say to you. Take note of how this angel looks to you. What are the colors surrounding this angel? How does the space inside the bubble look now? What feelings are you experiencing now?
This event: the angels – the message – the music – the colors – the feelings have been a blissful homecoming. You have encountered a holy space. You will remember this space to return to in the future for strength, nourishment.
You have been blessed. You accept the gifts of love, light, happiness, health, that have been given to you here.
Your bubble begins to slowly descend toward the earth. You travel through the stars and planets and clouds.
Once again you see the earth. You realize this planet needs healing and you begin to send healing thoughts, prayers, energy to the planet earth. You choose a spot on the earth and focus the energy there.
As you send energy, you envision health, wholeness, wellness, balance, unconditional love. Just as the Mother Earth has nurtures all living things, you send a healing intention to the planet earth.
You continue traveling to the planet filled with a sense of calm and peace.
As you gently return to this room, you remember the message you received. You feel refreshed, healed, rejuvenated, happy to have received your angelic message and happy to share the healing with the planet.
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Peace and food for all.
Thurman Greco